This sentence is too sinister.

The remaining achievements have been reduced to nothing.

What is the ability to resist risks?

According to this, could the Wei family's industry be able to make a comeback if it faced such a crisis? This is almost impossible......

When Yu Lai thought of this, his face changed slightly.

"Yu Lai! Mother Wei couldn't help but speak, and said,"It's not that uncle and aunt are against you and Wei Wei, but you must at least have some achievements!""

"Don't say anything else"

"Your company's performance seems to be very good."


She asked and answered herself,"But, how much money do you make in a year?" Over the years, you have been starting a business for several years, but how much is your net worth?"

"You also know that most of this money is fictitious. It seems that you are worth over 100 million, but can you really come up with 100 million?"

"Or in other words, get a loan of 100 million from the bank?"

"it's almost impossible"

"Even if all is taken out, the most the money can afford is to buy a better villa near the city center. With this money, there will be little money left after buying a villa."

Wei's mother leaned back in the chair, and she said with a playful smile:"Do you want Wei Wei to have a lower quality of life after being with you?"

This sentence........

Killing people again, like a heart-wrenching act, disintegrating Yu Lai's persistence

"Parents, your demands are too high. Wei

Wei immediately retorted:"Does it mean that you have to live in a top-notch mansion in the city center to be able to live in the magic city?""

"With a net worth of over 100 million, it has exceeded 99.9% of the people in the country. With this money, you can buy a nice villa in Shanghai."

"In the most prime locations, you can also buy a large flat."

"Isn't it true that living in a top-notch mansion is life, but not in an ordinary small house? Besides, did our Wei family achieve such an achievement from the beginning?"

"It hasn’t come step by step."

There were tears in her eyes.

Wei Wei felt that her parents had gone too far and were so demoralizing.

Why having a net worth of over 100 million is nothing?

Does this mean that you can stand and talk without pain in your back?

"This is not the place for you to talk."

When Wei's mother heard this, her face immediately changed and she scolded her daughter.

"Weiwei. Father Wei showed a magnanimous look, squinted his eyes, and said with a slight smile:"Your mother also does it for your own good, but you are still young and don't know.""

As he spoke, he looked at Yu Lai, and without giving his daughter a chance to speak, he said:"Yu Lai, don't you think that my aunt and I look down on others?"

Yu Lai stood up and opened his mouth and was about to speak.

As a result, Father Wei interrupted what he was about to say again. In other words, he didn't give him a chance to speak at all, but directly interrupted........

Father Wei smiled and said:"These things may seem a bit interesting, but as parents, are we trying to harm our daughter?""

"It’s not for our daughter’s sake"

"For a family like ours, it is not necessary to find someone who is ten or eight times more powerful than our Wei family, but it is not too much to find someone who is a good match!"

"Even if they are not a good match, the man cannot be too far behind our Wei family. If the gap is very big, it will not be a shame for us."

"Comparatively, if you had a daughter in the future, would you be willing to let your daughter marry someone from a small place who has no house or car, given that you have a net worth of over 100 million?"

Father Wei is indeed an old fox. He seems to be sensible and emotional.

However, every word is precise.

When people hear it, they can't help but feel that he seems to be right.

"Yu Lai, what do you think?"

Father Wei narrowed his eyes, paused, and said.

Yu Lai's face turned pale slightly, and he didn't know how to speak.

Father Wei's last words were indeed very heartbreaking.

Put it in the world, no one's He would give the answer of yes, but he and Wei Wei are different!

He doesn't have a house or a car, nor does he have nothing.

Wei Wei can live a good life by marrying him. A prosperous life.

Even if........

You can't afford to live in a villa worth over 100 million, but you can afford to live in a villa worth tens of millions, and you can afford to eat all kinds of top-notch food.

Buy a car!

Even if there is no luxury car worth tens of millions.

But you can still afford it with millions.

All kinds of luxury bags and all kinds of brand-name clothes are affordable. If you buy one piece a week, there will be no problem.

However, all these conditions were reduced to nothing and nothing by Wei's father. If he refuted it.

That was the feeling that he agreed to the last thing Father Wei said.

These are not two different things at all.

What a sophistry!

Yu Lai was still a little young. He was led into the gutter by Father Wei's old fox-like sophistry, but he didn't know how to answer.

But, I feel very shocked.

There was an embarrassed look on his face........

Father Wei saw it and smiled secretly, young man, you are still very young!

He looked at Mother Wei, who also smiled slightly proudly. The two of them looked at each other and saw what was in the other's eyes.

"Okay, let’s not say so much. We still hope that you will consider the actual situation. Your aunt and I have made our attitudes clear. Father

Wei continued:"It's not that we are against it, but the gap between your conditions and our family's conditions is indeed a bit big.""


"Forget it!

He shook his head and said,"Let's eat first!""

At this time, the waiters started to serve the dishes one after another.

"Let's eat! Let’s talk about nothing else."

Mother Wei also said.

Both of them are very proud. Today, they are almost successful in breaking up their daughter and Yu Lai.

They know that it is difficult to persuade their daughter's character, but in Yu Lai, they can use other means. Let him take the initiative to separate from his daughter. When the time comes, Yu Lai will speak.

Her daughter will definitely leave.

This is enough.

In a few months, arrange for her daughter to meet a few young heroes that she knows. They are all locals in the magic city. People from big families.

Wouldn't it be better if we all marry together?

In the future, wouldn't the land they occupy in such a huge magic city be even bigger?

A little red guy from outside also wants to eat swan meat like a toad. The beauty.

There was some contempt in his heart, but he was very good at cultivating Qi and did not show it. On the surface, he looked like a good man.........


At this moment, when Yu Lai was desperate, a voice suddenly came from his mobile phone. He opened it and saw the content.

He was shocked in his heart.

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