The corners of Zhang Suo's mouth twitched slightly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He couldn't believe it.

His father's ability to tell lies with his eyes open was so great that he dared to say such things. he!

What can he say.

Could he be able to expose his father's lie on the spot? If so, Zhang Suo felt that if he went back, he would be beaten even more!

It's so hard.

Who said the rich second generation is easy to be?

Zhang Suo looked at his father sadly.

Zhang Qiang glared at him.

Zhang Suo's expression immediately changed

"Say hello to your Uncle Su quickly."

Zhang Qiang patted his son's shoulder. Although his palm seemed to fall gently, when it fell on his shoulder, the intensity suddenly increased......

Feeling the pressure on his shoulders, Zhang Suo forced a smile on his face and said hello quickly:"Hello, Uncle Su!"

"Ha ha!"

Su Can didn't bother to expose it and nodded slightly.

"Third brother, I'm ready, please follow the car!"

Zhang Qiang looked at Su Can and said respectfully.


Su Can nodded slightly.

Zhang Qiang immediately ran to the Rolls-Royce in the middle, helped Su Can open the door, and took away Zhong Mingqiang's work.

Su Can got in the car, and their father and son The two also got on.

Soon, the entire convoy left the airport.

Half an hour later, the car arrived at a five-star hotel in Shanghai, called Dongliu Hotel, a hotel company under Dongfeng Logistics.

Because in the early years, when Su Can was planning the layout, he asked Dongfeng Logistics to build warehouses, and a lot of land was bought. Although those lands were all in the suburbs, but these days, they are all at the city center level..

With the rapid development of the city, these logistics centers have long been no longer suitable in the city center. Both traffic flow and transportation are extremely inconvenient.

Later, many of them were expropriated..........

Of course, the land of top logistics companies like Dongfeng Logistics is not so easy to expropriate, and most of it is replaced with land in the suburbs today.

Moreover, it cooperates with Dongfeng Logistics to build a logistics industrial park.

Since the land in the original city center will be taken over, high-end housing, business centers, shopping malls and other high-end places will be built.

Dongfeng Logistics will naturally keep some and develop them by itself.

And during these years.

Dongfeng Logistics has also established a real estate company and hotel industry to develop these, and Dongliu Hotel is one of its sub-brands.

It is also five-star level.

Because it is near Dongfeng Logistics Headquarters, this place is very popular, and it is also one of the most top-notch hotels in the city.

Su Can is not surprised by this diversified development. future.

That enterprise is not diversified. If there is no way to diversify, and you are just developing the original industry, sooner or later other industries will come in, seize the market, and squeeze you to death.

In Su Can's previous life, even real estate companies were building cars.

This span. how big........

When a general real estate company enters the high-tech field, it will at most be an investment. If it is bigger, it will be investment in the research and development of house-building robots.

This spans from manufacturing cars, which is so diversified.

In Su Can's view.

As long as it is not blind diversification and large-scale loan expansion is within a reasonable range, this is understandable.

Otherwise, the loan is very loose now.

Once the bank senses the risk and borrows money, no matter how big your company is, even if it is a Fortune 500 company, it will be doomed sooner or later.

What are the Fortune 500?

Relying on blind expansion of capital, using relationship loans to buy and buy, and increasing sales, we achieved the status of one of the world's top 500 companies.

The debt ratio is as high as 80%.

Sooner or later it will all be over.

To know.

These debts are all real money.

The market value of the company is fictitious..........

If the market value of 10 billion can be fully cashed out, a 20% discount would be considered impressive, but if the debt is more than 70% or 80%.

These are all sold, and no one may buy them.

Enter the hotel.

Zhang Qiang arranged a top-level suite, which was the most luxurious suite in the hotel. The price per day was about tens of thousands of yuan.

It's very luxurious.

However, for many wealthy people, it is nothing.

Because, although this is worth tens of thousands of yuan, the room is not small in size, with several hundred square meters, and even a recreation room. It can be said to be very luxurious.

Several people sat down.

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and asked:"Mingqiang, when will I meet his partner's parents in the future?"

"Third brother, it’s tonight."

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully.

Zhang Qiang looked at it in confusion. He didn't know what Su Can was doing in the magic city. He just got the news.

And now........

Su Can said that the name Yu Lai made him a little confused.

Who is this?

Is the third brother here for this person?

This made him feel extremely confused, because he had never known that there was no one with the name Yu Lai in the third brother's circle, right?

Have you been negligent?

Zhang Qiang was thinking a little bit in his heart.

"Well, let’s rest in the hotel today, and let’s set off together in the evening!"Su Can thought for a moment and nodded slightly.

"Third brother, what do I need to do?"

Zhang Qiang thought for a while and decided to get involved.

Otherwise, if the third brother came here to do something, he was not needed. If this word spread, he would be laughed to death by his old friends!

"Do not worry! I still need you to come with me tonight."

Su Can smiled slightly.

In the magic city........

There are really few people who are more suitable than Zhang Qiang to attend tonight's event. With him here, it will be much easier!

"So what do I need to prepare? Zhang

Qiang was still confused about this.

Su Can smiled slightly and said,"What are you preparing for?" There is no need to prepare anything. If you are busy, you can go back to the company first. I will ask Mingqiang to call you in the evening."

"If not busy! Su

Can smiled and said:"You will have lunch with me later. We haven't seen each other for a long time.""

"Third brother, I’m not busy, I’m definitely not busy!"

When Zhang Qiang heard this, he said excitedly without waiting for Su Can to finish.


No matter how busy you are, can there be anything more important than eating with the third brother?

No. Even in the company, Signing a big deal worth tens of billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions is not as important as having dinner with the third brother.

Seeing his father flattering him so much, Zhang Suo stood beside him and smiled helplessly.

This scene........

But it's not his father. Uncle Lu, Uncle Wang, these top business tycoons in the country, the rich man, are not like this in front of Uncle Su!

Uncle Su is really a god.

Zhang Suo looked at Su Can with a look of admiration in his eyes.

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