A few days later.

Yanjing City.

Su Can's motorcade slowly drove from the second ring road into an extremely quiet area. Many of the office spaces here are courtyards.

Extremely secretive........

Ordinary people, let alone come here.

Even outside.

It has long been impossible to drive in.

However, Su Can's motorcade drove in unimpeded. at last.

They stopped in a small courtyard, and from inside the car, Su Can saw that there were many cars parked in the small courtyard, and these cars.

Most people are pretty much the same.

However, these license plates can be used unimpeded anywhere in the country.

Even here in Yanjing City.

That's true too.

In addition, there is also a lot more security here.


The car door opened and Su Can got out.........

"Su Can!"

As soon as Su Can got out of the car, he heard Mr. Long's voice. Su Can followed the voice and saw Mr. Long walking over quickly, as if to greet him.

"Mr. Long!"

Su Can greeted with a smile.

Mr. Long also came back from the Northeast. He came back two days later than Su Can, but things in the Northeast have basically been settled.

The treasures that can be taken out are hidden there. Everything was taken out from the treasure cave, except for some things with scientific research significance that were mixed with soil and required archaeological excavation. The rest were basically taken out.

And those According to rough estimates by experts, the value of these things is as high as more than 30 billion U.S. dollars. In other words, Su Can gave up more than 30 billion U.S. dollars of antiquities.

To him, it is actually nothing.

And now, Mr. Long returns After hearing this, I immediately contacted Su Can, and today, Su Can came to Mr. Long’s side..........

"Sorry, I'm late, I kept you and the other two waiting for a long time."

Su Can said jokingly

"Why are you slow? We are early. Mr. Long laughed and said,"Those two gentlemen also came here just now.""

"Let's go! Let's go in. Mr.

Long said with a smile


Su Can nodded slightly and followed Mr. Long in. However, Su Can's security, including Zhong Mingqiang and others, were in the courtyard and there was no way to go inside.

Because, except for Su Can, none of them were qualified to go in..

Su Can followed Mr. Long in.

Soon, he saw two old men inside, sitting and drinking tea. The faces of those two people were extremely familiar to Su Can. They were Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue.

"Mr. Gu, Mr. Yue."

Su Can said hello to Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue.

When Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue saw Su Can, they did not continue to sit but stood up. Although it seemed that their status in China exceeded that of Su Can..

However, they know that Su Can’s influence in the world is not inferior to theirs. The three of them are actually on the same level.

And Mr. Long, although he is slightly less influential now, but in the future , but he is a person of this level.

It can be said that........

Everyone is now on the same level, but no one is higher or lower. Naturally, Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue did not dare to make excuses and stood up.

"I've kept you two waiting for a long time."

Su Can cupped his hands and said

"Ha ha!"

Mr. Gu squinted his eyes, like a kind old man. In fact, Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue are both from Su Can's father's generation.

He looked at Su Can, then at Mr. Yue, and smiled. He said:"Su Can, you're welcome, Mr. Yue and I have just arrived here.

Mr. Yue also said:"Yes, it is true that I just came here.""

"Su Can, please sit down."

Mr. Long also smiled.

Su Can sat down. This was not the kind of sitting in the hall in a courtyard, but a very ordinary tea table where people outside drink tea.

Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue sat on one side, and Su Chan sat across from them

"Su Can, these are a few things I promised you."

At this time, Mr. Long came to Su Can with several boxes and placed them in front of Su Can.


This is.......

Su Can was a little surprised

"Didn't you agree? You were unwilling to take one-third of the treasure, but you agreed to let us give you some of the treasures inside."

Mr. Long said with a smile.

He meant us.

That's right.

In this, Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue were hidden.

Even if it was just him and Su Can talking at the time, in a formal occasion like this, it must be added Mr. Long and Mr. Yue.


It was just a few of them.

When Su Can heard this, he understood instantly

"What a gift!"

Su Can didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He had forgotten about it these days.........

"Of course I gave it away. Mr.

Long rolled his eyes and said,"Even if I forgot, I am stingy and don't want to give it to you, a rich man who is not short of money.""

"However, Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue are so kind to you that they are reluctant to give these things to you."

"There is no way, how can I defeat Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue by myself?"

"These are all yours."

Mr. Long said with a depressed look.


Su Can rolled his eyes after hearing what Mr. Long said. You, Mr. Long, can also flatter you!

This is flattering Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue.! this?


Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue couldn't help but smile after hearing what Mr. Long said. They both seemed to be very kind and kind old people.

Furthermore, although Mr. Long's father was very senior, he still looked at his age. Come on, in fact, Mr. Gu and Mr. Yue are both from the first level of Mr. Dalong.

They are also from the first level of Dasu Can, so they are considered elders..........

"Open it and take a look! A few of us have carefully selected them, not knowing whether you like them or not."Mr. Gu looked at Su Can, with an unabashed expression of admiration in his eyes.

Mr. Yue also said kindly:"Yes, we have carefully selected them. Maybe they are not the most valuable ones among the treasures. precious"

"However, it is very rare"

"I hope you like it. You, a kid, have given up things worth tens of billions of dollars. These can directly create the richest man in the country."

"Oh no! Mr. Yue took a picture of himself and said:"I have forgotten that your daughter Su Nian'er's net worth has now reached more than 20 billion US dollars. At the highest point, it was almost 3 billion US dollars." Billion dollars net worth"

"With more than 10 billion US dollars, he really cannot become the richest man."

Seeing Mr. Yue, he actually cares about his daughter so much.

Su Can was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Mr. Yue would pay so much attention to that girl.

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