Time passed bit by bit.

It's evening.

When night began to fall on this land, Su Can and Mr. Long, who had already had dinner, were playing chess in the yard.

They are not glued to the screen all the time like they did during the day.

During the day, the reason why I watched was because I wanted to see with my own eyes how Luo Xinjue was captured by their people.

Until now........

No more attention needed.

As long as there are dedicated people paying attention. and.

If nothing goes wrong, Luo Xinjue will be forced to their side soon, because someone was already following them to report just now.

Su Can and Mr. Long were not in a hurry, but sat in the yard.

Today, the weather is warmer.

The vine in the yard has grown back with branches and leaves, covering the entire shed. Sitting underneath, you can see the setting sun in the distance.

This sun has only a trace of residual red left.

In addition, this small manor is actually in the wilderness. At night, the surrounding insects chirp, frogs chirp, and occasionally some pheasants chirp.

A very natural look........

It was quite comfortable for Su Can and Mr. Long to be alone.

Looking at the chess pieces on the chessboard, there weren't actually many. He and Mr. Long were playing Go. Su Can was pretty good at Go. He had been cultivating himself over the years.

He has played Go frequently.

Needless to say, Mr. Long can reach his current position without absolute means, overall view and control ability.

It's hard for him to do that.

And Go.

It is of great help to a person's thinking, control ability, and overall outlook. Mr. Long's chess skills are also considered very superb.

This is not the first time Su Can has played chess with Mr. Long. He has played several times, and of course he has won more and lost less. Su Can will not give in to Mr. Long.

Going all out is the greatest respect for Mr. Long


While the two people were playing chess and meditating, suddenly a rapid sound came from a distance, and this sound became louder and louder.

Su Can and Mr. Long glanced over.

Under the setting sun, A helicopter flew over quickly.

When we first saw it, it was like a small dot, and the churning sound was not necessarily weak, but in such a short moment, the helicopter kept getting bigger.

Then, chug. The voice also became louder.........

It seems that they came by the light of the setting sun.

"It seems that there is no winner in our game of chess."Su Can looked at Mr. Long, couldn't help but smiled slightly, and said.

Mr. Long joked:"Then I've made a lot of money."

"Why does Mr. Long think he will lose? Su

Can smiled.

Mr. Long shook his head and said:"The two of us have played so many games. Over the past few days, the number of games I have won against you is not half as many as the games you have beaten me!""

"Therefore, my chance of winning this game is less than one-third, but your chance of winning is as high as over 70%."

"Am I not making a lot of money? Mr.

Long said with a proud smile:"Moreover, I can get a bargain from you, Su Can. I think there are not many people in this world who can do that.""

"Ha ha!"

As he said this, Mr. Long laughed.

Su Can looked at Mr. Long and shook his head helplessly.

Who would have thought of this?........

A person like Mr. Long actually has such an appearance.

Maybe it was because he had been away from Yanjing City for a long time. Being in such mountains and wilderness made Mr. Long relax his mind a little.

If you return to Yanjing City.

I'm afraid this feeling will never happen again.


In that Vanity Fair, no matter how prosperous that person is, if he is not careful, he may be killed in minutes without even knowing it.

In this industry, there is a carrot and a pit.

If given the opportunity to kill their competitors, they would not hesitate

"They're coming!"

Su Can looked at the sky.

The originally small helicopter was already flying close to their heads. The huge helicopter's propeller was spinning rapidly, bringing strong wind.

Su Can and Long The gentleman was standing in the yard and was also affected.

The wind was too strong......... fine.

This small manor is quite large. Next to the house, there are several acres of land, which was originally used for green vegetables. However, as this small manor closed down.

There’s nothing left to plant for a long time.

Now, there is just flat land over there.

There are some weeds in the ground, but they are all flat, so there is no problem.

The helicopter landed slowly.

Su Can and Mr. Long did not go over to take a look, because they knew that the helicopter would come to their side soon after landing.

After a few minutes.

Sure enough, several figures appeared, and one of them was very familiar to Su Can, and he recognized it immediately. That person was Zhong Mingqiang.

Next to Zhong Mingqiang, there were several people wearing camouflage uniforms.

And in the middle.

It's that Luo Xinjue.........

At this time, Luo Xinjue was helped with both hands and walked over under the escort of the people behind him.

"Third brother, Mr. Long."

Zhong Mingqiang took a step forward, looked at Su Can and Mr. Long, and said respectfully:"We have successfully escorted Luo Xinjue back."

"Thanks for your hard work."

Su Can didn't look at Luo Xinjue, but looked at Zhong Mingqiang and nodded slightly.

"Thank you Mingqiang for your hard work."

Mr. Long also said.

Zhong Mingqiang smiled politely, and then waved his hand to signal the people under his hands to press Luo Xinjue up.

The two people pressing Luo Xinjue came over.

Look. When they arrived at Luo Xinjue, Su Can

's expression remained unchanged. But Luo Xinjue's eyes were full of hatred. Now, he no longer doubted whether the person next to Su Can was Mr. Long.

When he got on the helicopter , when he saw the model number.

He knew that ninety-nine percent of it was true, and now that he had seen the real person, Luo Xinjue's heart no longer took any chances.

It was really Mr. Long.Su Can has actually joined forces with Mr. Long. What chance does he have? Now, all he has left is his plan.

He wants to implement that plan, and maybe he can really win over Su Can. Going into the water, no, but dragging the entire Su family into the water together.

They can even be buried with him........

"Luo Xinjue!

Zhong Mingqiang said coldly:"Third brother and Mr. Long are here. They have arrived. It's time for you to fulfill your promise and take out the treasure map.""

"Are you going to regret it?"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at the silent third brother and Mr. Long. He stood up. The substitutes, Mr. Long and third brother, asked Luo Xinjue the question.


Luo Xinjue sneered.

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