"Ha ha! Mr. Long laughed, nodded and said:"As the saying goes, if you don't be a starving person or a confused person, let him know clearly how he got into trouble.""

"Let him know that the hidden thing he is so proud of is like the emperor's new clothes, but in fact it is nothing."

"I thought it would be interesting for him to hear it."

Mr. Long said with some bad taste.


Su Can didn't expect that a person with such a high status as Mr. Long would have such a bad taste. This is definitely rare. No wonder, men are young until they die.

"Killing people and killing people is nothing more than this. Su

Can nodded and said:"If you do this, it is estimated that even if Luo Xinjue does not die, his heart will die. Even if he can leave now, his life will be over.""

Mr. Long pursed his lips and smiled......... is not that right?

People who have reached their status are extremely proud, thinking that they have reached an unprecedented level and are the smartest people in the world.

However, this kind of self-feeling is like a clown in the eyes of others. The whereabouts that one thinks are perfect are actually invisible to others.

This is really interesting!

"Xiao Ding, please turn on the drone microphone immediately. I want to say a few words to Luo Xinjue."Su Can looked at the hacker under his command and ordered


The hacker was very quick and easy. He opened the permissions by dividing three times by two.

At the same time,

Luo Xinjue, who was caught, was a little aggrieved. When he saw that no one answered his inquiry, he immediately shouted loudly:"You guys Whose person is it that dares to do something but not dares to do it? This is the behavior of a rat. If you have the ability to show your origin, you can make me lose and be convinced."

"Are you all cowards who dare not speak out?"

"Now that I have been caught by you, what are you still afraid of?"

"Rats, come out quickly."

Luo Xinjue saw that he was cursing, but no one came out. He couldn't help it immediately. He cursed again and again, trying to find out who was behind this.........

He didn't believe it. Was the other party a coward?

I can hold back even if I curse like this


At this moment, Luo Xinjue suddenly felt that there was a buzzing sound above his head, which made him a little surprised. He raised his head slightly and looked. He actually found that it was a drone, and it was even louder than an ordinary drone. Big.

This drone is landing slowly.

Is this?

He was a little confused.

"Luo Xingjue, are you looking for the person behind this? I'm the one behind this."Su Can's voice came out from the drone.

In Su Can's previous life, this drone patrolled, and the officials above could make sounds through this drone, but now, it's A novel technology.

Hearing the sound coming from the drone, Luo Xinjue suddenly paused.


Why does this voice sound familiar?

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

Luo Xingjue was startled for a moment, and his mind kept spinning, trying to remember where he had heard this voice before.

Moreover, he vaguely felt that this voice made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable, and a surge of anger could not help but spread in his heart.

It seemed that the owner of this voice was born to be extremely disgusting to him.

Who is this person?

"Mr. Luo, this is Su Can's voice."

Zeng Naiwang was stunned and looked at the drone with wide eyes.

"What? Is it Su Can's voice?"

Luo Xinjue's mouth was half open in shock and he couldn't close it from ear to ear. He was dumbfounded.

"How can it be?"

He murmured, unable to believe it.

"Yes, he recognized me. I am Su Can."Su Can clearly saw the shocked expressions of Luo Xinjue and Zeng Naiwang in the footage transmitted back from the drone, and admitted


Hearing Su Can's words, Luo Xinjue showed a ferocious look and shouted loudly:"How can you be Su Can? It's impossible, it's impossible."

He couldn't believe it........

Because, if he believed it, the last strength in his heart would be completely broken, and there would be a loophole in his mind from then on.

That's definitely the kind that makes you shudder when you hear Su.

He didn't dare not believe it, and he didn't want to believe it either.

"My action this time was so secretive that even when I returned to China, I sneaked into China secretly and no one knew my identity."

Luo Xinjue shouted loudly.

It seemed that only such loud shouting could suppress the fear in his heart towards Su Can and the shock that Su Can's people caught him.

Otherwise, he would collapse instantly.

"Even among the security guards in my hands, except for a few close confidants, no one else knows my true identity."

Luo Xinjue didn't wait for Su Can to speak, and continued to shout louder and louder, as if to suppress the fear in his heart.

Only when the voice is loud can it appear that he is not afraid of that..........

He continued:"If you were Su Can, the moment you knew I entered China, I don't believe you could still sit still and didn't attack me."

"it's out of the question"

"My son almost caused a big problem for your daughter. I don’t believe that you would be so generous and allow me to live until now."

"You can't be Su Can"


He can't believe this is true.

If the other party is really Su Can, then for him, this is such a terrible thing. It is something that makes people feel extremely creepy in an instant.

It's really too It's scary.

He thought he was hiding it so well. Everything was in Su Can's eyes. His behavior was like a child covering his eyes and standing in front of an adult. He felt that the adults couldn't see him.

That's right. Thinking of this


Luo Xinjue felt despair in his heart. If this is really the case, the gap between him and Su Can is more than just a world of difference?

It is simply a gap between one dimension and another.

The gap is too big.

It's so big It makes people collapse, makes people despair, and makes life worse than death.........

"In the end, you still dare not admit it, dare not face the fear in your heart. Su Can's voice, with a hint of smile, said lightly:"Okay, since you don't want to face the truth, then let me smash all your pride and drop it to the ground.""

"Mingqiang! Su

Can's voice rang from the drone, saying:"Come out and let our opponent Luo Xinjue see if he is one of ours.""

"I think Luo Xinjue has been staring at me for so long and doesn't want to believe that this is my voice, but you have been studied by Luo Xinjue for a long time!"

"Come out and shatter all his pride."

As soon as Su Can's voice came out,


Luo Xinjue's throat squirmed, and he shivered with fright, and then he couldn't help but tremble.

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