His net worth is not as good as Su Duo'er, so how dare he let his son pursue Su Duo'er.

What is my son like?........

Could he not be clear?

Not worthy.

That's right, his own son is not worthy at all.

Let alone Su Duo'er, even Su Nian'er is not worthy of Su Nian'er, because Su Nian'er's wealth on the rich list is now more than his.

That's a man with a net worth of nearly 20 billion US dollars.

How to compare?


"Ah sneeze!"

Wang Zuo, who was in the Ocean Building, once again felt a wave of malice sweeping over him, and he sneezed several times in succession, causing his nose to hurt due to sneezing.

"Who is talking about me again?"

Wang Zuo smiled helplessly.

He is.......

What kind of mistake did this make? Why do people keep talking about it like this! Could it be that she was a second-rate female star that she just broke up with a few days ago?

Or the young model from the day before yesterday?

Anyway, Wang Zuo can’t remember clearly.

"Could it be that the old man is talking about me?"Wang Zuo was a little frightened when he thought of this, because according to his experience, if his old man talked about him so many times, it means that the anger level facing him in his heart was directly off the charts..

That’s right, there is no maximum value.

It’s the kind that hits the charts.

Thinking of this, Wang Zuo couldn’t help but feel scared. This old man is so angry. If he comes back later, how can he bear it if he is punished?

He really can't stand it when he's covered in flesh..........

Because his old man is very powerful in this kind of singles, but if he plays in doubles, he is lazy and gave this opportunity to his mother.

"No, it’s not a good place to stay for a long time, I have to slip away. Wang

Zuo said quickly

"However, you have to find an excuse. Otherwise, what if the old man suddenly comes back before get off work? Wang

Zuo rolled his eyes, suddenly lit up, and said excitedly:"Yes, I know what should be done.""

He thought for a moment, picked up the phone in the office, and called his secretary.

That's right.

Although he came here to work as an assistant for his father, he also had a secretary, such as the boss of any large company. There must be a secretary.

And the person in charge of the secretarial office also has a secretary.

Although Wang Zuo is not the person in charge of the secretarial office, his status is not lower than that person. In addition, he has to deal with various things on a daily basis. More.

It is normal to arrange a secretary.

However, his father did not follow his wish and arranged not a beautiful and sexy female secretary, because Wang Er knew very well what kind of personality his son had.

This boy, If such a female secretary is arranged for him, maybe three days later, the female secretary will not be in his office, but on his bed.

This arranges for a man.........

If his son changed his taste and was able to attack men, Wang Er wouldn't care about that. Anyway, there is Wang You, and this son is much more agreeable than Wang Zuo.

"Assistant Wang, are you looking for me?"

The secretary came in, looked at Wang Zuo, and asked respectfully

"Mr. Su from Capital Today invited me to come over and talk about something. My dad has gone to do some errands and hasn’t come back yet. He might come back later. If he asks, just tell him for me."

After Wang Zuo finished speaking, he stood up and left.

The secretary smiled helplessly.

He couldn't tell that Wang Zuo was looking for an opportunity to sneak out, and he was afraid that Mr. Wang would come back and cause trouble for him, so he made such an excuse.

But , this excuse always works.

He knows that Wang Zuo and Mr. Su from Capital Today are good friends. Every time Mr. Wang hears that he is going to find Mr. Su, he will stop troubling him.


Looking at Wang Zuo's leaving figure, the secretary quickly said respectfully.

Wang Zuo ran away immediately........

At this moment, Wang Er, who was at Su Can's side, didn't know that the few times he talked about his son Wang Zuo actually caused the brat to sneeze several times in a row.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of crisis coming, so I ran away.

If Wang Er knew about this, she would probably be able to change her son from singles to doubles, and then to singles. The beating would make her son Wang Zuo unable to take care of himself.

Let him know what the rules are, and his rules are the rules. certainly.

In the third brother's place, only the third brother knows the rules!

"Third brother, can I make a small request."Lu Guoqiang saw that Su Can was happy to see the marriage between his family and the Zheng family, so he made another request.

"Say it! We are all our own people, don't be polite."

Su Can squinted his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Third brother, if these two children see each other, can you ask them to come and see you before they get married? You can give these two children some advice!"

Lu Guoqiang begged and said.


Before Su Can could react, Wang Er's eyes suddenly brightened up next to him, and he felt a slight movement in his heart.

He felt that if his son, or his two sons, were like this, he would also follow the third brother and ask for it.

Guoqiang is indeed an old fox, he can think of such thoughts.

Let Third Brother give me some advice.

What does this mean? Isn't it that with the approval of the third brother, if these two children get married and have children in the future, they will be the ones approved by the third brother.

And later.

He also had an excuse to send his child from Pengcheng to Yanjing City to go to school, so he could accompany his third brother’s grandson to study and study together!

In this case.

That is to accompany the future emperor’s grandson to study!

This trick is perfect.

Wang Er looked at it and started to learn in his heart.

"What do I think it is?"

Su Can also noticed it, but pretended not to know. Some things are like this. If you notice it, you don't have to say it, but just look at it..........

He smiled and said:"As an elder, if Mingyuan has a partner, of course he can bring him to me to see. I will give them a big red envelope when the time comes.""

"Thank you, Third Brother!"

Lu Guoqiang said excitedly and gratefully.

As for being polite?

Only fools can be polite.

The big red envelope from the third brother, that little thing, is just a drop in the bucket to the third brother, it doesn't count at all.

And this The most important thing is that the third brother gave a big red envelope, which is a recognition!

If the red envelope does not give money, but some items, Lu Guoqiang feels that he can provide those things..

This is a family heirloom!

In ancient times, it was a reward from the emperor to his trusted ministers. This kind of thing, even if it is not as good as a death-free gold medal, it still represents a kind of favor.


That's really what a fool would do.

Lu Guoqiang was extremely excited.

Wang Er looked at it and felt even more excited in his heart. He wished he could go back now and choose a suitable girl from another big family for his son to go on a blind date.

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