Su Can took Wu Changguo and Wu Shen to the door of a courtyard.

There is a security guard in front of the door. This security guard is an expert in the inner circle. It is not arranged by Su Can, but it is the treatment that one should receive at the level of the old man.

Not just the old man.

In fact, Su's father, Uncle Su Can, and Su Can's eldest brother Su Wen all have such treatment.

"Is Brother Su here?"

Looking at the security guard at the door, Wu Changguo guessed that Su Can's grandfather must have a high status.


Then he thought helplessly.

If he can own a private jet, can his status be low?

"Yes, Grandpa Wu, my grandfather and my father are both here. They have been waiting for a long time. Let’s go in!"Su Can made an invitation gesture.

Wu Changguo took a deep breath and nodded.

The group walked in........

After passing through the screen wall, I immediately walked to the front yard of the courtyard. Opposite the front yard was the lobby. At the door of the lobby, there were three old people standing.

One of them is an old man who has long since become extremely old.

Two remain.

It's Father Su and Uncle Su Can.

Today, they are the only ones in the huge Su family. The old man has no arrangements. The entire Su family is here to welcome this old friend.

Because at this time, after meeting for more than half a century, if there are too many people at once, it will make myself, a former subordinate and old friend, uncomfortable.

Once they get used to it, let the two families get to know each other together. and.

After not seeing each other for so many years, they must have a lot to say. If there were more people, there would be fewer opportunities to talk.

The old man stared blankly, leaning on his crutches, he was about to walk down excitedly.

Father Su and Uncle Su Can supported the old man and walked down slowly.

And Wu Changguo's pace also accelerated a bit.........

The two sides stopped in the middle of the yard, with only about one meter between them.


The old man said excitedly

"Brother Su, it’s me, it’s me, I’m Wu Changguo."Wu Changguo walked over excitedly. The old man stretched out his hands and took Wu Changguo's hands.

The two old men grabbed each other's hands excitedly.

"I never thought that I would be able to see you again in my lifetime.

The old man said excitedly:"How have you been in these years?" Wu

Changguo's eyes turned red with excitement and he said:"I'm living a good life. Although life is hard, there is hope, but Brother Su, you are living a good life these years!""

"Well, I'm doing fine."

The old man said excitedly.

Su Can looked at the two excited old people and said quickly:"Grandpa, Grandpa Wu, it's very hot under the sun. Why don't we go to the lobby to talk?"


The old man nodded.

Wu Changguo had no objection.

The group of people walked towards the lobby and sat down.

Of course.

At the top, the old man and Wu Changguo sat, while Uncle Su Can sat in the lower seat next to the old man. , and then came Su Can’s father.

Finally, it was Su Can........

On Wu Changguo's side, there was Wu Shen

"Changguo, let me introduce to you, these are my two sons."The old man pointed to Father Su and Uncle Su Can.

He introduced them two.

Then Wu Changguo also introduced his grandson.

Then, the servant served tea again.

After everyone sat down

"Changguo. The old man looked at Wu Changguo and said,"Why did you leave the place where you were recovering from your injuries back then?" I looked for you later, but couldn't find you"

"Later, I wanted to report to the organization and give credit to you as the hero, but no matter how I searched, I couldn’t find you."

"If I could have found you back then, your living conditions would have been much better."

The old man is very sorry.

This may be his regret in this life.........

Wu Changguo was not only his subordinate, but also saved his life.

If Wu Changguo had not been injured and lost his leg, Wu Changguo would have gotten a good position based on his merits.


Maybe, the Wu family can become a big family in Yanjing City. only.

Fortune plays tricks on people.

Wu Changguo lost a leg and left quietly. Later, the old man had no chance to help Wu Changguo.

You know, even at that time, Wu Changguo lost a leg, and if he wanted to become a big family in Yanjing City, he would not have those opportunities.

However, he took care of me.

The Wu family wouldn’t have had such a difficult time! not to mention.

After the 1980s, my grandson went into business and created such a huge industry. He only had to take the Wu family with him.

This Wu family.......

Are you still afraid of running out of money?

Not to mention he has assets worth billions or tens of billions.

But you have to have hundreds of millions!

With all this wealth, the Wu family still needs it. The whole family has been emptied of money because of the 100,000 yuan gift. Can’t they afford it?

The old man only felt that this old friend had been too wronged over the years.

He feels bad

"Brother Su."

Wu Changguo said with a smile:"After I recovered from my injury, the local department also wanted to arrange a job for me, but I have lost a leg, what can I do if I go in!"

"So, I met some people and went to Hunan Province, and stayed there to get married and have children, so as not to stay and cause trouble to everyone."

Wu Changguo doesn't feel any regrets.

In those days, many heroes kept their names anonymous and buried their fame deeply. Only after the twenty-first century would they be discovered by some of their children.

Wu Changguo was also like this..........

"You! The old man sighed and said:"The character is the same as before, stubborn and stubborn. It really hasn't changed at all!"

Wu Changguo praised:"Brother Su, you are the same. Over the years, you are still so attached to love and justice. I didn't expect that after so many years, you still remember me.""

"Actually, they sent people to look for my traces"

"My life is really worth it."

Wu Changguo said with slightly red eyes.

The old man shook his head and said:"Among us brothers, those who can survive the war years have been properly arranged."

"I have connections with everyone, but you are the only one. Over the years, there has been no news. Many old brothers were thinking about you when they passed away."

"I promised those old brothers that even if I die, I will find you. If I can't find you, I will let my sons and grandsons find you."

"No matter what, they must find your traces"

"You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you die."

The old man said sonorously.

When Su Can heard this, he looked at Su's father and uncle, and found that they nodded secretly. It seemed that although the old man did not tell him, but........

But I have already told my father and uncle!

They all know about it.

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