"A great achievement?"

Wu Changguo's mind was filled with questions.

"What did Wu Shen do to make such a great contribution?"

"How to achieve great success?"

"The eldest brother made great achievements even when he went to the bathroom. What on earth is going on?"

"Brother, what have you done?"

"Wu Shen, what did you do to go out to the bathroom? When you came back, Mr. Zhong said that you had made a great contribution?"


The rest of the Wu family were all curious and looked at Wu Shen in shock.

What happened?..........

Upon hearing this, Wu Shen looked a little embarrassed and looked at Zhong Mingqiang.

Zhong Mingqiang smiled, looked at Su Can, and said:"Third brother, when Wu Shen went to the bathroom just now, something happened unexpectedly. I have recorded it."

"This contains the reason why Wu Ying beat people."

As he said that, Zhong Mingqiang took out his mobile phone.

Wu Shen was slightly stunned.

Mr. Zhong actually recorded it?


He only felt that this society was sinister, and he had learned another trick! If he knew that Gao Sen and the others existed, I had known for a long time that he was also recording.

Although his family was poor, at his age, he actually had money to buy a mobile phone, and his mobile phone was a smartphone!

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang's mobile phone.


Several voices rang out from the phone, broadcasting the entire story of Wu Shen's encounter with Gao Sen and Ding Qiang.

After hearing the sounds inside, the Wu family finally knew what happened.

"Wu Ying was framed."

Wu Tieshi's wife cried and shouted:"My poor son was actually framed. I knew that this child would never do anything like bullying."

"My poor son!"

She couldn't help crying.

"Damn it, how dare they do this."

Wu Tieshi was furious, stood up, and punched the table.

"We must not expose this matter like this."Wu Tiezhu couldn't help but said bitterly.

Wu Yang and Wu Yue, two boys and girls, also turned red with anger. Children of their age have a world view of black and white, and do not have as many interests as adults.

In In their world.

Even if they are relatives.

If they are black, they are black, and if they are white, they are white..........

Seeing Wu Ying being framed like this, they were so angry that they almost cried.

Wu Changguo looked calm, but there was anger in his eyes, but there was no way to release it. Although he was quiet and did not speak, the anger in his body was like a flame about to burst out.

"Su Chan. Wu

Changguo took a deep breath, looked at Su Can, and said,"I hope you can help our Wu family get revenge on this matter.""

He knows this old man very well.

If we rely on the Wu family, even if they get these recordings, they will not be able to deal with the Gao Sen family. At most, they can rescue Wu Ying.


Gao Sen and Ding Qiang There is definitely no way for people like that to receive the punishment they deserve.

And all of this, only Su Can next to him can do it here.

"Grandpa Wu.

Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly and said,"Don't worry!" As I said, our people don’t bully others, but we won’t let others bully them either."

"If someone dares to bully us, then we will use an iron fist to retaliate severely, and we will never let our people suffer."

Su Can was also angry.

This kind of thing.........

Just for jealousy, to rob a woman, and actually dare to kill an innocent high school student, this approach is undoubtedly extremely sinister.

Since they rely on their intertwined backgrounds and strong connections to do whatever they want, they shouldn't blame others and use the same means to deal with him. this method.

Su Can would never be the first to use it, but if others dared to use it on his people, then don't mind, Su Can would use it back to deal with them.

On resource background?

Let alone this small county town.

Even in the whole world, there are few people who can compare with Su Can.

Too far apart

"Mr. Su, please avenge us."

Wu Tieshi looked at Su Can, bowed and begged.

"Mr. Su, please."

Wu Tiezhu also said.

After they finished speaking, their wives also stood up. This matter seemed to have nothing to do with Wu Tiezhu and his wife..........

However, the other party set a trap for Wu Ying because of Wu Shen's girlfriend, so the root cause of this incident is actually because of Wu Shen.

Wu Shen is the son of Wu Tiezhu and his wife.

How could this matter have nothing to do with them?

"Do not worry!

Su Can said:"This matter is not difficult to handle.""


Su Can paused for a moment, looked at Wu Shen, and said,"This matter also involves your girlfriend Qian Juan. Regarding her personality, do you think she will be involved?"

"If you participate, when?"

Su Can looked at Wu Shen and didn't say any more.

"Su Chan.

Before Wu Shen could speak, Wu Changguo had already spoken and said,"Don't worry!" Qian Juan, this child, is not that kind of person."


Su Can was a little surprised.

Wu Changguo actually helped Qian Juan speak.

This Wu Shen's girlfriend seemed to be approved by the Wu family, but the other party's parents did not approve of the Wu family because the Wu family was too poor..........

Only then did he propose a gift of 100,000 yuan.

Leave it to Su Can's previous life.

Su Can remembered that in Hunan Province, the betrothal gift reached more than 100,000 yuan. It would be five years later. The current betrothal gift in Hunan Province is only about half of 100,000 yuan!

This is interesting.

Wu Changguo then explained:"Wu Shen, although he has no other abilities, he is very good at finding girlfriends."

"Although Qian Juan's parents looked down on our Wu family and offered a sky-high price of 100,000 yuan as a gift, Qian Juan's child was sensible and secretly took the money she had saved for several years. About 30,000 yuan was given to Wu Shen and asked him to collect it. bride price"

"In the past two days, when I learned that something had happened to Wu Ying, I secretly gave 10,000 yuan to Wu Shen and asked Wu Shen to take the 30,000 yuan together to see if I could compensate the other party and let Wu Ying come out.

Wu Changguo let out a long sigh and said,"This child is a good one!" Being able to marry such a granddaughter-in-law into the family of our Wu family is definitely a matter of merit for our Wu family for several lifetimes."


"Sister-in-law is very good"

"Qian Juan is a good boy"

"This child is really good. If our Wu family has money, let alone one hundred thousand, even if it is two hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, or even one million in gift money, our Wu family will be willing to pay."

"This matter has nothing to do with the child Qian Juan."

After Wu Changguo finished speaking, the rest of the Wu family, including Wu Tieshi and his wife, couldn't help but praise Qian Juan. There was no reason at all that their son suffered an unreasonable disaster because of Qian Juan and Wu Shen..........

Su Can was surprised. He didn't expect Wu Shen to find such a good girlfriend.

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