Hearing Wu Shen's voice, Zhong Mingqiang noticed the anger in his tone.


Zhong Mingqiang was a little puzzled.

Who is this young voice?

Why did it suddenly seem to ignite Wu Shen's anger?

Although he had just met Wu Shen not long ago, Zhong Mingqiang felt that Wu Shen was introverted and calm, and he shouldn't be like this!

Even if the man named Gao Sen provoked him and ridiculed him just now.

He didn't get angry either.

Now, because of a young voice.

What exactly is going on?

Zhong Mingqiang did not rush to sacrifice himself, but stood there and listened to the voice around the corner.

"Are you the Ding Qiang whom Wu Ying injured?

Wu Shen was shocked and said,"Weren't you severely injured by Wu Ying and unable to take care of yourself?" Why, you look like you have nothing going on"

"It turns out that you are the cousin of the unlucky Wu Ying! Ding

Qiang said with a proud smile:"Cousin, this kid still doesn't know what is going on!" Hahaha, you still stupidly thought I was seriously injured."


Zhong Mingqiang, who was around the corner, heard the sound, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

He is not like Wu Shen, who has not experienced many social evils. Zhong Mingqiang has experienced too much, too many things, even if Wu Shen and others only said a few words. He still learned some information from it.

Or rather.

Thus, the truth of the matter was deduced.

What fun.

When I went to look for Wu Shen, I actually encountered such a thing. However, the other party, after doing such a thing, did not keep secret, but was very proud of it.

Zhong Mingqiang secretly thought that such people are seeking death.

He took out his cell phone, pressed record without hesitation, and continued to stand on the corner

"What do you mean? Wu

Shen scolded:"You are pretending to be injured and deliberately harming my brother Wu Ying. He is just a high school student. Why are you so vicious?""

"Harm him? Gao

Sen curled his lips and sneered:"Wu Shen, all this is all your fault. If it weren't for you, your cousin wouldn't have to suffer this at all.""


Wu Shen was dumbfounded and looked at Gao Sen in shock.........

Gao Sen said proudly:"I'll tell you the truth and let you die in peace! Otherwise, when the time comes, you Wu family members will die one by one, and you don't know how."

He said proudly :"It's all rubbish like you. You want to eat swan meat, want to marry Qian Juan, and rob me of the person I like."

"All this is because of you.

Gao Sen said coldly:"Even the Qian family's offer of 100,000 yuan as a bride price didn't scare your family. They still want to borrow money to marry Qian Juan back home.""

"How can I do what you want"

"Ha ha!"

He laughed proudly.

Wu Shen's eyes showed an angry look and said:"So, you instigated your cousin to deliberately conflict with my brother Wu Ying, and then asked Wu Ying to beat Ding Qiang to blackmail my family. Two hundred thousand"

"You are so cruel."

When Wu Shen arrived here, he had figured out everything.

Two hundred thousand yuan in compensation.

One hundred thousand yuan in gift.

Which is more important? How could the Wu family not know it? They must have pooled the money to rescue Wu Ying.! Then the Wu family scraped together, sold houses and land, and used 200,000 yuan to compensate Ding Qiang.

Then, where did he go to find a 100,000 yuan gift? He went to the Qian family to propose marriage!

Let alone the 100,000 yuan gift.........

If they want to get out 200,000 yuan, they will have to scrape it together. If they want to pay back the money, it will take at least five or six years!

And when that time comes, it will take several years to raise another 100,000 yuan.

This adds up to almost ten years.

There is that woman who will wait for you ten years before marrying her!

Too cruel

"Ha ha!

Gao Sen smiled proudly and said,"Vicious?" Those are just some small methods. Poor people like you will not know the power of these methods of ours."

"To tell you the truth, even if you want to learn such methods, it will be useless, because for poor people like you, your relatives and friends are all poor."

"But we are different. All our relatives are from certain units in the county. Our connections are crisscrossed in the county."

"For example, the vice president of the hospital where my cousin was examined was my uncle, and there were many relatives of ours in the official department."

"Wu Shen?

Gao Sen looked down at Wu Shen and said,"You are a poor man, how can you fight with me?" You still want to steal a woman from me, you are really daydreaming"

"This time, I not only want to marry Qian Juan, but I also want your Wu family to make us bankrupt. This is the price for letting you steal women from me."

"Your Wu family cannot bear this price. Gao

Sen looked at Wu Shen, whose face turned red with anger and clenched his hands, and sneered:"Why, are you very angry in your heart?" Do you really want to hit me?"

"Are you coming to fight?"

"Ha ha! coward."

Gao Sen continued to provoke Wu Shen.

With his eyes and words, he was irritating Wu Shen.........

Wu Shen clenched his hands tightly, and the short nails were almost piercing into the palms of his hands. The skin was a little broken and blood was about to flow out.


Wu Shen still restrained himself

"You are such a coward. Your brother Wu Ying is still a bit brave. He took action as soon as I provoked him. You are so weak and you are such a piece of trash."

Ding Qiang said sarcastically with a smile.

"Let's go!"

Gao Sen sneered and walked to the other side. Ding Qiang followed. Zhong Mingqiang heard the footsteps disappearing and walked over. He looked at Wu Shen who was already dumbfounded. His back was weakly leaning against the wall. , there was a look of despair in his eyes.

His eyes were red and big tears were streaming down from his eyes.

He looked extremely painful.

Zhong Mingqiang opened his mouth and said,"Why don't you punch them? Beat them up, they deserve it so much"

"Hey hey hey. Unable to tell whether he was crying or laughing, Wu Shen shook his head and said,"

Punch them?" If they can frame my brother Wu Ying, they will also frame me."

"I know that he is deliberately irritating me so that I can take action. Then they can make the same mistake again and use those little tricks to make our Wu family lose money."

"By then, I'm afraid my grandfather and my father will be angry to death."

"How could I do such a stupid thing instead of being brave for a moment, feeling happy for a moment, but regretting it for the rest of my life? Wu

Shen shook his head and said:"Now, I know their purpose and why Wu Ying suddenly hit people. I must hold back and tell my grandfather the news.""

"Although my grandfather hasn't said anything these days, I know that Wu Ying's incident has deeply affected my grandfather. If something happens to me again, my grandfather will be hit hard and I'm afraid he won't be able to survive it."

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