Atlantis Hotel, top-notch suites.

Su Can stood in front of the large glass window, overlooking most of Star City. Although Star City now is not as prosperous as it was ten years ago.


Star City today.

It is still one of the major first-tier cities in China.

The night is still beautiful.

He could see that on some main roads in the distance, even at this point, there was still a lot of traffic, and the traffic was like a long queue.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly, the doorbell in the suite rang.

Su Can turned around and looked at the monitor placed in the living room. He immediately saw the person stopped at the door, it was Zhong Mingqiang.

Su Can took a few steps to the living room and sat down. Come down.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly.

The door clicked...........


Soon, Zhong Mingqiang's footsteps sounded and he walked in.

"Third brother."

Zhong Mingqiang walked to Su Can's side and bowed to Su Can respectfully.

Su Can nodded slightly.

Zhong Mingqiang immediately explained:"Guo Xie came in person just now, and he also brought Wu Qihan, the person in charge of the TV station, with him. Arrived at the late night snack shop"

"However, the Xian Dagui who threatened Yang Yan was not from their side, but a confidant of another of their sworn enemies."

Zhong Mingqiang said in a low voice.

"It seems that this is a good opportunity for Guo Xie!"Su Can said with a smile.

The TV station is under Guo Xie's management, and there are actually other people's influence in it. It is enough to show how aggrieved Guo Xie usually is.

Now, Su Can can be regarded as helping him. What a big deal!

Since Xian Dagui is a crony of his mortal enemy, if Guo Xie is not stupid, he will definitely use this opportunity to severely attack the person behind Xian Dagui.

In this way, the power of the other party in the TV station will be wiped out.

By then........

The entire TV station was completely controlled by Guo Xie

"Yes, third brother, after Guo Xie found out, he wanted to ask to see you and thank you personally."Zhong Mingqiang quickly followed up and said,"However, I told them what you said."

"You did a great job. Su

Can nodded slightly and said:"This time, we have important things to do. We don't have time to stay in Star City for too long. It would be a waste of time.""

"If you look at the matter handled by Guo Xie, if it is handled beautifully, if there is something wrong with those behind it, they will be dug out and brought to justice."

"When the time comes, give him a chance and let him come to Yanjing City, and I will receive him."

Su Can did not block Guo Xie's hope.

Instead, he gave Guo Xie a chance.

Of course.

If Guo Xie didn't know how to grasp and cherish this opportunity given by Su Can, then Su Can didn't either. There is a way.

This opportunity has been presented.

Whether he can seize it depends on Guo Xie.

But Su Can knows that no one who can reach that position is an ordinary person. Everyone has experienced unknown things. How much intrigue.

Once something goes wrong, it will stop for a lifetime.

And to reach their status, they have to go through many levels. None of these levels is a simple matter.

"Third brother, I just told them to follow what you said."

Zhong Mingqiang said quickly.

Su Can nodded with satisfaction.........

Looking at Su Can's expression, Zhong Mingqiang hesitated for a moment, with some hesitation on his face.

"What's wrong? If you have something to say, just say it directly and don't hide anything."Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang's expression and concluded that something must have happened.

Su Can asked him to speak out.

"Third brother, I'm sorry."

Zhong Mingqiang first apologized.

"Tell me, what did you do to take risks in private and actually feel sorry for me?"

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang indifferently, without getting angry. Zhong Mingqiang has been with him for so many years and knows his habits and habits.

Even if Zhong Mingqiang does something he doesn't like, it is definitely not a big deal.

"Third brother! Zhong

Mingqiang lowered his head and said,"I just used my status to ask Wu Qihan to help Yang Yan advertise on the TV station."

"This is a bit of using power for personal gain. You are trying to repay the power of a fox and a tiger. I used your power, Third Brother, to do such a thing, and you still ask Third Brother to punish me."

For this matter........

Zhong Mingqiang had no intention of hiding it.

There's no use hiding it.

Even though he was not the first to speak about this matter, it was Wu Qihan who took the initiative to ask for help, and he would follow the flow of the situation.

However, whether this matter is left to the third brother, it can be big or small. The most important thing is that this matter cannot be hidden from the third brother.

If it's hidden, then it's a big deal

"It turns out that it’s just such a small thing, so there’s no point in blaming you. Su

Can shook his head and said:"Yang Yan is one of our own. She is the person in charge of Qingqing's future finances. If you help her, you are also helping Qingqing. It's no big deal.""

"Besides, even if Yang Yan is not from our side, with your current status and status, isn't it normal for you to want someone to help you with something?"

"How can a fox pretend to be a tiger?"

Su Can smiled helplessly.

Ming Qiang was still too cautious.

But, isn't it precisely because of this that Ming Qiang is so useful here?

Su Can secretly smiled in his heart.........

"Third brother, the face others give me is all because I am your big housekeeper. This is a real act of pretending to be powerful."Zhong Mingqiang said modestly.

The fox is pretending to be the tiger's power?

Su Can smiled lightly and said:"What? Could it be that you took advantage of this bit of power to seek personal gain by asking the TV station to reduce Yang Yan’s advertising expenses? Zhong

Ming shook his head violently and said:"Third brother, how could I be such a person? I just opened my mouth to help Yang Yan. I didn't dare to ask Guo Xie or Wu Qihan to invest in Yang Yan's advertising. Give me a What's the discount?"

"Instead, I asked Wu Qihan and others not to allow them to do this, and warned Guo Xie, saying that Third Brother did not like such people, and told them to follow the procedure."

After saying that, Zhong Mingqiang took a peek at Su Can.

He found that Su Can looked calm and showed a faint smile.

Zhong Mingqiang was relieved in his heart.

Deal with it this way.

The third brother is not angry!

"Ming Qiang! You are a person who used to be cautious and cautious before, but now you actually dare to plot against me. It seems that the older you get, the bolder you become!"

Su Can pretended to be furious and glared at Zhong Mingqiang.

He couldn't see Zhong Mingqiang's thoughts at all.

This is.........

You must help Yang Yan, make yourself taller and more powerful in Yang Yan's heart, and make her appreciate you even more!

"You old guy, go back and rest quickly. You have to set off early tomorrow morning. If you are delayed tomorrow, I will add your account together."

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