Since my friend Mr. Su came to the TV station to develop business and was blocked by Xian Dagui, he might as well sell this favor. certainly.......

You don’t have to say this favor, as long as you do it yourself.

But now is the best time. He brought it up appropriately. This sentence could not be more appropriate.

"Director Wu, I still want to shamelessly propose it later!"

Zhong Mingqiang laughed heartily and said:"I didn't expect that Director Wu actually proposed it in advance. Of course, then we would be disrespectful."

"I'll give Director Wu her phone number later. Just call her tomorrow."

Zhong Mingqiang doesn't mind helping.

For this kind of business help,

Zhong Mingqiang doesn't mind.

He knows that although the third brother hates nepotism, he doesn't hate helping each other, but hates some incompetent people, and you want to promote them. He came to power.

Virtue was not matched, which ultimately caused huge losses.

Yang Yan and Zhong Mingqiang are also familiar with this........

Anyone who is close to the third brother has been registered with Zhong Mingqiang. Not to mention her identity information, I am afraid that all three generations of her ancestors have been investigated. actually.

Not only the ordinary people who are close to the third brother, but also their close classmates will investigate clearly when Su Duoer, Su Nianer, Su Zeming and other Su Can's children go to school.

Besides that, in college.

Su Zeming and Su Duoer didn't do anything special. They both lived in the school. Zhong Mingqiang even used his strong network to investigate several students whose families were not complicated and let them share the dormitory with Su Zeming.

Such an investigation sounds a bit unpleasant.


For those from ordinary families, this is undoubtedly an opportunity to rise to the top in one step.

Don’t say anything else.

Just Su Zeming’s roommate Wang Zhitao.

Although Wang Zhitao's family situation is good, in a third-tier small city, his parents have a net worth of several million. A few years ago, they would definitely be rich. at that moment.

A millionaire is still a wealthy person.

But that's just a million.........

After Wang Zhitao was arranged to share a dormitory with Su Zeming, the two had a good relationship. When Zhang Ming, the son of Zhang Dahai's ex-wife, wanted to start a business, Su Zeming and Wang Su supported him.

Su Zeming also took Wang Zhitao in. Although Wang Zhitao didn't invest much money, in total, it was about 1%.

Now that Autohome founded by Zhang Ming has gone public, its market value once reached tens of billions of dollars, and although this one percent share was diluted a bit when it went public.

Today, only about 0.8% remains.


With a market value of 10 billion US dollars, 0.8%, that is a net worth of 80 million US dollars. In conversion, that is also a net worth of 500 million US dollars.

With a net worth of 500 million, let alone 11 years ago, even ten years later, he will be a rich man!

Not to mention.

Today, Wang Zhitao is still serving as an executive at Autohome, and his status is not low.

To know.

Although he is a Tsinghua University student, there are so many Tsinghua University students every year, and some of them have become executives of listed companies with a market value of tens of billions of dollars within a few years of graduation.

Net worth reached 500 million.

Any of these conditions are not available to ordinary Tsinghua University students.

Even outstanding Tsinghua University students, few can achieve it.

Su Zeming's remaining two roommates, because of their relationship with Su Zeming, now also work at Autohome, serving as supervisors of certain departments.

Such a position.........

Not too low.

After all, they only graduated a few years ago?

That's just two or three years

"Mr. Zhong is polite, this is what I should do."

How dare Wu Qihan be polite to Zhong Mingqiang? He didn't dare to take Zhong Mingqiang's polite words seriously. Didn't he see that Mr. Guo respected Mr. Zhong so much?

Not to mention.

That person was Mr. Su's friend behind Mr. Zhong's back.

"Ha ha! Zhong

Mingqiang laughed loudly and said:"Speaking of which, this person is a junior of Mr. Su's old friend. Because he is excellent, Mr. Su will treat him as a friend.""

"It turns out that he has such a connection and can be an old friend of Mr. Su, but he is not a person he meets! '"

Guo Xie praised

"That's right. Zhong

Mingqiang nodded slightly and said,"Mr. Su's old friend is indeed not an ordinary person. He is also famous in China.""

"You two, I wonder if you have heard of Zhao Qingqing, the vice president of Qing Dayuan?"

Vice President of Tsinghua University.......

Zhao Qingqing?

Hearing this name, Guo Xie was slightly surprised. for this name.

She is no stranger.

Because, a few years ago, Zhao Qingqing did something that shocked the entire country and their circle. then.

Zhao Qingqing is only in her early forties and has already served as the vice president of Tsinghua University for several years. Her future is limitless.

Even in a few years, Zhao Qingqing will go one step further and officially become the principal, then her level will be no less than her current one. but.

How could the president of Qingda University be comparable to him? If Zhao Qingqing could become the president at that time, he would only be in his forties.

At this age, let alone taking another step, it’s okay to take a few more steps!


Just when everyone was paying attention, or when Zhao Qingqing was about to take a step further, she suddenly resigned.

That's right.

Countless people have struggled to reach this level, but Zhao Qingqing resigned all of a sudden, which shocked countless people across the country.

Both Guo Xie and Wu Qihan knew this news, because this news caused huge waves even among ordinary people!


No one knows why Zhao Qingqing did this.

But there is no doubt that Zhao Qingqing's move made countless people remember her.

Zhao Qingqing's descendant.

This Xian Dagui is so courageous that he even dares to bully Zhao Qingqing's juniors. You know, even though Zhao Qingqing has resigned, she is no longer at Tsinghua University.

However, she had been at Tsinghua University for so many years. In the mid-1980s, she stayed at Tsinghua University as a teacher. Over the years, she has taught countless people.

Some people now have a status no lower than that of Guo Xie, or even a higher status.

It can be said.

She has many talents all over the world, but which province has she gone to? There are no students of hers in that province?

Even in Hunan Province.

There are also two or three students of Zhao Qingqing whose status in Hunan Province is not as high as that of Guo Xie, but as high as that of Wu Qihan.

Under such energy.

Xian Dagui is just a little person. Such a person actually makes things difficult for Zhao Qingqing's descendants.

Don't talk about seeking death.........

That's pretty much it.

Damn it!

Xian Dagui was frightened when he heard this. He had been slightly twitching a few times recently, and he felt that he had been hit hard again.

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