"Ahem! Su

Can coughed a few times and immediately changed the subject:"Grandpa, now that we have the news about your old subordinate, I will rush to Hunan Province immediately!""

Hearing Su Can's words, the old man's expression changed slightly. Su Can couldn't see that line anymore, and he felt like he wanted to beat him up.

Su Can breathed a sigh of relief.........

Otherwise, the old man and his father would beat him up.

Su Can had no choice but to do so and was helpless!

If it was his father who took action, Su Can could still dodge and escape.

And the old man is here.

You can't hide from that.

No matter how old the old man is, he can't walk very neatly. If the old man catches up on a whim, he will accidentally fall down.

An old man of this age.

A fall or a cold may cause serious consequences.

"Okay, you can go there now. My old subordinate is not too young, just a few years younger than me. He is now over ninety. The old man took a deep breath and said slowly:"In addition, the news from over there is that their family background is actually very average.""

"The sooner we find him, the sooner we can give him some help."

At this age, the old man has almost no regrets.

It turned out that there was no way to find his old subordinate. The old man had no way to do it. Now he has got the news about him.

If he still can't find it ,.........

Even if the old man dies, he will still have regrets.

Su Can knows what the old man is thinking

"Okay, I'll have someone book the route right away."

Su Can said.

It's a route!

It's not a flight.

The so-called route is from Su Can's private plane, and the flight is from the airline. The two are naturally different.

It's like ten buildings.! It’s not the difference between ten suites

"There’s no need to be in such a hurry."

Su's father stopped Su Can and said with a smile:"If you book a flight now, you won't be able to get to Hunan Province until evening. Why not stay a little later and have dinner with the old man?"


The old man also nodded.

Su Can checked the time, and it was true.

He flew back from Xiangjiang. Although he flew back in the morning, it would take several hours to get to Yanjing City, plus the time spent on the road.

It's now.

It's almost four o'clock........

Although Su Can applied for a flight route very quickly, it still took more than an hour to prepare the plane and arrive at the airport.

Fly to Hunan Province.

It also takes two or three hours.


It's already past seven o'clock when we get there, and we have to have dinner when we get there. We might as well stay in Yanjing City and have dinner with the old man!


Su Can has been in Xiangjiang during this period, and he really doesn't have much time to eat with the old man.

The old man has reached this age.

As the saying goes, one meal means one meal is missing. No one knows how many more years the old man can survive. Su Can will not refuse if he can have more time to eat with him.

This is why.

Although the old man's operation was successful and his body recovered well, he was not sent back to the warm Yazhou during this spring and winter in Yanjing City.

This is all because everyone knows that when the old man arrives in Yazhou, there is no time to see the old man.

This year comes down.

How many times can I go? stay How long.........

The weather in Yanjing City is a bit cold now, but it was almost March after the old man was discharged from the hospital, and the temperature was not as cold as January or February.

The old man can still bear the low temperature of more than ten degrees.


It's already the end of April. If we keep going like this, the temperature in Yanjing City will soon be like that in Yazhou. It's better to stay in Yanjing City.

In winter, the old man returned there again.

Just right.

The old man is in Yanjing City. If you are free on weekends or after get off work, you can come here and have a few more meals with the old man.

"Then I'll let Ming Qiang make the arrangements, and then I'll go have dinner with the old man in the evening."

Su Can nodded slightly.

When the old man heard this, he was as happy as a child.

That night, that is, before six o'clock, Su Can accompanied the old man to have dinner. At seven o'clock, Su Can and his party arrived at the airport.

Soon, Su Can's private plane flew into the sky.

The entire earth was also shrouded in night.

As the city of Yanjing became smaller and smaller in sight, and finally disappeared from sight like a point of light, Su Can Can's eyes slowly withdrew.

Su Can's eyes fell on the document in front of him.

This document was obviously the information of one of the old man's old subordinates.

The old man called the man Lao Wu, but in fact, he was His real name is Wu Changguo. In addition to a few information, there is also a photo.

Su Can picked up the photo. It was taken more than sixty years ago.

The photo was naturally not the color one today. , but in black and white.

Back then.........

Even black and white photos are extremely rare.

Su Can looked at the person on the far left in this photo. This person was Wu Changguo, because in that special era, it was not easy to take a single photo.

And this photo is a group photo.

Wu Changguo is just one of them.

Among the people in the middle, there is the old man of the Su family, and there are a few people who have passed away now. When Su Can was a child, he often met people who were called grandpa. only!

Among these people, even the ones who lived the longest died in the late 1990s.

Without Su Can's longevity medicines like the old man's, there was no way he could have extended his life to this point.

Life-extending medicine is too precious.

If you give it to others, countless people will come to ask for medicine. There are so many major families in Yanjing City, give it to this one?

Not to others?


The Su family at that time had not yet reached the level of the largest family in Yanjing City. When some big families united, even the Su family at that time could not resist it.

As the saying goes, a common man is not guilty of having a jade in his possession. sometimes.........

As long as you get certain treasures, it is a serious crime, unless you have strong strength and can guard these treasures.

Otherwise, it would be like a child holding a large piece of gold in his hand. Wouldn’t that be coveted?

This is not a good thing.

On the contrary, it is easy to encounter fatal disaster.

Not to mention.

As miraculous as the life-extending elixir, it can be called a miracle. How could those who have great power in their hands not care about it?

If they join forces.

In the 1990s, the Su family might not be able to survive. then.

When Su Can gave this medicine to the old man, he didn't dare to tell the old man. Later, the old man realized something was wrong, and Su Can told him after he pressed.

When the old man heard what Su Can said, his face changed in shock.

Su Can was also asked to keep it secret and not let too many people know. otherwise.

The Su family will suffer a disaster!

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