Heartfelt arsonist!

When did I become the arsonist of my heart?

Su Can won't admit it even to death

"What did the Malay Huang family say?"

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu and changed the topic.


Huang Manyu snorted coldly and spat at Su Can. Of course she knew that these words were Su Can's deliberate attempt to change the subject, but she also knew the priority of the matter.

Now she was not laughing at her status as an arsonist in the heart of a man, but wanted to Ma Lai wanted to explain clearly what happened to the Huang family.

Huang Manyu explained:"Huang Changtian admitted that the Huang family did this."


Su Can paused.

Huang Manyu didn't wait for Su Can to speak, and continued:"But there is a reason for this."

"what reason?"

"Do you remember that Huang Changtian had a son named Huang Peng?"

"Huang Peng?"

"Yes, Huang Changtian has a son named Huang Peng, who will now become the heir to the Huang family. When he was young, he pursued Lu Qianshan crazily and even showed his love to Lu Qianshan in the media. Unfortunately, Lu Qianshan's His affection is all on you and you don't pay attention to him at all."

When talking about Lu Qianshan, Huang Manyu deliberately gave Su Can a deep look.


Where did Su Can fall into the trap? Instead, she frowned and said,"After so many years, he is still worried about seeing Lu Qianshan. A scandal was exposed online and you couldn't help but find someone to smear it? Huang

Manyu nodded and said,"Yes, at least that's what Huang Changtian said, but it depends on whether you believe it or not, he said that?" Su

Can shook his head and said:"If Huang Changtian had done such a dirty trick, he would definitely not have exposed himself like this.""

"Moreover, he also knows my identity, and he would never dare to do this. His son does not know my identity, but he may dare to do this."

Su Can doesn't doubt this.

Huang Changtian has also seen Su Can several times. Among the major Chinese families, although he is not as good as Li Chaoren, he is also cautious and shrewd.

Such a stupid thing.

He can't do it..........

His son didn't know his identity, but saw him hugging Lu Qianshan, and thought he was a pretty boy as the paparazzi said.

Does love give rise to hate?

Su Can never thought that he would have such a day.

Huang Manyu heard what Su Can said and said,"The truth has come to light. What are you going to do with the Huang family? Do you want to kill them all?"

Regarding her man's ability.

No matter which way.

Huang Manyu knows that it is extremely powerful.

The Huang family seems powerful.

It's not enough for his man to crush him with just one hand. With just a few moves, he can completely destroy the Huang family, a big Malay family. only!

See if he is willing

"Huang Changtian is a smart man, he should have done something in advance!"Su Can looked at Lu Qianshan, smiled slightly and said.

Huang Manyu nodded and said:"Huang Changtian has indeed done some self-rescue work."

"oh! Did you do that?"

Su Can was a little curious.

Huang Manyu quickly explained:"Huang Changtian removed his son Huang Peng as the heir to the Huang family, and asked him to dismiss any position in the Huang family industry."

"Moreover, Huang Peng is not allowed to work in any of the Huang family's industries. He can only receive a certain amount of living expenses from the Huang family's family fund every month."

"at the same time.

She paused and said:"Huang Changtian has donated one billion to a charity project you established in the mainland to support your charity project."" Huang Manyu is very clear about the charity projects her man has done over the years. These.........

Su Can didn't even hide it from her.

And she also knows that over the years, her man's charity and donations through various channels have already reached 20 billion US dollars.

And some money.

It was in the eighties.

A few hundred million dollars at that time was not a small sum!

It can be said!

If you compare the money of those times with today's money, it would be worth at least two to three hundred billion, which is higher than her net worth.

That's right, as of now, Huang Manyu's net worth, plus the various shares given by her husband, is not enough to reach more than 100 billion Xiangjiang dollars.

And my own man.

Over the years, donations worth hundreds of billions have been made.

Huang Manyu didn't feel uncomfortable in her heart. and.

She also does charity every year, and of course she is not a small number. For example, she sponsors a hundred students to go to school in the mainland every year.

It's every year........

Not so many years

"One billion. When Su

Can heard this, he smiled slightly and said,"Huang Changtian is willing to spend a lot of money. Is this one billion donation all real money?" Or add supplies?"

"Pay cash directly. Huang

Manyu nodded and said

"What a waste of money."

Su Can smiled slightly. It's not an emergency now, and there is no need for anything. We don't use materials to donate. Money is the most valuable at this time.

And if we use materials to operate, this amount of materials will have a lot of room for operation. For example, should the donation be based on the ex-factory price or the retail price of the materials?

Huang Changtian donated directly in cash. Su Can felt his sincerity. This man knew how to do things. Now if Su Can wants to touch him, he will count his donation.

Old fox!

Su Can secretly smiled and cursed.


For Su Can, this was nothing. After all, the Huang family's involvement in this matter was not something that had been planned for a long time or calculated carefully.

Su Can didn't want to kill a whole boatload of people with one stick. if it is like this.

I don’t know how many big families were destroyed by Su Can

"Let’s just expose this matter! However, if Huang Changtian dares to revive Huang Peng in a few years, even if he does not become the head of the Huang family, he will only be the person in charge of certain industries of the Huang family. Su

Can's voice turned cold, and he said in a deep voice:"Then, what he is doing now, I will no longer see it in my eyes. How will I deal with it when the time comes?""

This is Su Can.

He is not a Bodhisattva who is trapped in mud.

He has no anger. He is extremely decisive in killing.

By doing this, the Huang family gave Su Can an explanation. If Huang Peng is allowed to revive later, isn't that playing tricks on Su Can?

For such people,

Su Can has always cracked down hard.

When the time comes!

The problem will not be solved by dealing with one person. By then, the entire Huang family will have to pay a huge price because of this incident. Such a price.

Such a price.........

It's easy for a huge family to pay for this.

When Huang Manyu heard such words, she suddenly felt a chill in her back. She could tell that her man's words were not just words.


This is really what happened.

The Huang family will suffer disaster.

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