Although the relationship between the Malay Huang family and their Huang family is somewhat distant, there is still so much cooperation between Shuangfei.

If the Huang family betrays their side.


They won't show mercy either.

Huang Manyu knew that this was her man, so she would give herself face and give the Huang family a chance to explain.

If not for one's own existence.

The mere fact that the Huang family is involved in this matter shows that the Huang family has declared war on its own men, and a family that is considered a big family in Malay has declared war on its own men.

Undoubtedly, he is seeking his own death by striking an egg against a stone.


Su Can nodded slightly.

Huang Manyu did not hesitate, but directly took out her mobile phone. She did not avoid making calls. Instead, in front of Su Can, she found the number of the head of the Huang family and called it. What happened between

Malay and Xiangjiang ? The time zones we are in are almost the same, and the time in the East Eighth District is used.


It is early morning in Xiangjiang at this time, and the same is true over there. It is not like the sun never sets in Europe, or in Meili, where there are huge time difference.

The call was connected quickly.

"Mr. Huang, why did you call me so early in the morning when you were free? Do you have any instructions?"The cheerful voice of the head of the Huang family came slowly.

It could be heard that he was very happy and had no intention of pretending.


Huang Manyu said politely:"I have something I want to ask.""

The Huang family she belongs to has the same genealogy as the Malay Huang family. According to this generation, Huang Manyu is actually the head of the younger Malay Huang family.

In normal times.........

He was also called Shibo politely.

Of course, this is just Huang Manyu's politeness.

The head of the Huang family doesn't take it seriously either.

This year.

Unless the difference in strength between the two sides was not big, he would not be able to withstand this word from Shi Bo. Now, of course, he knew that this sentence was just polite.

He doesn't dare to think of himself as an elder.

The strength of their Malay Huang family is simply not up to them.

Because neither the terrifying strength of Su Can behind Huang Manyu nor Huang Manyu's own power can be matched by the Huang family.

Just imagine.

HSBC alone is countless times more powerful than the Huang family, not to mention the terrifying power of Su Can behind Huang Manyu.

How dare he trust him?

"Mr. Huang, if you have something to do, you can just give it directly. As long as you say it, I will definitely be able to do it."Huang Changtian said with a hint of restraint in his voice.

In front of Huang Manyu, he didn't dare to show off, nor did he dare to show off his qualifications as an elder.

What's more, if it weren't for Huang Manyu, how could the Huang family do anything to cooperate with that man Huang Manyu? The Huang family has made a lot of profits.

It has also developed rapidly in these years.

Because Huang Manyu's man's business cooperates with the Huang family, the Huang family has a 20% profit growth every year.

It can't be said that the growth is not big.

Yes. explain.........

Huang Manyu is their God of Wealth

"Shibo, I think it was just this morning over there and you didn’t notice the news on the Internet! My man and Lu Qianshan had a meal together. Lu Qianshan was drunk and was sent back by my man. As a result, someone took pictures and hired professional trolls to expose the matter."

Huang Manyu said lightly:"We found out that there are two forces that are constantly adding fuel to the flames. One of the forces comes from Xiangjiang."

"As for the other force, it seems that you people from the Huang family are pushing it. I don’t think Shibo would have known about this matter for a long time!"

This sentence was a bit heartbreaking.

When Huang Changtian heard this sentence, he shivered with fright and couldn't help but tremble.

He exclaimed:"What, someone from our Huang family is also involved!"

Huang Changtian panicked.

Oh my God!

What happened? Why did such a terrifying thing happen after waking up overnight? It's so horrifying.

For Huang Manyu's man, how could Huang Changtian not know about that? man........

However, people from the five major families in Xiangjiang all respectfully surrounded this man. Others thought that Li Chaoren was the richest man in China.

Huang Changtian knew that this man was actually the richest man.

People from the Huang family actually dare to set up this man?

Looking for death?

"Mr. Huang, please listen to my explanation. I don’t know about this matter at all. I went to bed very early last night and just woke up not long ago. I didn’t even notice the public opinion on the Internet. Huang

Changtian wiped a handful of cold sweat and begged:"Looking at the fact that you and I, both of the Huang family, have the same ancestor, please give me some time.""

"Let me find out the people in our Huang family who were involved in this matter. After finding them, I will completely hand them over to you and Mr. Su."

Huang Changtian is really scared.

As one of the big Chinese families, he has some cooperation with Su Can's industries. In fact, he also knows about Su Can's existence.

This kind of.

Only the top big families in Xiangjiang , or the heads of the top Chinese families, would know such a thing.

Even the young descendants of some top families may not know the existence of Su Can.

And those who have long been aware of Su Can's existence.

They The more she learned about Su Can's existence, the more frightened she felt. It was extremely terrifying.

After hearing Huang Changtian's words, Huang Manyu paused and looked at Su Can. The call she made was through amplification, and she did not hide it from Su Can. Chan knows.

Of course.........

Huang Changtian's words of begging for self-examination were also heard by Su Can. Huang Manyu looked at Su Can, with a hint of questioning in her eyes.

Will Huang Changtian be given a chance to self-examine? she knows.

Her man gives her face, but when it comes to matters involving her man, she can't just go her own way and make that decision alone.

She can't do this.

This is also where Huang Manyu is smart. She has always been like this for so many years. She will not ask about Su Can or help Su Can make decisions.

You can have whatever you want.

Just can't, do this.

This is Huang Manyu's cleverness, so over the years, Su Can and her have respected each other and fallen in love with each other. More than 20 years have passed without ever having a falling out or quarreling.

After Su Can heard this, he also heard the uneasiness and fear in Huang Changtian's tone. At the same time, he also heard that this person was not him.

But there is someone else.

In this case.

So, what if you give him a chance? It's just that even if it wasn't him, Huang Changtian, it would be something that could only be done by a core member of the Malay Huang family.

If you are not a person of such status.......

It is impossible to mobilize the power of a huge family to do such a thing.

Su Can thought about it for a moment and almost guessed it.

He nodded slightly to Huang Manyu, signaling his agreement.

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