"Shaojie, why did you mention that name at such a happy moment?"

Another person from the family said in a deep voice.

"That's right! Are you having a good time today?"

"That woman, don’t mention it"

"Tonight, let Tina accompany Mr. Huang well. This Tina is so beautiful, even in Haolaiwu, there are few who can compare with her."

"That's it, that's it"

"Brother Zhang is right."

Several other people from big families immediately spoke up and blamed Guan Shaojie.


Huang Peng is undoubtedly the boss in their circle, not because Huang Peng is older than them. , you can become the boss in the circle.

But because the status of the Huang family is much higher than that of these families, and the Huang family's industry and assets far exceed those of these families.

Moreover, now, Many of them are still helping to manage some business in the family industry.

Huang Peng has become the person in charge of the family industry.

An heir.

A person in charge.

Such a status is much different.

Okay. Said.

Even though today's Huang Peng is a generation younger than their parents and is usually called uncle, Huang Peng has now become the person in charge of the Huang family's industry.

This Huang Peng is already the same generation as their parents. , even the parents of these people have to fawn over Huang Peng.

Especially those whose family power is much weaker than that of the Huang family.

Or many of them are those who rely on the Huang family's industry to make a living.

"Yes, Mr. Huang. Upon hearing this

, Guan Shaojie said anxiously:"This is my fault. I said the wrong thing. I will punish myself with three drinks. I hope you can forgive me.""

Although there is not much difference between the strength of the Guan family and the Huang family.


He did say the wrong thing.

Guan Shaojie picked up the wine and quickly drank himself.

The Malay female stars next to him were a little dazed. They I don’t know why Guan Shaojie suddenly started drinking. The female star next to him even wanted to drink with him!

When Huang Peng heard this, the tense look on his face slowly relaxed and he said:"Young Master. Jay didn't mean it either, how could I blame you!"

"Thank you Mr. Huang."

Guan Shaojie was grateful.

They all spoke in Chinese dialect.

As the top Chinese family in Southeast Asia, these people have been taught by the elders in the family since they were young. They must learn Even the weakest Chinese speakers must have learned their hometown dialect.

For example, those from Guangdong Province, Qiongzhou, and some from Hu Jian. Many old people from these places still speak their hometown dialect.

And if among these big Chinese families, one of these descendants does not know how to speak, or even cannot speak his hometown dialect, this person will lose his identity as an heir.

In the end, everyone can only hold the family fund. No matter how much you earn per month, you can live a prosperous life for the rest of your life.

There are some top big families.

If the industry in the mainland is very large, some of the heirs will be sent to the Magic City or a city like Yanjing City to study when they were young. What

I studied was the mainland's learning system from childhood to adulthood.

In the city of Yanjing, there are actually many big families who are married to many big Chinese families in Southeast Asia.

In particular, many heirs of those big families who studied in the mainland since childhood.

Guan Shaojie drank three drinks in a row, and the atmosphere in the box returned again. Everyone was no longer talking about Lu Qianshan.

For them, although Lu Qianshan rejected Huang Peng, they.

, and they didn’t dare to scold Lu Qianshan. If they were other female stars, they would have scolded them, or anyone else, they could scold them.

But Lu Qianshan couldn’t.

Because, Lu Qianshan was the same person as Lu Qianshan. They are on the same level as their fathers, and even more powerful.

Lu Qianshan’s identity is extraordinary.

She is the person in charge of Yong’an Bank. All the families and industrial assets of them combined are not controlled by Lu Qianshan. Yongan Bank is powerful.

Dare to scold Lu Qianshan. If word spreads, it will be a big deal.

Maybe the elders of their families will tie them up and put them in front of Lu Qianshan, so that Lu Qianshan can bear the burden of guilt..

It’s better not to mention this name.

At this moment, someone took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and suddenly saw the news about Lu Qianshan and Su Can in the Chinese social software.

Of course, for Su Can , they don’t know.


His face paused. He looked at Huang Peng unnaturally.

We just mentioned Lu Qianshan, and now Lu Qianshan has become a hot topic on social media.


Is this right ? Say it!

"Lao Zhang, what's wrong with you? Why do you keep staring at me?"Huang Peng noticed the change in the face of the man named Lao Zhang, and he was still staring at him. Why didn't Huang Peng pay attention?

What happened?

"Mr. Huang."

Lao Zhang paused when he heard Huang Peng's words. He didn't know how to speak to Huang Peng.

"If you have something to say, say it directly and don't hesitate. Huang

Peng said with some displeasure.

"yes! Lao Zhang, we are all in the same circle, is there anything we can't talk about?"

"That is, we are all brothers"

"If you have something to say, say it directly"


"Lao Zhang, don’t hide it anymore. If anything happens, let’s solve it together. Over the years, our big Chinese families have been able to develop in Southeast Asia. Isn’t it because the older generation has been helping each other?"

"Yes, this is the truth."

Others followed suit.


After hearing what others said, Lao Zhang took a deep breath, exhaled a breath of turbid air, looked at Huang Peng, and said:"Mr. Huang, that's all."

"Say it!"

Huang Peng behaved very magnanimously and said calmly.

Lao Zhang picked up the phone, pointed the screen of his phone at Huang Peng, and said:"Mr. Huang, I just saw the popular news about Lu Qianshan on Facebook."

"The paparazzi in Xiangjiang photographed Lu Qianshan and a pretty boy going to Bixianju in Xiangjiang for dinner, and then Lu Qianshan got drunk by the pretty boy and took them away."

After he finished speaking, he did not dare to say another word.

As for the entire private room, as soon as Lao Zhang finished speaking, everyone was stunned, as if they were petrified. They moved their heads with difficulty and looked at Huang Peng one after another.

They They were all dumbfounded.


Lu Qianshan was actually drunk and taken away by a pretty boy.


Where did this pretty boy come from?

At this moment, they all felt that Huang Peng, who had been pursuing Lu Qianshan for many years, at this moment Why does my head feel a little green?

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