Who is this man?

Ruan Shixiong was startled. this.........

Mr. Olk did not tell him who this man was, but asked him to use the paparazzi and trolls to completely expose the news.

In Mr. Olke's words, the less no one knows about this person, the more countless people are curious about his identity.

Ruan Shixiong thinks he is right.

Don’t say anything else.

In his heart, he was extremely curious as to who this man belonged to.

And for those who regard Lu Qianshan as a goddess, after seeing him getting drunk by this man, how can they not want to know the identity of this man?

If this continues, countless people will dig deeper.


Isn’t this heat going to last forever?

"Niu Pi, don't worry about who this man is. When the time comes, someone will naturally expose it. Now you, immediately expose the news on major forums and social media in Hong Kong. Ruan Shixiong said in a deep voice.........

Don't tell me?

There is some resentment in this cowhide heart

"Why, do you think I deliberately didn't tell you because I have resentment in my heart?" Ruan Shixiong seemed to have seen through Niubi's inner thoughts.

Before Niubi could speak, Ruan Shixiong continued and said:"Niubi, let me tell you the truth! I will tell no less than five paparazzi about this next"

"If you lose your temper and don't expose it, others will expose it as soon as they get the news. Do you know what you will lose?"

"That is the status of the number one paparazzi in Hong Kong."

He's not afraid that Niu Pi won't cooperate.

This kind of news.

He gave a paparazzi like Niu Pi to him for free. If he didn't want it, he wouldn't be a paparazzi.

You know.

In their line of work, the greater the exposure, the more people in the circle will The greater his status, sometimes the paparazzi are so famous.

Even if they do not secretly photograph some celebrities, these celebrities will give him a gift if they are in love or if something happens.

Let him Don't take pictures of him these days.

And such a gift........

The minimum is more than six figures.

There are so many celebrities in the entire entertainment industry. In one year, the dozen or so people who send him red envelopes are the fewest. In one year, the number is at least a few million!

Such money.

Definitely not something that ordinary paparazzi can get.

He didn't believe it. Niubi was willing to let others get such an opportunity from his hands. Someone like him would never do it.

"Mr. Ruan, are you kidding! How could I lose my temper? I was thinking about how to make up this news. Niu Pi grinned and said flatteringly.

"Ha ha!"

Ruan Shixiong was very satisfied with Niu Pi's attitude. He laughed loudly and said,"You don't have to make up this news yourself in this matter."

"This time, it was Lu Qianshan and that man who had dinner at Bixianju, and Lu Qianshan got drunk by him. You know what it means for a man to get a woman drunk."

"When the time comes, if you follow the taste of Bixianju's internal staff and write some unknown inside stories, won't the news already be there?"

Ruan Shixiong couldn't be more clear about the paparazzi in Xiangjiang, and every one of them is definitely The salty guys are all extremely powerful.

If they write shocking headlines, they will definitely be the best in the world. In fact, they will be the best in the world...........

The mainland media and shock clubs of later generations are absolutely nothing compared to the paparazzi in Hong Kong who write shocking articles.

When they write this, they are definitely at the level of the ancestors.

"Get drunk."

Niubi's eyes turned red when he heard these two words. The goddess he liked and had a crush on was actually drunk by that pretty boy.

Damn it.

In an instant, he was filled with rage.

This was really abominable.

That is his goddess!

"Mr. Ruan, please rest assured, I will expose this news immediately, you damn pretty boy."He cursed coldly.

"OK, OK, OK."

Ruan Shixiong happily said three words in a row.

After hanging up the phone,

Ruan Shixiong called several paparazzi who were very famous in the Hong Kong paparazzi circle.

"I have some dirty stuff in my hand"

"What kind of king or queen-level black material is simply weak compared to this."

"Don't need your money"

"That's right, I just want you to send it out immediately. If you don't want it, I'll give it to someone else."

"By the way, I called Niu Pi and he will send it out soon. If you send it now, you might be able to catch up with him."

"Yes, definitely the biggest"

"Shocked in Hong Kong? This is more than that! It can definitely shock the entire Chinese community."

"What? Do not believe?"

"Look at this photo. Isn’t this Lu Qianshan?"

"Yes, this is Lu Qianshan, who was drunk by that pretty boy. What happened tonight is over at Bixianju. You used the tone of an employee of Bixianju to expose it."

"Yes, yes, expose it now!"

"Still have to wait? Just kidding, if you wait by yourself, just wait and pounce! The cowhide, the spotted pig, and the other paparazzi are all about to be sent out."

"What's this pretty boy's name? If I knew, why would I let you be exposed?"

"Expose quickly."

In this short period of time, Ruan Shixiong made several calls one after another, and these calls were undoubtedly made to those paparazzi.

These paparazzi.........

He has worked with both before.

And there are one or two who have never cooperated before.


In the face of such big news, Ruan Shixiong knew that even those who had never cooperated before would not want to miss such an opportunity.

This kind of opportunity is really rare.

Missed once.

That is a lifelong regret!

It's just that these people didn't have the chance to get the exclusive information, and how could Ruan Shixiong be so stupid if these people were allowed to get the exclusive information.

Ruan Shixiong could swear that these paparazzi, who wanted money at the expense of their lives, dared to take this photo to Lu Qianshan and ask for money.

By the time.

How many years and months will it take for this to be exposed?

Now that the news has been given to so many paparazzi, if others are not exposed, they will suffer a big loss.

Under such an environment.

How could others not do it?..........

Ruan Shixiong sat down excitedly, picked up a glass of water, and took a sip. He just felt that a person in charge of such a huge behemoth was going to be destroyed by him.

This feeling of success.


"At this time, Niubi was the first to get the inside information, so he had already released the news! Ruan Shixiong's heart moved.

He turned on his mobile phone and boarded the largest social media in Hong Kong.


As soon as I entered, I saw the shocking news in bold and large fonts.

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