It’s difficult!

Nowadays, Lu Qianshan is here alone while drunk. Su Can can't let Lu Qianshan be here alone. He didn't leave until he sobered up.

God knows, what will happen to this woman in the end?

And let his security personnel send Lu Qianshan back?

This is even more impossible.

What to do?

Come by yourself?

Su Can felt a headache.

Now, he has no choice but to let his woman Huang Manyu come!

Let your woman take care of a woman who has thoughts about her, and her wife also knows that this person has thoughts about her! this?

What a mess!


Waiting for Huang Manyu to come over, how long will it take!

"I remember, I own some properties near here!"Su Can thought for a moment. He still has some properties under his name nearby.

As for hotels,

Su Can really has quite a few properties under his name.


Taking Lu Qianshan to the hotel?

Are you kidding!

Leave it aside. If he dared to take Lu Qianshan to the hotel in Xiangjiang, a gossip entertainment paparazzi, the whole of Xiangjiang would report this gossip the next day.

Because in many top hotels in Xiangjiang, there are many dogs guarding them.

As for Lu Qianshan, her popularity in Xiangjiang is no less than that of those female stars, and she is also the top female star!

Think about it, a woman who is more beautiful than the female stars turns out to have assets worth thousands of dollars. A woman worth billions of dollars, and more importantly, she is still single.

All over Hong Kong, countless single diamond kings and queens are pursuing this one.

Among entertainment reporters.........

If Lu Qianshan was photographed going to a hotel with a man, it would be even more exciting than if a superstar was photographed cheating on her!

"Yes, third brother, we do have some properties near here."

As Su Can's big housekeeper, Zhong Mingqiang still knows a little bit about it.


Many of these properties were bought by Zhong Mingqiang himself. Of course, the names on them are all owned by Su Can.

"Are there any vacant houses in these houses that can be moved in at any time?"

Su Can said in a deep voice.

"Third brother, yes! Several sets!"

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he immediately understood what he meant. What is this, Third Brother?

Are you going to turn over Mr. Lu tonight?

Zhong Mingqiang didn't think that this was such big news. In his opinion, Third Brother and Lu Things among thousands of mountains are actually matters sooner or later..........

It's too simple.

Because Zhong Mingqiang has been with Su Can for so many years and knows too many secrets of Su Can, and how about Lu Qianshan seeing Su Can on a regular basis?

This look of nymphomaniac.

How could he not notice what Su Can was worried about in his heart?

All this time, it was the goddess who had the will, and King Xiang had no dreams, so for so many years, Qianshan has always been single.

And he knew it.

Mainly if the third brother is willing, Lu Qianshan can run up to Su Can in a matter of minutes.

Think of this.

Zhong Mingqiang was not surprised.

Su Can saw the flash of light in Zhong Mingqiang's eyes. He didn't know what Zhong Mingqiang was thinking in his heart!

This is a misunderstanding.

Forget it, it’s just a misunderstanding!

Su Can doesn’t care anymore...........

This matter is nothing.

"Then you make arrangements and choose the nearest house. Lu Qianshan is drunk. I will take her there to have a rest!"Su Can said lightly.

"It's the third brother. I'll ask our people to drive the car over immediately! Zhong

Mingqiang said respectfully:"That community is only one street away from us. We can get there in less than five minutes.""

"Go for it!"

Su Can waved his hand.

Zhong Mingqiang immediately called and asked the other security guards to drive back.

A few minutes later,

Su Can supported Lu Qianshan and walked slowly downstairs. Although Lu Qianshan is not usually heavy, this drink After getting drunk, his body became much heavier.

Fortunately, Su Can has exercised a lot over the years. Although he is in his early fifties, for ordinary people at this age, they will gain weight.........

Su Can's figure is maintained very well.

His figure is even better than that of a young man in his twenties.

Looking at Lu Qianshan who was so drunk that he was unconscious, Su Can could only smile helplessly. He walked slowly and quickly walked out of Bixian Residence. at the same time.

In a car not far from Bixianju, Olke kept staring at the gate of Bixianju with sharp eyes, and suddenly saw Su Can's security car driving over.

His eyes suddenly opened up


Olk said excitedly.

He had been waiting here for a long time, just waiting for Su Can and others to come out. Then he took this opportunity to meet Su Can and followed Su Can to beg for mercy and beg Su Can to let them go.

In this case.........

Those people behind him will not punish him for this.

"But why so fast?"

Olk was a little puzzled.

Because, how could such a high-ranking person walk out of their dinner party in less than an hour?


It's too fast!

You know, let alone For people like Su Can, even for him, Olke, it would take several hours to have a meal with the people they supported in Xiangjiang.


Why did they talk so fast!

"It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if he is happy or not, but now, if I don’t seize the opportunity, then I really have no chance!"

Olk saw Su Can's security driving down, and then saw Su Can's security slowly coming down from Bixianju.

He knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

Olke was suddenly excited and wanted to Open the car door.


He was stunned..........

He saw Su Can coming down from Bixianju, and as he came down, he didn't come down alone, but came down holding or supporting a woman.

This woman was always lying on Su Can's shoulders.

Saw this woman!

Olke's pupils suddenly shrank


He couldn't help it, and gasped in shock.

Ork was frightened.

"That woman? Isn’t that Lu Qianshan?"Although Olke saw Lu Qianshan buried on Su Can's shoulders and being supported by Su Can, his face was not seen. However

, before Su Can came, Olke was here. He saw with his own eyes that Lu Qianshan walked in from the outside.

At that time, the way Lu Qianshan was dressed was obviously the same one. The way he was lying on Su Can's shoulders could not be said to be similar. It could only be said that It's exactly the same.


Is there any adultery between the two of them?

Thinking of this, Olke's heart was filled with a strong sense of gossip, and he was extremely excited. He felt that he had discovered a huge secret.

This secret!

If word spreads, it will not only shock the whole of Hong Kong!

That was big news that shocked the whole world.

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