Having learned from the past, Su Can didn't believe that Lu Qianshan got drunk after drinking this wine.

The point is.

Su Can has never seen Lu Qianshan drink a lot. It's mainly because they get together and they just have a small taste...........

As for Lu Qianshan’s drinking capacity.

Su Can doesn't know.

It has never been reported in the industry.

This is because.

After Lu Qianshan came out of Wanxiang Group, he became the head of Yong'an Bank. Then, with Su Can's large-scale capital injection, Yong'an Bank instantly regained new vitality from an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy. then!

The scale of assets controlled is as high as tens of billions.

At this time, it was only around the mid-1980s. During this period, companies that could control tens of billions of assets were not small businesses.

Lu Qianshan suddenly became an upstart in Xiangjiang's financial circle.

With such a status, when she goes out to discuss business or do anything, she will not ask for help, let alone beg in a low voice.

On the contrary, as Yong'an Bank's performance is booming, countless people have seen it and will take the initiative to carry out a series of cooperation with Yong'an Bank.

Later, Su Can asked Yongan Bank to support mainland industries on a large scale.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yongan Bank became the first foreign-funded Hong Kong capital to enter the mainland banking industry..........

Those Hong Kong companies, after seeing many of them, immediately started to cooperate with Yongan Bank.

This has greatly increased the strength of Yongan Bank.

As this step by step progressed, Lu Qianshan's status as Yong'an Bank also increased day by day. By the 1990s, he was a top financial giant.

With such strength and being in charge of such a huge company, who would dare to covet Lu Qianshan's beauty and want to make Lu Qianshan drunk?

Really thought!

What happens to these high-ranking figures after they get drunk? Will they be manipulated so easily like on TV?

People who have reached this status are no longer that simple.

If anyone dared to use such despicable means to deal with others, they would have been attacked and destroyed long ago by a joint effort.

Use this kind of blackmail.

He is definitely not the person in charge of a company. For such a person, any tidbits, even if they are actually photographed, will not have much impact on him.

Unless he is breaking the law.........

Otherwise, there is really no problem.

This also means that Lu Qianshan has a high status and no one forces her to drink. Drinking with business partners is just a taste. How much does she drink?

No one really knows.


How could a person of her status get drunk with anyone casually? Even if her best friend drank with her in private, she would still stay sober. reached this position.

It was no longer something she could do casually. If she was always drunk, and this news reached Su Can, Lu Qianshan might not be able to hold on to the position of the person in charge of Yong'an Bank for so long.

Not to mention Su Can. in this world.

Any capital giant will never allow a person who likes to drink to be the person in charge, if at all!

That can only be said!

This person wants the company to go bankrupt

"Boss, I'll pour you another drink."

Lu Qianshan picked up the decanter. Su Can clearly saw that when she picked up the decanter to pour wine, her body was trembling a little.

This was not because of fear..........

Rather, after drinking too much, I was holding something in my hand that was a little unsteady. because!

It was as if the alcohol had numbed her hands, and she no longer had much consciousness. Even if her brain issued instructions, as her body was anesthetized by alcohol, the speed at which the instructions were issued would be much slower.

However, Lu Qianshan still picked it up.

She took it and placed it over Su Can's wine glass, but when Su Can took a look, it was obvious that the wine glass did not correspond to the mouth of the decanter very accurately.

Instead, the decanter kind of sits outside.

Lu Qianshan fell down.

Suddenly some red wine spilled out.

The price of this bottle of Romanee-Conti is so high. Just a small amount of it would cost several thousand.

What a waste!


Lu Qianshan took a look, slowly adjusted the position of the decanter, and continued to pour the wine down. As a result, his body was slightly tilted, and the angle of pouring the wine was crooked again.

Su Can felt that this couldn't be true!

Lu Qianshan's pouring of wine was very in line with the feeling of a drunk person pouring wine, and it was still the kind of person who drank to the top and collapsed after two more sips.

This is so true.

It can't be true!

But Su Can was bitten by a snake once and was afraid of well ropes for ten years. He was really afraid. Lu Qianshan's acting skills were so good. It was all staged.

Then, one cup after another.

Who is drunk?

It's not that Su Can is drunk.

When the time comes, if something like that happens again, Su Can really doesn't know what to say. After all, he is already in his early fifties now!

Not back then, when I was around 20 or 30 years old.........

If you were that age and got drunk by Lu Qianshan and got him, you can only say that you are still young and ignorant.

If that time comes.

Still like this at fifty years old.

That would be a shame, being thrown into grandma’s house

"Boss, let me toast you again!"

Although Lu Qianshan was coquettish for tens of thousands of yuan, he still poured wine for Su Can, and then gave him the wine glass in front of him and poured a glass of wine.

Lu Qianshan put down the decanter and picked up the wine glass in front of him. She did not sit down, but picked it up and toasted to Su Can.

Her eyes were extremely blurred, as if covered with a layer of mist.

Su Can looked at Lu Qianshan and was slightly startled.

He was going to The wine glass was raised.

Lu Qianshan suddenly took back the wine glass, put it to his mouth, and raised it suddenly. The red wine in the glass was immediately drank by Lu Qianshan..........


Cheers as promised!

Su Can was stunned for a moment.

He was a little dumbfounded.

Su Can smiled bitterly for five years, holding the wine glass, and drank it all in one gulp. It was only half a bottle of wine now, and it had not reached Su Can's level of drinking.


Suddenly, I saw the wine glass in Lu Qianshan's hand. It slipped from her soft and slender hand and fell to the ground. The glass made a crisp sound.

Then, it broke into pieces.

Lu Qianshan Her eyes, which were originally blurred, actually closed at this moment. She tried hard to open her beautiful big eyes.

However, those double eyelids seemed to be pulled down by a huge force. Closed.

Lu Qianshan's eyes suddenly narrowed into a line..........


Her slender body fell down weakly. She happened to land on the chair and sat down, while her body lay weakly on the dining table.


Su Can was stunned.

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