"how? Are you so afraid of your wife? Mr. Huang won't let you go?"

Lu Qianshan squinted his eyes and smiled.

As she spoke, she looked towards the villa on the other side of the garden. There seemed to be a meaningful smile in her beautiful big eyes. only........

In that smile, if one looked carefully, one might be able to see envy, jealousy, regret, or even a hint of hostility.

This feeling is very complicated. at the same time.

Huang Manyu was in the hall, sitting on the sofa, drinking a cup of Western-style tea, with a few snacks in front of her, looking a bit elegant.

However, she suddenly felt a wave of hostility coming over her.


Huang Manyu was slightly startled.

She turned around and looked in the direction of the villa garden. It seemed that through the hostility, she saw through the wall and saw Lu Qianshan outside.


Lu Qianshan.........

Huang Manyu followed and smiled lightly.

She felt that this hostility was from Lu Qianshan, but sheDon't care.

Now, even if Lu Qianshan succeeds in becoming her man's woman, there is nothing to lose for Huang Manyu.

Lu Qianshan is no longer an enemy.

Even if she is now her man's woman and has a child, so what!

How old is she now?

And even if this child is born, if he wants to completely inherit his man's huge assets, he will have to wait until he is thirty years old.

Thirty years.

In the past thirty years, I don’t know how huge the changes have been.

Where does she have a chance?

Huang Manyu was not worried.

Even for Huang Manyu, if Lu Qianshan really succeeds, it will be a great thing. She is even more inclined to Lu Qianshan's success.

If Lu Qianshan succeeds, then she will not be able to continue to sit down calmly as the person in charge of Yong'an Bank.

That's right!

She must step back..........

This was not because Huang Manyu used this to negotiate terms with Lu Qianshan, nor was it a threat that Huang Manyu would cry, make trouble, or hang herself after him.

Rather, this will be a man's decision.

Just like back then, Zhang Man's condition for withdrawing from Wanxiang Group seemed to be that he made an exchange of conditions with Huang Manyu before leaving completely.

But Huang Manyu knew that without the acquiescence of her husband Su Can, Huang Manyu, even if she was the royal wife, would not be able to interfere with the candidates of the princes under her husband's control.

Leave it in the past.

She was participating in political affairs in the harem, which was a taboo for the emperor.

My man is not a fatuous emperor, how could he let this happen? So all of this was actually with his man's secret acquiescence.

Even though it seemed like he didn't make a sound, he was always silent.

However, who doesn't know that this silence is the acquiescence of peace. Sometimes, there is no need to say anything at all, as long as it is quiet, nothing is said.

That's a statement.

It was also because of this that Zhang Man completely left that position.

Huang Manyu has been with Su Can for many years, and she knows very well what kind of person her man is.

He has a bottom line.

That is, the Su family or all relatives cannot participate in his industry in a chaotic manner. If they interfere, they will be severely punished.

Over the years, it was not just outsiders who were envious of Su Can's industry and wanted to get in on it!

Inside the Su family........

There are not many people who have this idea. Although they are all from the branch, they are still high-ranking figures among outsiders.

But here in Su Can.

But hit a wall.

He directly interrupted their thoughts and was ruthless, leaving these people with no choice but to even go to the old man to intercede.

As a result, it was of no use.

Because what my man is most afraid of is this kind of family business. Once all major industries are involved, the Su family will be involved.

These companies will be doomed.

Therefore, when Huang Manyu became her man's woman, it was destined that she would not be able to continue to be the head of Wanxiang Group.

Later, she pushed Xu Yan to the top.

But, it wasn't her after all.

Then, if his son Su Zeming takes charge of these industries in the future, he will not be blocked by other women of his own man.

If Zhang Man and the others were still in that position and had children, could they not think about anything else?

It doesn't seem like there is now........

However, in this era, few people can withstand the test, let alone those who do not want to get more opportunities for their children after becoming parents.

Even if, under the propaganda of OMG media, those foreign children, after the age of eighteen, their parents will ignore their children and stop giving them money, allowing the children to grow up independently.


These are all false. Unless the family has no money, otherwise that family will stop giving the child money when the child is eighteen years old, and let the child go to school to make money? joke.

The richer those big foreign families are, the more they value these things.

Especially those rich people send their children to expensive private schools. The classes for these people are actually the same education as ordinary people.

In Europe, this is called elite education.

And the rest.

That is a happy education for the poor. When a sports star occasionally comes out, they will make a big propaganda that only happy education can make such people appear..........

Actually, that's the same thing.

Now, we all understand.

If Lu Qianshan now becomes her man's woman, for Huang Manyu, the last few stones in her heart have finally settled.

She didn't think this was a bad thing.

But a great thing.

When his son Su Zeming inherits his man's huge assets, he will not face such big resistance when facing Yong'an Bank.

It can even be said that there is no resistance.

She wished this would happen. otherwise.

In Huang Manyu's heart, to be honest, she was still a little worried about what would happen if her son inherited her man's huge property.

Lu Qianshan hated his man because of his love, and then put all this hatred on his son Su Zeming!


It is not that simple for his son Su Zeming to successfully take charge of Yongan Bank.

Yong'an Bank has grown from being weak to being extremely powerful now. The reputation of the First Bank of Hong Kong, and even the first bank in the world, was built step by step by Lu Qianshan.

Her prestige in Yongan Bank is unparalleled.

If Lu Qianshan stopped her, then other people in Yong'an Bank would probably follow her lead. How could Huang Manyu not be worried about this?

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