"Only now did I guess the boss’s intention. Lu

Qianshan had a look of shame on his face and said,"Fortunately, I got the boss's reminder. Otherwise, I would have messed up the boss's plan.""

She was a little lucky.

If it had been a few days ago, after the five major families in Xiangjiang expressed their stance, the major families in Xiangjiang expressed their stance one after another, and then the major companies in Xiangjiang also followed suit.


In the huge city of Xiangjiang, only Yong'an Bank and those financial giants in Huaer Street are left. Apart from the branch in Xiangjiang that has not expressed its position, there are not many left.

And if she hadn't noticed it, if her boss Su Can wanted her to express her position, he would definitely ask her to do so as soon as possible.


The two giants in Xiangjiang have expressed their stance. For other big families, it is also a great pressure, and the effect will be very huge.

But in the end, she didn't even wait for news about Su Can.

Lu Qianshan simply stayed patient and waited for the final news to be announced.

Otherwise, if she really made a statement, then by virtue of their statement, Yong'an Bank and the companies supported by OMG Capital would become rival companies.

Even if it's not that antagonistic.

However, there is a layer of estrangement between the two parties. If you want those companies to join the game set by Su Can, it is specifically targeted at those companies.

But, it's not that easy. fortunately!

This is the best of luck..........

"Ha ha! Su

Can laughed and said:"It's nothing. This plan is something I just thought of in the past two days.""

"How could he be so scheming? He had already thought of that when he did this!"

Su Can deliberately hid it so that Lu Qianshan didn't feel guilty. More importantly, Su Can hid his scheming appearance.


This would be too outrageous.

Because if Lu Qianshan knew about it, Su Can would As soon as Chan started to lay out the plan, he had already calculated it up to now. Where is the step of taking one step and looking at three steps?

This is simply taking one step and looking at dozens of steps.

Such a careful mind is gloomy and terrifying, no matter how hard it is to travel thousands of mountains. She likes Su Can, has a crush on Su Can, and trusts Su Can.

However, when meeting such a person, she will inevitably feel fear. She will be scared.

Su Can feels that this is terrible and cannot be allowed to happen. Things happened.

Moreover, over the years, Su Can's behavior deliberately made them think that Su Can was a genius and just a monster. This was also Su Can's deliberate move to go a few steps further than they expected.

But no.........

Ninety-nine steps were reached at once.

You know, if you are one step ahead of ordinary people, you are called a genius. If you are ninety-nine steps ahead of ordinary people, you are called a god.

Su Can didn't want this to happen. because!

His rebirth is a secret of his. If he behaves like this, even if he has such a high status and status, it will still arouse strong interest in people. Many giants will join forces to deal with him and plan for him. of those things.

Just imagine.

How can you not be afraid of a person who knows what will happen in the next ten or several decades?

Even if this person is the richest man in the world, that is still the case. these years.

Su Can didn't show this, he was just a few steps faster than the others, and even so, Su Can's gains were absolutely earth-shattering. enough..........

When Lu Qianshan heard this, he hesitated slightly and looked at Su Can in disbelief. Why did she feel that this must be part of the boss Su Can's plan.

Over the years, it can be said that he has left nothing behind.

Whether it was the oil crisis in the 1980s, the Plaza Accord in island countries, the financial crisis in Southeast Asia, or the Internet bubble and the financial tsunami of the previous few years.

All of this happened without exception, and in the hands of his boss Su Can, he made an unknown amount of profit.

A person with such keen awareness.

For this layout, this step is completely possible.


He thought that if Su Can really had such a far-reaching plan, why didn't he contact him at the beginning? Wasn't he afraid that he would unintentionally ruin this plan? this?

Thinking of this, another hesitant thought flashed in Lu Qianshan's mind, thinking that something was not right!

Probably, that’s not the case! this?

In her mind, two thoughts were constantly struggling. It was a bit chaotic, but she didn't know how to describe it..........

You are truly a mysterious man!

There was a hint of admiration in Lu Qianshan's slightly confused eyes.

It is precisely because the man in front of him always seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog. This fog is so dense that it makes it difficult for people to see clearly.

Make way for thousands of mountains, but I am obsessed with it.

Because of this, she fell into it, and until now, for more than 20 years, she has been unable to get out. her heart.

He had long been completely enveloped by this majestic figure full of mist.

Looking at Lu Qianshan, various emotions such as confusion, confusion, sudden realization, and a hint of reverence appeared in his eyes in a short time.

Su Can knew that this woman must have seen something. but!

Su Can didn't care. What he saw was just the tip of the iceberg. He hadn't yet fully seen through what it contained.

There are too many things in here, too many..........

How could she see clearly!

"In just three days, the two Li families, the Guo family, major groups in Xiangjiang, and some big families expressed their opinions one after another. This effect was beyond my expectation. Su

Can said calmly:"At first, I thought that except for the Zheng family and the Bao family, the other three major families of the five major families in Xiangjiang would not express their opinions."

"I didn't expect it, but he expressed his position so quickly, which surprised me."

"After seeing them all express their opinions, I thought that if possible, Yong'an Bank could be used as a bait to seduce the puppets supported by OMG Capital who are hiding in the dark."

"After all, Yongan Bank has not expressed its position yet. Such a neutral attitude will make those people think that Yongan Bank has its heart."

"Even if not, they are still dissatisfied with Wanxiang Group and others."

There is another sentence that Su Can did not say.

That is!

For outsiders, many people will think that there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. The Vientiane Group and Yongan Bank are actually the two tigers in the Hong Kong financial circle.

Since this is the case..........

They will definitely compete with each other for the position of the mountain king.

So, it is normal for Yongan Bank to do things that stumble Wanxiang Group. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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