The fireworks ended, and the topping out ceremony of the Lion Dance Building ended.

In addition, the Lion Dance Group also booked the entire hotel in Pengcheng's largest hotel and held a luncheon.

All guests present are invited to attend......

Su Can did not go, but returned to the hotel.

There were too many people there, and they were seated separately. Those uncles and uncles could easily recognize Su Can........

It's better to go back to the hotel and eat, it's still comfortable after all.....

We returned to the hotel and went to the second floor to order some Cantonese food. Su Can and his party ate quite well, although the products were not rich these days.

However, as a large hotel, the restaurant on the second floor still has many kinds of ingredients, which are particularly fresh and delicious.

In addition, there are some wild game....

However, Su Can mostly ordered seafood. After living in Yanjing City for so long, at this time, there were not as many types of seafood as here in Pengcheng, and they were all fresh.

The seafood here is very fresh...

Whether it's shrimps, crabs, fish, etc., there are all kinds of live and chilled ones. Su Can ordered a table full of dishes, even big lobsters.

As a result, when I checked out, I spent less than two hundred yuan, which was shockingly cheap and unimaginable.

I have to say that prices in this era are really cheap for those who make a lot of money!!

On the second day.

Lu Guoqiang came early in the morning and waited in the lobby for a long time. He probably went to bed before looking for Su Can.

"Third brother!!"

Lu Guoqiang stood next to Su Can, like an abused little daughter-in-law.

"Are you ready?"

Su Can asked

"Yes!! I found a large square, the venue has been rented, and I asked the people from the factory to put all the refrigerators there a day in advance."

Lu Guoqiang said

"Um! Su Can smiled and said,"You're doing well. By the way, have you found the big hammer I asked you to find?""

"I found it. There are plenty of them in Dachun. I asked him to get a few hammers. Each one was of the best quality......."

Lu Guoqiang smiled bitterly and said.

He didn't understand why the third brother asked him to find a big hammer and got the hammer to the other side of the square!

Use it to hit people?

This made him feel confused......

"Where are the reporters?"

Su Can said

"Boss Xu has already arranged for the reporters to stay and arrange for them to play for two days and then give them a face to participate in today's event."

Lu Guoqiang quickly explained.

"OK, everything is ready."

Su Can nodded.

It's good if all those reporters are there. Domestic reporters are fine, but it's very rare for foreign reporters to see a reporter.

With those people here, Su Can is very satisfied.......

"Well, let's go!!"

Su Can looked at Lu Guoqiang and said lightly.

Outside, Zhong Mingqiang and others were ready. When Su Can and Lu Guoqiang went out, a group of people got off the hotel. Several cars were parked downstairs.

They sat in the car. , drive along that square......

"Third brother, what should I do?....."

In the car, Lu Guoqiang asked with a curious expression.

The third brother didn't tell him how to implement it that day. By now, Lu Guoqiang was already upset.

I don’t know how to solve this crisis......

And in the past few days, he didn't dare to ask!!

Because Third Brother said, I will tell him when the time comes. If I ask now, what should I do if I offend Third Brother?

Looking at Lu Guoqiang's timid look, if the employees in Guoqiang Electronics Factory found out, they might be shocked.

They were all scared by Lu Guoqiang.......

Is this still the same Boss Lu?

A big boss who can make a little girl cry when something goes wrong on the assembly line and make the whole factory feel majestic and fearful?

Now in front of Su Can, he looked like a little white rabbit, not as majestic as fighting a tiger in a factory.

"very simple....."

Su Can glanced at Lu Guoqiang and said:"Since those batches of refrigerators are all malfunctioning, we can't keep them. We will smash them all, and they will be smashed to pieces."....."


Lu Guoqiang was stunned and gasped.

Did you smash all those refrigerators?

Moreover, they were smashed to pieces. Doesn't that mean that almost all of these refrigerators were useless, and even the electronic components were unusable.

They were worth one million. I can't get back any of the damage to the refrigerator. Is it really useless?

"Why, not willing to give up?"

Su Can glared at Lu Guoqiang.

"No.....No....."When Lu Guoqiang heard this, he hurriedly sat down and said with a sneer on his face:"Of course not. Third brother asked me to smash it, so I smashed it."

But in his heart, he was extremely heartbroken......

That’s one million!!

Su Can smiled and said:"It's a pity that this refrigerator worth one million was smashed, but after it was smashed, the report it could bring to Guoqiang Electronics Factory, even if it was ten or even a hundred Incomparable to millions"


Lu Guoqiang was stunned for a moment. How much could he get if he smashed a refrigerator?

Ten million?

Isn't that ten million?

And a hundred.....

"Hiss!!"Lu Guoqiang was shocked and opened his mouth. It felt too scary. One hundred million is a hundred million!

One hundred million, even if the current market value of Guoqiang Electronics Factory were to increase several times, it would not be able to reach that terrifying level. Extremely high.

It can actually bring back such high profits.....

Lu Guoqiang couldn't believe it. This must be a dream!!

"how? Don't believe it?"Su Can looked at Lu Guoqiang's shocked face and said lightly.

"No no no!! Of course I believe it, I believe everything the third brother said."

Lu Guoqiang shook his head quickly, like a rattle. Even if he didn't believe it, he couldn't say it!!

He really didn't believe it......

Can smashing the refrigerator have such a good effect?

"You do not understand!! Su Can shook his head and said:"The so-called smashing of refrigerators is to establish an image and brand effect. If you want to establish a brand image effect in people's hearts, it will cost a huge amount of money.""

"With such money, most people can't imagine how difficult it is to establish a brand image. Sometimes, even if it costs hundreds of millions, it cannot be successfully established, and it may even take ten or eight years."

How many companies can survive ten or eight years? ps. Please subscribe. Please subscribe.

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