Su Can and Yang Yan had a very simple lunch. They didn't last long, and the meal ended quickly. at the store door........

Su Can watched Yang Yan return to their company

"Third brother! Zhong

Mingqiang walked out, stood next to Su Can, and said,"We have arranged for someone to pick up the car. We will be here in a few minutes.""


Su Can nodded slightly.

Zhong Mingqiang stood next to Su Can and looked into the distance. That place happened to be the Beat Company.

"Are you thinking about the bet I made with Zhang Yiming?"

Su Can's voice came softly.

"Third brother, Zhang Yiming must lose!"

Zhong Mingqiang said directly without thinking too much.

He has been with Su Can for so many years..........

I have seen Su Can bet with many people, but no one has ever been able to win these bets. It was all won by the third brother.

The third brother is an uncrowned king.

He will never lose.

So this time too!


Su Can turned around and looked at Zhong Mingqiang.

"Could it be?"

When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He just felt that he had said something wrong. Could it be that Zhang Yiming could win the bet this time?

How is it possible?

However, the third brother's tone was very obvious! What was in Zhong Mingqiang's heart , full of contradictory thoughts.

Su Can smiled faintly and said:"This time, I am the loser."

"Third brother........"

Zhong Mingqiang was shocked. The third brother admitted that he lost?

Did I hear it wrong?

Before Zhong Mingqiang could continue to speak, Su Can continued to speak, saying:"Zhang Yiming, although he is young, is extremely far-sighted."

"His idea is indeed good. Splitting Duanzi from Tiaoji Company is the greatest benefit for Tiaoji Company."

"A joke software still cannot support Zhang Yiming's ambition."

Su Can's voice was very calm, as if it was an understatement.


This voice, in Zhong Mingqiang's ears, was no less than the sound of thunder. He was shocked and stunned.


Zhang Yiming is so ambitious?


He thought that he had met countless people and had been in a high position for a long time. However, when he saw Zhang Yiming, he always felt that this man was gentle and seemed to have a very calm personality.


I really can't see anything.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zhang Yiming would receive such a high evaluation from Third Brother!

Very ambitious?

No wonder the third brother is so fond of this person!

For the third brother, he never worried about how ambitious the people under his command were, but worried about their lack of ambition.

If it is the kind of muddling along!

For the third brother, that is basically contemptuous.

This Yi Ming is so well hidden!


Zhong Mingqiang took a deep breath, slowly suppressed the shock in his heart, looked at Su Can, and said respectfully:"Third brother, since you know that you are destined to lose, why did you agree to bet with Zhang Yiming!" so!

If he loses, wouldn't it be a loss to the third brother's reputation? instead!

The Lord boosted Zhang Yiming's confidence. this?

"Mingqiang! Su

Can took a deep look at Zhong Mingqiang and said with a smile:"Do you think that in my current position, what I need is still that little reputation?""


When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he was silent for a moment, but didn't know how to speak.

The third brother was right!


Can he say it?

Saying that Third Brother transcends heaven and earth and is not among the Five Elements, isn't this sentence a curse?

Calling the third brother Sun Wukong?

What is Sun Wukong?


How dare he say that!

Su Can continued:"The reason why I agreed to Zhang Yiming's bet is to give him a little pressure, although what he wants to do is destined to succeed in the future."

"However, the future is full of uncertainty. If I don't give him a little pressure, how can he be more motivated to do this?"

"This gambling agreement involves more than one billion in funds, or even more"

"Just for these billions, do you think he really doesn’t care?"

Su Can pursed his lips and smiled lightly.

Don't care?

More than a billion..........

How could you not care?

To know!

Zhang Yiming is not a family whose net worth has reached tens of billions, but a family with assets of over 100 million.

If it weren't for the third brother's fancy.

This attracted the attention of Lu Guoqiang and the others. Now their family's industry is still facing some difficulties!

It's because of Third Brother.

Now their Zhang family will develop rapidly.

But even so!

These billions of assets are something that even his family cannot compare with now, let alone take them out. How can he not care about those billions?

Zhang Yiming acted very calmly.

It’s not that I don’t care.


He had more plans in his heart and wanted more. His ambitions were all exposed at that moment!

Third brother sees too deeply..........

All of a sudden, Zhang Yiming's ambition was revealed.

This is amazing.

Zhong Mingqiang was shocked, but he also sighed, he is indeed the third brother!

This gaze is like a torch!

It's really just as terrifying as a god.

However, this is to be expected. If the third brother can't see it, who else in this world can see it?

There is no one left.

There is only one person like Third Brother

"Now that Duanzi has been split, Zhang Yiming's shares are still in Douyin. In fact, in the future, the more powerful the software developed by Douozi, the more he will get after the split. Su

Can said calmly:"Because, the company that obtained the assets through future financing is not Tongdong, but a separate company established by its major software companies.""

"For these software, what if the more financing is raised, the more shares are split?"

"Anyway, if the company does not raise funds, the number of shares will be the same. In the end, if the entire company is listed together, its assets will not be diluted in any way.........."

"What he got was more."

Su Can has already seen Zhang Yiming's plan, but he did not reveal it to his face. Only now did he tell Zhong Mingqiang.

He has said it a long time ago.

He is not afraid of the ambitions of his subordinates.

Nor is he afraid of calculations.

Just I am afraid that this person has no ambitions and no calculations. This is the most terrifying thing.

And Zhang Yiming is obviously not in such a group.


When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he suddenly took a breath of cold air. He was frightened by all the details here. He thought about it carefully.

He just felt that it was terrifying to think about it!

It's okay..........

The third brother's eyes were as bright as a torch and he would have seen through everything long ago. Otherwise, Zhang Yiming would really have dug a hole in the dark! ps please subscribe please subscribe

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