This time the financing is stable. even!

It will increase the valuation of Duanzi!

Mr. Su! so amazing.

Looking at the excited Zhang Yiming, Su Can didn't find it strange that he actually understood what he was thinking. This man looked gentle and quiet...........

In fact, he is a smart person.

If you can't guess it, then something is really wrong.

Su Can has called here.

How can you not know!

He understood instantly

"Next, it depends on your contact with Capital Today. How high you can value Duanzi depends on your ability and how big it is!"

Su Can smiled brightly and said

"Don’t worry, Mr. Su!

Zhang Yiming patted his chest and promised:"I swear, I will not let Mr. Su down.""


Su Can nodded with satisfaction. He looked at the time and said,"Okay, that's all for today. I have something to do, so I'll go back first."

"Mr. Su! Zhang

Yiming looked at it and said anxiously:"It's almost 12 noon now, why don't you give me a chance and let me treat Mr. Su to a meal!""


Su Can shook his head and said,"As you saw just now, I already said that I wanted to treat Yang Yan to a meal, so just wait for this part of the meal!"

"I hope! You can treat me to such a meal after your gambling agreement with me is successful."

Su Can said with a smile.

Will I win?


When Zhang Yiming heard this, he smiled bitterly in his heart.


It will take several years!

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Zhang Yiming's depressed expression and suddenly smiled secretly in his heart. Zhang Yiming really didn't know! There are so many people inviting Third Brother to a meal.

Just like last year!

Even Bill, the richest man in the world, wanted to treat Third Brother to a meal last year. He had been doing so for several months, but there was nothing he could do to invite Third Brother to such a meal.......... no way!

He personally went to Yanjing City to ask for his third brother, and finally got the chance, and not alone, but with Qiao Busi.

It’s okay to invite these two people together.

As for!

The people under Third Brother, unless Third Brother opens his mouth, they will basically not succeed if they want to invite Third Brother to dinner.

Unless something big happened. or!

When there is a happy event in the family, such as the marriage of a son or a daughter, the third brother will go there to participate and give everyone a chance to invite them. otherwise!

Don't think about it.........

Zhong Mingqiang couldn't even imagine that if the third brother was really as easy to invite as Zhang Yiming thought, would it be Zhang Yiming's turn?

I'm afraid that the number of people who want to treat Third Brother to dinner is not even a thousand, but as many as eight hundred. If he wants to line up, it will take several years to get there.

And him!

I'm afraid he is the one with the lowest status.

Can be invited.

How many people must be envious to death!

However, Zhong Mingqiang will certainly not tell Zhang Yiming these things. Zhang Yiming is not qualified to know these things now. unless!

It has reached a certain height, otherwise there is really no way to know that Zhang Yiming is very successful in the eyes of outsiders.

However, in Third Brother's place, he is really too weak.


Su Can stood up, patted Zhang Yiming's shoulder lightly a few times, and said with a smile:"Do it well, break up the jokes first, and finish the financing matters first.........."

This shot.

Zhong Mingqiang was dumbfounded when he saw it.

He thought to himself: If Wang Er saw this, he would probably be so envious that his eyes would straighten.

Being photographed like this by the third brother.

That’s treating it as one of your own! If those of them were patted like this by Third Brother, they would be happy for several days, and they would be extremely happy!

Obviously, Zhang Yiming didn't feel this way, and he didn't know what it meant.


Zhong Mingqiang thought to himself:"This is why fools are blessed!" Some people are born with such luck, while others may not be so lucky."

For example, Zhang Yiming is in front of me.

And there is Yang Yan outside..........

These two people are the people with the strongest luck that Zhong Mingqiang has seen recently, because they are both people who are favored by the third brother.

It is not very lucky to be favored by the third brother. Is it possible to have such an opportunity?


Even though they are now among ordinary people, or even among the humblest, their future achievements are truly limitless!

You can see it!

These people may all be at the level of princes who are in charge of one party in the future.

Just like Wang Er and Lu Guoqiang.

However, they still don’t know what meeting the third brother means, what it means, and what a big change it will make to their destiny! they do not know.

However, they will know when they reach a certain height in the future.

Su Can put his hand down from Zhang Yiming's shoulder, turned around and walked outside. Zhong Mingqiang followed behind. Zhang Yiming saw it and immediately ran behind..........


The door of the conference room opened.

Su Can and the others walked out, and outside were Su Can's security guards. They had been waiting outside. As soon as

Su Can came out, they immediately formed a new protection circle. At the same time.

In the office area Yang Yan, who was working, was a little uneasy. She looked at the time on the computer, or maybe it was ten minutes ago. She was a little restless. She didn't have the mind to do anything anymore.

All her thoughts were on Su Can, who said to her, noon When it came to inviting her to have dinner together, as the time got closer,

Yang Yan became more and more nervous and uneasy.


Even the fluctuations of her breathing changed greatly.

Especially her figure was very proud, and her breathing changed greatly. Every time, some spectacular scenes would form, and even she herself didn’t notice it..........

Her mind was now filled with thoughts that the time was almost up. this?

Mr. Su, maybe it’s not, he’s just talking!


The other party was just talking, but I took it so seriously. This?

But what if it’s true!

All kinds of thoughts, chaotic and chaotic, all spread in Yang Yan's mind, causing her emotions to fluctuate greatly.

Sometimes, he suddenly showed a silly smile, and the next moment, he suddenly felt a little sad. This kind of emotion changes very inexplicably.


But Yang Yan knew very clearly what the purpose of this was and why she had such a worry about gains and losses spreading in her heart. because.........

There was such a majestic figure in her heart, especially that time, when she saw this person for the first time, it was already deeply imprinted in her.

That figure had appeared in her sleep countless times.

She had even thought of the name of the grandson who was with him. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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