Su Zeming still had a strange thought in his heart. he thinks.

Perhaps, if someone hadn't been sent to re-investigate his father's own industries, his shareholdings in major companies, and the complex shareholding relationships of major offshore companies.

It is difficult to find out how much property his father has.

How much is the net worth........

Even his father may not know the exact number.

Even if it is accurate to tens of billions of dollars.

It’s tens of billions of dollars!

It’s not a hundred yuan, nor a thousand yuan, nor eighteen thousand, or one hundred thousand, one million, or more than one hundred million, let alone one billion or tens of billions of RMB.

It’s tens of billions of dollars!

That's right!

Taking this as a unit, his father may not even know how many tens of billions of dollars he is worth.

Su Zeming felt that this was not impossible.

"I! When Tang

Xuan heard this, she paused slightly, then nodded deeply and said,"Thank you, Dad and Mom!""

She knew before that Su Zeming came from a wealthy family. She didn't know how wealthy he was before. She felt that Su Zeming was from a wealthy family..........

No matter how wealthy the family was, it might be like the Li family in Xiangjiang. However, at this moment, she knew exactly how wealthy this family was.

This is a giveaway!

That is assets of more than 2 billion RMB.

And she!

She’s not the daughter-in-law that Ming Media is marrying!

You know, among the wealthy families in Xiangjiang, although the wealthy families often reward their daughter-in-law with a reward of 100 million for giving birth to a child.

Those were all married by the media, but now, she is not!

This gift is not about 100 million, but more than 2 billion. This amount of money can achieve a lot of financial freedom in minutes.

This is too generous.

Huang Manyu watched Tang Xuan accept it, smiled with satisfaction, and said,"That's right! If a family doesn't speak the same language, they are all members of the same family, so there's no need to be polite."

"thank you mom........."

Tang Xuan nodded and said.

Su Can continued:"Yes, you're welcome. In addition to this share, I will give you shares in another company.""

"ah! dad! This is too much to give!"

Tang Xuan was shocked.

Now she has almost more than 2 billion RMB in assets.

Still want to pay?

Does your family have a mine?

Oh no!

Even if your family has a mine, not many people dare to be so extravagant, right?!

Su Can waved his hand to signal Tang Xuan not to speak. After hearing what he said, Su Can said:"What I gave you is from an entertainment company named S in Bangzi.""

"This company is now the largest entertainment company in Bangzi. Most of the common Bangzi stars in China come from this company.........."

"Although the country is a small country, we have to admit that the stars produced by their assembly line are all very consistent."

"However, this assembly line model can continuously create batches of stars, even if these stars only receive dividends for three to five years."

"However, their production speed will not be too slow, but will speed up."

"They have a complete assembly line for producing industrial stars. I own a company and am also their major shareholder."

"I will give you 5% of the shares of this company. Although it is not as valuable as the shares of Tianxia Film and Television, it is of great significance. With this share, you can deepen cooperation with them."

Although Bangzi's entertainment industry is developed.


The restrictions are too great.

The local market is too small, so it cannot be like Hollywood, and it has reached a very scary zone in China. This is why.........

Many people in China feel that Bangzi’s star is so popular.

But he gets paid so little.

This is all because of the market.

In such a tiny market, if just anyone could earn a salary of tens of millions, there would be no need to make those movies.

At the local box office, all is given to the star. but!

Have to admit.

Their assembly line to create stars is in line with the mainstream of the future, because people's aesthetics are constantly rising, and they are easily bored with many things.

They can continuously create stars, which makes people feel fresh. Even if they do it every three to five years, that is enough.

Instead of letting them seize the domestic market.


No matter how much he gets, Su Can will still be a major shareholder, but Su Can doesn't like this from the bottom of his heart, so he might as well start his own company.

If Tang Xuan was behind the scenes!

Su Can really hopes that the company established by Tang Xuan will do this in the future. because!

These futures are all given to his lovely grandson.

"Do you want me to take these shares and talk to them on an equal footing? In this case, I can use them as a training factory, so that our people can return to our market after being trained there!"

Tang Xuan immediately understood the meaning of Su Can's words.

"Um! Su

Can nodded slightly and said:"In the past few years, their stars have become very popular in China. Unless they are completely restricted from coming here in the future, this market share will still be divided by them.""

"Instead of this, we might as well build something similar ourselves to avoid being invaded by other people’s culture, which would be bad then........."

Thinking of past lives.

Those little kids play hard every day.

Su Can felt really uncomfortable.


It doesn't seem like there is much of a problem, but they are secretly importing their values ​​and some things that destroy their outlook on life.

Even if some people are affected, it's disgusting enough

"dad! I understand!"

Tang Xuan immediately understood what Su Can meant.

In this circle!

She didn't know that there are so many good people in this circle now!.........

We always compare ourselves to Hao Laiwu, without thinking at all, and take pictures that are unique of our own. And some people always show their ugliest pictures to others, and win several awards. I feel very powerful.

Have the ability!

Photographing the beautiful aspect and allowing people to see it is truly awesome. Everything else is just false!

"In the next two days, I will arrange for someone to come over and sign these equity agreements with you. This is more than a few dollars, so you don't have to put a lot of psychological burden on it."

Su Can said lightly.

How much is it worth?

After hearing Su Can's words, Tang Xuan's mouth twitched slightly.

This is worth billions!

Even Bangzi's S entertainment company, because the local market is small, the market value is It's less than 10 billion RMB, but 5% of the shares is equivalent to a market value of three to four billion RMB.

This is more than her entire net worth.......... result!

In front of my father-in-law, money is nothing!

If you say this out loud, it will definitely incite hatred! ps please subscribe please subscribe

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