Someone wants to give Su Can money?

This is simply the biggest joke in the world.

When Su Can heard this, he was slightly stunned and a little bit dumbfounded. For this daughter-in-law, he didn't know whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid! but!

Can dare to do this. illustrate!

This man is not bad at all towards his own people, but is actually very kind. after all!

Such a person, even if he knows that the other party is rich and is fully capable of paying back the money to the other party, there are a few people who are willing to give away all their wealth...........

Stop talking about others.

Even the vast majority of people see that their parents are terminally ill and need their current apartment to cure their parents' illness.

They were absolutely reluctant to sell the house to treat their parents' illness.


On the contrary, when the child is sick, the parents are willing to sell the house to treat the child.

What's more, it's an outsider!

Su Can was a little moved.

Tang Xuan looked confused and looked at Su Zeming and Huang Manyu in confusion. She didn't know why her mother-in-law and her man could not help laughing like this.

What's going on here?

Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and said with a wry smile:"Tang Xuan, others say that one pregnancy is stupid for three years. Now I completely understand the meaning of this sentence."


Tang Xuan was confused...........

Huang Manyu gently patted Tang Xuan's slender, white and slender hands next to her, and said,"Son, do you think Zeming has made his business so big? His apparent net worth is now among the top ten in the country. His net worth So much?"

"His father, is he short of money? Huang

Manyu said with a smile.

Although her son Su Zeming's business is big.

He is known as Huaxia's number one private company in the same industry, but compared with his father, her husband Su Can's industry, the gap is really too big. It's far away. Very


When Tang Xuan heard this, she immediately blushed and felt a little embarrassed.

She was really stupid for three years after being pregnant for three years.

She had forgotten such a thing.

This is a bit embarrassing. Now Tang Xuan wants to find a hole in the ground. , get in there yourself, this is simply a large social death scene.........

She actually forgot about such a thing. after all!

The Su family has been able to cultivate such an outstanding person as Su Zeming, and he has achieved this at such a young age. Do you really think that Su Zeming's father has no money?

I am afraid!

He is richer than Su Zeming!

She was a little ashamed

"My dad said this, it seems he wants to give you something!"

Su Zeming was very familiar with his father's character. He changed the topic to prevent Tang Xuan from continuing to die in society, which was considered to be protecting Tang Xuan.

"Ha ha!"

Huang Manyu smiled slightly, nodded and said,"Ziming's guess is good."

"I now have some money of my own, which is enough, and if I put this money and this wealth anywhere in the world, I would be considered rich.........."

Tang Xuan said embarrassedly:"I don't need anything else."

"Silly boy, don’t you listen to what your dad wants to give you? Huang

Manyu pursed her lips and said

"Listen to it!"

Su Zeming also said with great interest.


Tang Xuan paused slightly.

Su Can spoke slowly and said:"Tang Xuan, you don't want to, after the child is born, you will always be with the child. Don’t even have a career anymore!"


Tang Xuan opened her mouth and didn't know how to answer.

Be a full-time mother?

Just take care of the children and spend the rest of her life like this?

If so, can she really do it by giving up her original career? ?Do you really want to do this?

Tang Xuan didn’t know how to answer.........

Because there was a voice in her heart that said that she would not give up, but thought of being with Su Zeming.

It is impossible for her to act in all kinds of emotional scenes like before. Even some intimate actions are done by a substitute.

But her!

Don't want that.

But give up?

She couldn't bear it

"Don’t give it up!"

Su Can said with a smile.

"Sorry dad! I really hate this industry. Tang Xuan nodded her head and said,"I really can't give up this industry completely.""

"rest assured........."

Su Can looked at Tang Xuan's apologetic look, shook his head and said,"The reason why I say this is because we don't want to force you to give up this industry completely."


Huang Manyu nodded.

Seeing such reasonable Su Can and Huang Manyu, Tang Xuan looked at Su Can and Huang Manyu with excitement and gratitude.

Huang Manyu continued:"Although we will not force you to do this, now, you will understand what you do. Woman, it’s not like no one knows"

"In Zeming's circle, many people know about it, so even if you continue to act, you won't be able to play some of your previous roles."

"This is something we don't want to see."

Huang Manyu said in a deep voice.


This is something you don't want to see in any big family.

Just like before, those female stars who married into wealthy families in Hong Kong are no longer dead in an instant, and they will never be seen again. Have you entered the entire entertainment industry?.........

And those who are so-called married into wealthy families and are still in the entertainment industry.

Those are all married to fake rich families. or!

It's just a bankrupt wealthy family. They need to come out and continue filming movies to make money to support their families. The so-called wealthy family is just a fig leaf.

Except for one door.

No more Hao.

And now, Tang Xuan has become Su Zeming's woman. The Su family is no longer a simple wealthy family, but a very top-notch super wealthy family!

That was a bigger family than the five major families in Xiangjiang.

To know!

Put it in Xiangjiang.

There is no female star who is married to a direct descendant of one of the five major families in Xiangjiang!

Not to mention.........

Su Zeming is not only a direct lineage, but also a direct lineage within a direct lineage. He is also the future heir of the Su family and the future head of the Su family!

That is truly an invaluable status.

It is definitely not comparable to the status of the five major families in Xiangjiang, not to mention that Su Zeming's current status is almost on the same level as their family heads.

This was all due to Su Zeming's own hard work.

They can't compare.

When Tang Xuan heard this, she felt a little nervous. After she was with Su Zeming, she followed Su Zeming back to Rongcheng. actually!

She had already made some preparations in her heart.

Rather than being unprepared.

I just didn’t expect it!

This day has come, and when it comes, she feels a little anxious, a little anxious, and uneasy..........

"Tang Xuan! Are you interested in moving from the stage to behind the scenes?"

Su Can finally spoke, looked at Tang Xuan, smiled slightly, and said.

From the front of the stage to behind the scenes.


When Tang Xuan heard this, her heart moved.

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