Zhong Mingqiang believes that if the Bai family wins.

These people from the Su family, will the Bai family let them go?

Even if you let it go now!

In the future, the industry of people like them will be gradually cannibalized or killed. They will never be allowed to hold such a large industry.

Everyone belongs to each other.

It's all a life-or-death situation.

Who will hold back! only.........

Pang Bin was from an outside house and from a small place. No one cared about this. What's more, he was a very low-key person.

His sister was adopted by Pang Bin. Although he had reached such a status through some of Pang Bin's power, he did not rely on this to do evil, being aloof and looking down on others.

That is why.

Even if the Pang family fell, he was not affected at all.

Zhong Mingqiang continued:"After Pang Bin went abroad, he immediately contacted this person and asked him to pay attention to Ze Ming's traces. Take a look at where Ze Ming will go during this period."

"Before that, Bai Ye and Pang Bin had investigated Zeming and Tang Xuan, and finally found that Tang Xuan was in Rongcheng. After they found out, they did not attack Tang Xuan."

"In other words, before we had time to take action, the Bai family was completely defeated by us. After Pang Bin absconded, he kept this information in his heart. Zhong

Mingqiang hesitated and said,"This Pang Bin may have guessed it a long time ago. When Tang Xuan gives birth, Ze Ming will definitely come."........."

"So, a few days ago, Zeming did not take a private plane, but came to Chengdu with a helper. His information was immediately known to Pang Bin's brother-in-law."

"He immediately told Pang Bin through the person who specifically contacted him. Pang Bin and the others immediately guessed something and hurried back."

"These are all conclusions reached based on our joint investigations abroad."

"Because those guns were purchased through their connections before Pang Bin and the others came back."

"It can be seen from here that they also prepared in a hurry"

"And we came here by chance. There was no betrayal by anyone around us, and there were no undercover agents."

After Zhong Mingqiang finished speaking, he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Su Can anymore.

Everything became clear.

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang who lowered his head and slowly let out a breath.

He did not doubt Zhong Mingqiang.


There is no need to fake these things.

Now that this matter has been investigated, Su Can's dark department will conduct a series of investigations later to see whether it is true or false. so!

If it is fake!

It will also be found out.

Zhong Mingqiang should also be able to guess it. after all!

The existence of this ANBU is not for anything else, but to keep an eye on the dominance of the intelligence system. Otherwise, Zhong Mingqiang is really the only one.

All the properties in Su Can's hands are not as powerful as his. and!

Once someone has some dirty information about other people in his hands, even if he is loyal, wouldn't he want something else?

This thing is like Pandora's box.

Once opened..........

It’s really a source of endless trouble.

Su Can doesn't want this to happen

"Deal with these people as you should! Everyone involved here, everyone on the opposite side, has already been involved! Su

Can's eyes turned cold and he said in a deep voice:"Just investigate carefully and see if there are any problems with these people. If there are any, deal with them in the most severe way.""

This is a very big punishment.

Some things!

I'm afraid of being strict.

Once it is strict, then!

The punishment will not be light.

If this happens, then Pang Bin's eldest brother from the outer chamber will not only have this share If you lose your job, you will also be jailed for it..........

Then, his family and children will also be affected.

Su Can wanted to make them pay the price they deserve. Otherwise, if they did something wrong, it would be nothing, so would it just be exposed like this? fine!

Su Can is not a murderous person.

Otherwise, if it were left in the hands of those cruel people, if this person did such a thing, not only would his family be ruined, but he himself would definitely be dead.

Su Can is too kind. only!

Some people always force Su Can to do something about this. Su Can is also helpless about this!

Millions of people ate with him.

What can he do?

He hopes that everyone can be harmonious and make a fortune together. How wonderful this would be! The results of it! No one paid attention to it, they just wanted to take it by force!

To know.........

If they pass and face Su Can openly, Su Can really doesn't care that much, even if they can destroy Su Can's industry in the end.


How could Su Can use other methods for business matters?

It’s just that they always want to take things by force. Su Can’s business has been based on normal business methods for so many years, and he has never taken things by force.

Even if it’s short selling!

That is also within the law and within the rules. If your skills are inferior to others, you will lose if you lose.

Use other means.

Those dark methods are absolutely not allowed by Su Can.

"It's the third brother, I know........"

After hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang knew what to do.

"Go for it!"

Su Can nodded slightly and waved.

"Third brother, I will go right now!"When Zhong Mingqiang heard this, he bowed slightly, turned around, and slowly walked outside.

Of course he knew.

The matter has settled.

And for the third brother!


Now for the third brother, The most important thing, what is that?

Of course it is to have a grandson.

Even the Met family is now completely collapsed, and all its industries have been swallowed up by Yongan Bank or Vientiane Group. Those high-quality assets. Assets worth tens of billions of dollars, which may grow to hundreds of billions of dollars in the future, are not that important to the third brother.

The grandchildren are more important..........

Su Can stood up, the gloominess on his face swept away.


Everything has been investigated clearly, that is to say, there is no back-up man left by Pang Bin next to his grandson, and Su Can is completely relieved. otherwise!

Su Can was really uneasy with his grandson in such a bad situation. or!

A private jet was immediately arranged, and Tang Xuan and her children were arranged to arrive in the Magic City with Su Zeming. Su Can then arranged for more security to protect them.

As for Yanjing City.

There is really no way!

Su Can couldn't care less about his daughter-in-law's face!

That's the one that the media is marrying........

Relatively speaking!

Li Jianjia satisfied Su Can and Huang Manyu even more, and of course they didn't dislike Tang Xuan. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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