As for Wanxiang Group, Li Xueer also knows a little about it.

The size of Wanxiang Group, including investments, is actually not inferior to Qianfen Investment Company at all, or even worse........

Qianfen Investment Company has made tens of billions of dollars for the big boss Su Can in the past few years.

Then there must be a lot of Wanxiang Group.

In addition, the boss's holdings in these two companies are definitely at the absolute holding level, and they account for the bulk of the income.

However, what Li Xueer didn't know was that the holding company behind Wanxiang Group and Qianfen Investment Company had cross-shareholdings with each other.

Moreover, they are all offshore companies.

These are actually owned by Su Can, just like Wanxiang Group, Su Can's holding is over 90%.

And Qianfen Investment Company is even higher.

Su Can obtained some secret shares through cross-shareholdings in various offshore companies, which seemed very complicated.........

But in essence, it's all his.

Li Xueer doesn’t know this one

"How's it going at the Creative Factory?"

Su Can looked at Li Xue'er and asked.

As for the matter that Job's words rekindled the media around the United States, Su Can didn't care much.

Few people here know his net worth.

He I still care about the creative factory.

This is what Su Can learned from the creative park in his previous life, providing free office space and some professional entrepreneurial mentors.

Then, incubating projects.

As long as some projects suitable for investment are born here, This creative factory can allow Qianfen Investment Company to obtain huge benefits.

Su Can is most concerned about three projects here.

That is, according to the process of his previous life, in the past few years, the three projects that will dominate the foreign Internet industry in the future Big Internet companies will appear.........

That is, the troika of the American Internet in the 21st century.

YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Especially Facebook, whose market value was once as high as 500 billion U.S. dollars. This would be a very big cake, if it could be born in a creative factory.

Well, it's definitely a happy event.

As for Zach, the original founder of Facebook, he is still just a student. By then, it will not matter whether he created this type of thing.

I just don’t know if there is.

Li Xueer heard what Su Can said and said:"Boss, the creative factory has been established for several years, and dozens of projects have been born in it. We have selected some projects that look good and have invested in them."

"At present, except for a few projects that have failed, the rest of the projects are pretty good. One of the biggest benefits has been as high as ten times in return."

"If we sell all the investment shares, we can make a profit."

Su Can nodded slightly as he listened.

This is the way of venture capital.

Invest in dozens of projects, with high US dollars, or even hundreds of millions of US dollars, even if many or even most of the projects fail.........

However, as long as one of them rises up, they can make a lot of money back.

In the previous life, the most miraculous thing was Xu Xiaoping's investment in Vipshop, which created a high return rate of 10,000 times.

This rate of return is known as the highest in the investment world.

Of course, this is very rare

"On the Creative Factory side, we still have to focus on the Internet industry. The future development of the Internet is bright. Su

Can said in a deep voice:"If you want to invest, try to focus on this aspect, especially Internet innovation. You must pay attention to it.""

"As long as it does not appear in the current Internet industry, then you can invest. The emergence of new Internet models means subversion."

"Just like Amazon, its appearance has subverted the original shopping habits. Domestic Alibaba is also of this type."

"In addition, the emergence of online mailboxes has also broken the way people originally sent letters. These Internet industries are all industries that can subvert the physical industry."

"As long as it shows up, no matter what, invest first."

Su Can knew that Li Xue'er didn't have the memory of two lives like him, and knew how bright the future prospects of that industry were.

She also didn't know that that person could achieve great achievements.

Therefore, Su Can let him spread the word When the time comes, as long as one or two big fish get in, you will immediately make a lot of money.

"Boss, I understand........."

Li Xueer nodded deeply

"Boss, when you said this, I remembered something."After Li Xueer finished speaking, she suddenly blinked her big eyes, revealing a hint of surprise.

"What's up?"

Su Can said with a slight frown.

"Such a boss! Li Xueer took a deep breath and said:"A few days ago, I saw an investment plan researched by the investment department. There was an Internet company in it, which was a small innovation type."

"how is it like?"

Su Can was slightly curious.

Li Xueer thought for a moment and said,"The thing I remember most clearly is that this project was not founded by a top Internet engineer, but by a college student."

"student? When Su

Can heard this, his eyes lit up slightly.

He had a vague feeling that the person Li Xueer mentioned seemed to be similar to the person he imagined.

It should be that one..........

If we follow the process of the previous life, this project will actually start to go on the market within one or two years.

At the beginning, no one was optimistic about this project.

Some people even dismiss it, such as Yahoo's Yang Zhiyuan, who is an extremely conceited person.

However, what is shocking is that in just a few months, this website has swept many universities in the United States.

Those college students have become a group of loyal users.

Then, in just one year, this website snowballed, growing bigger and bigger, and soon all college students in the United States were using it.

The number of users exceeded 10 million.

Then, it began to develop towards universities in European and American countries. In just a few years, the number of users reached hundreds of millions.

Since then, the site has never been short of money.

Even when it comes to financing, major venture capital firms are vying to get in and send money because this website is growing so rapidly.

Almost, there is a new growth rate every week, which is very fast.

That founder has also become the youngest person in the top ten richest people in the world.

"What is this website called?"

Su Can said in a deep voice.

"Boss, this website is called face. It is a communication and sharing community for college students. Currently, it is only accessible to students from Hafo........"

Li Xueer said.

Sure enough, it was Facebook, which is often referred to as Facebook in later generations. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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