"Um! Su

Can nodded and said:"And this person has a very different relationship with this Nicole. He should be this Nicole's nephew. If you find Nicole, you can find Lan Qing.""


Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang gasped in shock. He felt extremely shocked.

You know, there are so many people in their group looking for Lan Qing, but they haven't found any news. He seems to be in the vast sea of ​​people. It seemed like it had disappeared.

In the end, the third brother was found?

How is this possible?

However, Zhong Mingqiang never doubted the third brother. History has proven that everything the third brother said is indeed true.

"After understanding Third Brother, I immediately let the people over there have an idea."

Zhong Ming suppressed the excitement in his heart and said.

Su Can thought for a moment and then ordered:"By the way, Wang Su is still filming in Hao Lai Wu. You ask the security over there to pay attention and protect Wang Su."

"Third brother, are you saying that Lan Qing might attack Wang Su?........"

Zhong Mingqiang was shocked.

Su Can narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded.

These two people from the Zhou family, after more than ten years, are still trying to find ways to repay the family. Now, two things they have planned carefully for a long time have been exposed.

They can no longer operate along this line.

For them, in fact, to be able to do this, they have already spent a lot of time and energy on the layout, and now it is definitely too late to do the second one.

Just like if you want to do it, you have to wait a few years.

What Su Can was worried about was that the two of them were desperate and at this time of failure, they would take risks and attack people from the Su family.

Now, among the huge Su family, only Wang Su is in America. He is close to them, so he is a relatively good target.

The rest of the Su family are all in China.

Su Can's son Su Zeming and daughter Su Nian'er are all in China, and they are secretly protected by Su Can's people. The domestic environment is extremely strict.

In addition, this Yanjing City is Su Can's territory. If there is any trouble secretly, Su Can will easily know about it.

If they wanted revenge, they would definitely not choose here.

If you choose here, the possibility of failure is 100%.

Su Can knew that Zhou Tong and Lan Qing were not fools, so they would not choose the Su family in China to take revenge, and Wang Su was naturally the best candidate.

If they want to take risks, they will definitely target Wang Su. There is no better candidate for the Su family than Wang Su.........

"Um! Na Lan Qing was not an ordinary person, but a member of the Zhou family. When the Zhou family collapsed, these two came to take revenge more than ten years later."

Su Can said lightly.

"Are they all from the Zhou family?"

Zhong Mingqiang was shocked.

Of course he knew what happened back then. He was actually Anren beside Su Can. He and Wang Er handled what happened back then.

How could he not know about this matter?

"How many security guards are around Wang Su now?"

Su Can asked, leaning against the sofa.

"There are six third brothers in total, two women and four men. They are all trained from the security company and are capable security guards. Zhong

Mingqiang thought for a moment and said.

Su Can stretched out his hand and tapped his fingers gently on the coffee table.

"Send four more people! In the past couple of months, Zhou Tong and Lan Qing will definitely take action to enhance security to protect Wang Su."

After pondering for a moment, Su Can said lightly.

"Brother Xingsan, I will send people there, all of them are the most elite people, and they will definitely protect Wang Su's safety."Zhong Mingqiang said in a deep voice.

Watching Zhong Mingqiang leave, Su Can leaned back on the sofa, narrowed his eyes slightly, and recharged his energy.

The next few days were uneventful and calm........

However, as time goes by, another thing has arrived, that is, the Internet Conference held in Yanjingcheng has finally arrived.

Here, all the major Internet giants across the country have gathered in Yaning City, and even some Internet giants from the United States have been invited.

Such as Yahoo and Microsoft.

At the Atlantis Hotel in Yanjing City.

This is one of the five-star hotels in Yanjing City, and it is also a famous hotel in China that can enter the top ten in the hotel industry in the world.

Its parent company is the Xingshi Group, the world's largest textile group. The parent company has a market value of hundreds of billions and owns several listed companies.

This hotel was founded in the early 1980s, and the first one was established in the Xingshi Building in Pengcheng.

At that time, the Xingshi Building was the tallest building in the country, although within two years it was usurped from the position of the tallest building in the country by the Zhongheng Building in Shanghai.

But this Lion Dance Building is still one of the landmarks of Pengcheng.

But not many people know that in fact, whether it is Xingshi Building or Zhongheng Building, the big boss of the group behind them is the same person.

And this person is in Yanjing City.

Now the Atlantis Hotel is specially responsible for receiving participants attending the World Internet Conference.

It's not that this hotel is the best five-star hotel, but because Atlantis Hotel is the most well-known.

Twenty years ago, it invested one billion in Yacheng and built the most luxurious hotel in the world, which is the only seven-star hotel in the world.

Very famous all over the world........

The most luxurious and expensive suite inside costs 100,000 RMB per night, but such rooms are in short supply.

Even Bill Jobs and other famous Internet tycoons have stayed here, making the company's name known around the world.

At the same time, inside the Atlantis Hotel.

The somewhat outstanding-looking Boss Ma knocked on the door next door. After a while, the door to that room opened, and an elegant-looking man wearing black-rimmed glasses walked out.

"pony. I have something to tell you."

Boss Ma said in a deep voice.

"come in! Pon said calmly.

Boss Ma followed, walked into the room, and the two sat down.

"Jack, what do you want from me?"Pony hugged Boss Ma, pushed up the frames of his glasses, and said very politely.

Boss Ma stood up, walked a few steps, and said:"pony, you said that although we are here to attend the Internet Conference, we are all in Yanjing City. Well, it would be a bit impolite not to visit Mr. Su, right?"

"Mr. Su!"

Pon heard Boss Ma's words, and his eyes under his glasses burst out with a look of admiration, like a crazy believer.

Pony couldn't be more familiar with Mr. Su. That man is his idol..........

In the Internet industry, Pony's Bill, Steve Jobs, and Yahoo's Yang Zhiyuan are all inferior.

Compared with Mr. Su, he is too weak.

Mr. Su is the real, supreme godfather of the Internet! ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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