"Bang bang."

Just as the woman was going crazy, there was a sudden knock on her door.


The woman paused and turned to look at the door, her eyes showing a trace of vigilance.

She took a deep breath and stood aside.....


She opened the drawer, took out a pistol from it, and quickly turned on the safety. She looked at the door with cold eyes, and then walked slowly over.

When she came to the door, she took a look The peephole on the door goes out

"Who?" she said in a cold voice.

"Auntie, it's me."

A rich male voice came from outside.


After hearing the familiar voice and seeing the familiar figure through the peephole, the middle-aged woman often let out a breath.

However, she did not put down the pistol in her hand, but held it in her hand.

""Crack" she opened the door with her other hand, but the pistol in her hand was alert and ready to attack at any time.

But obviously, what worried her did not happen.

A man in his thirties, wearing a peaked cap , a slightly fat man in a black jacket walked in. If Li Li, Zhang Suo, Zhang Chen and others were here, they would be shocked. This man is exactly the Lan Qing they are chasing.

Since that night, Lan Qing has been there After they disappeared under their noses, they searched all over Yanjing City, but basically there was no news about Lan Qing.....

Even after looking for a lot of people that Lan Qing often hangs out with, those people couldn't contact Lan Qing because the other party had changed their mobile phone cards.

None of them could be found.

Unexpectedly, Lan Qing actually ran to the United States.

Moreover, he and this middle-aged woman actually knew each other and called each other aunt, if Su Can knew about their relationship.

Basically, we know who this Lan Qing is.

Why did he do that?

The connection between these can be seen by him at a glance

""Crack" the middle-aged woman closed the door, locked it, took the gun, turned off the safety, and put it back in the drawer.

Lan Qing glanced at the gun held by the middle-aged woman, and then his eyes turned. Qu's light flashed and she followed behind.

The middle-aged woman walked into the living room, took out a bag of tea leaves, made a cup of tea and put it in front of Lan Qing."Why are you back suddenly?....

The middle-aged woman said:"Isn't it going well over there to be nervous? The two boys Li Li and Zhang Chen have already taken the bait. As long as you get them completely hooked on drugs in a few months, they will basically listen to you. Yes"

"Why are you back at this time?"

The middle-aged woman leaned back on the sofa and looked at Landao

"Auntie, I failed. Lan

Qing sighed and said


When the middle-aged woman heard this, she stood up suddenly and looked at Lan Qing, her eyes wide open like bells, and her face showed anger.

"What's going on? You told me more than half a month ago that things were going very smoothly. Why did it fail just a few days ago?" the middle-aged woman growled.

Indeed, they had been preparing that plan for a long time to deal with the Su family. One of his plans was to collude with Guo Mingming to kick Su Can out of Zhongxing Automobile Sales Company.

Seeing that within a few months, it was time to harvest, and now Lan Qing actually came back and said that this matter failed Got it...

You know, how much effort they put into dealing with the Su family.

The Su family now is like a giant. If they want to move it directly, it is impossible.

Even if that person finds out, they will definitely die. Without a burial place.

Therefore, they want to dig the foundation in one direction, one step at a time, to hollow out all the vassal foundations of the Su family.

When the time comes, the Su family's strength will decline, and naturally countless people will step up to pull the Su family down.

Now, her side failed.

Lan Qing also failed?

"Did that person discover the problem? He took action and wanted to deal with you, which led to your failure."

The middle-aged woman said.

Lan Qing smiled bitterly and said:"Aunt, if that evil thief Su Can finds out and takes action, then I will not be considered a failure. After all, our entire family was defeated by him. , he is a very scary character"

"Indeed, defeat at his hands is not considered a failure," the middle-aged woman nodded.

Although she hated that person very much, facing that person, she had to admit in her heart that that person was definitely a terrifying enemy.

If that person hadn't been there, they would have dealt with the Su family long ago.

Lan Qing continued:"His son Su Zeming immediately noticed something was wrong after discovering that Li Li and Zhang Chen were taking drugs."

"And that night, they sent someone to arrest me. Fortunately, I was there at the time. I saw Su Zeming and saw something was wrong, so I ran away immediately."

"Otherwise, they would have captured me alive in just two minutes."

Lan Qing is still a little frightened now.

When he said two minutes, that's a long way to go. It should be within ten seconds. If it were ten seconds too late, it would be terrible.

At that time, everyone on the other side was He's upstairs, and he's on the second floor

"What, a little evil thief?"

When the middle-aged woman heard this, her eyes widened and she said.

Su Can was called a bad thief by her, so Su Zeming was naturally regarded as a little evil thief by him, and Su Zeming probably wasn't."I know,"

I was shot for no reason.....

Just like that, without knowing why, he became a little evil thief?

What the hell is this??

"That's right, it's Su Zeming. Lan Qing nodded and said,"I never imagined that he, under the age of twenty, could be so thoughtful. He could tell so many things when he saw Li Li and Zhang Chen taking yao.""

"If this person grows up, he will become an old evil thief in the future, because before he found out that Li Li and Zhang Chen were taking drugs, he did something in Yanjing City, which even experienced people would not know. Not as good as he did

"This person is definitely very scary."

Lan Qing sighed.

After hearing Lan Qing's words, the middle-aged woman's face showed a look of despair. Could it be that it was God's will?

They really can't take revenge, can't destroy the Su family, and can't avenge the deep hatred? Why?.Why


The middle-aged woman screamed in her heart, why is the Su family so prosperous? The third generation of the Su family is so outstanding, and the fourth generation is so independent. Why is there no such person in their family? ?

Could it be that all the luck lies with the Su family? If so, how can they take revenge?

Why ?.......

The middle-aged woman screamed in her heart that God's will was unfair, and her heart was filled with overwhelming hatred. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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