"Even if it is an investment of tens of billions within ten years, it is not too big for Pengcheng, but for the city, this is a super large investment."

"Many cities do not attract such a large amount of investment throughout the year! Even the total investment for the whole year is not that much........."

Su Wen said with a smile.

Indeed, in this year, despite the rapid development of the domestic economy, the annual growth rate is nearly ten percent.

But in the final analysis, it is the coastal areas that are developing rapidly.

Even for Guangdong Province, development close to the coast is very good, but inland, it will be very backward.

Even after more than ten years, the gap will be very large.

"Okay, I'll let Guoqiang talk to you then."

Su Can smiled and said

"Okay, with the words of you, the God of Wealth, I have the confidence in my heart."Su Wen let out a long breath and laughed.

Su Can smiled slightly, and then looked at the old man.

"grandfather! I have something for you."

Su Can took out several boxes of medicine from his arms.

"What's this?"

The old man looked at Su Can in confusion and asked.

Su Wen looked at the words on it, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said in surprise:"Isn't this Bailing, the most popular longevity medicine in the rich world recently?"

"What lark........"

The old man asked curiously.

Su Wen took a deep breath and said:"Grandpa, you don't know, this medicine is the latest miraculous life-prolonging medicine on the market. It is produced by Hengyu Group from Xiangjiang. Its efficacy has been through clinical trials for several years. , and a paper was published in The Lancet and certified by major medical organizations."

"Now, it has been applied for and approved in dozens of countries around the world, and it has been launched one month ago."

"This medicine has miraculous effects. As long as it is taken for a long time, it can achieve the effect of prolonging life. It has caused a great sensation among the wealthy circles around the world."

"Many rich people want to buy one pill, but they can't even buy it if the price doubles, because this thing is too scarce. Hengyu Group announced that the current production of this medicine is only tens of thousands of pills a year."

"When I saw it, I was wondering if I could buy some through some channels and give them back to you and my father, second uncle, and third uncle!"

"However, there was no stock at all and it was sold out as soon as it came out. Even Bill and the others were vying to buy it!"

I remembered that this product was launched a month ago, and it quickly became popular among the rich all over the world, leaving behind mysterious legends........

Su Wen was shocked

"It is indeed the God of Wealth in our family. I have several boxes of it at one time, and I can’t even buy a single pill." Su Wen said with a bitter smile.

"A life-prolonging medicine?"

When the old man heard Su Wenwen's words, his cloudy eyes looked at Su Can with a hint of sharpness.

He felt that this matter must be related to Su Can.

Because Su Can has not been there since more than ten years ago. After a few years, I gave him a pill that was enough to replenish his body. After taking it, the old man felt very good.

Especially for the first time, after taking it, he felt that his body had returned to that of a sixty-year-old. He was full of energy.

Although the effect was much worse after taking it for the second time.

It also made him feel much better than before. Two years ago, he took the third pill, although he didn't feel as good as the first two times.

However, My body is still much better.........

Why did the medicine Su Wen mentioned have similar effects to the elixir Su Can gave him? Could it be that he made it?

Even now, the old man doesn't know how much property his most promising grandson, who makes him the most proud and proud of, has under his control.

If this Hengyu Group also belongs to his grandson, then the old man will not be surprised at all.

Su Wen was slightly surprised when he saw the old man looking at Su Can.

Then, there was a roar in his mind, and he was suddenly shocked. this?

He was shocked, took a breath, and felt horrified. Could it be that Hengyu Pharmaceutical was also a company owned by Su Can?

How can it be?

Su Wen was shocked, shocked by his own idea.

You know, today's Hengyu Group ranks among the top fifty in the entire pharmaceutical industry, especially in the top dozen in medical devices.

This is a world-class company, extremely huge. Is this also the industry of my cousin?

How many properties does he have?.......

"Su Can! Su

Wen's mouth trembled and he asked:"Isn't this Hengyu Group also an industry under your control?""

If the old man hadn't looked at Su Can meaningfully, Su Wen wouldn't have dared to be so bold and think of this.

This was really shocking.


Su Can heard Su Wen's words, nodded and admitted.

He has no intention of hiding anything from the Su family. If they know it, they will know it. If they don't know, Su Can will not take the initiative to tell it without asking.

Tell him. Afraid of scaring them to death


Su Wen heard Su Can's admission. Although he was somewhat prepared in his heart, he was still greatly shocked by Su Can's words. He was almost stunned.

After a while, Su Wen took a deep breath and calmed down. He calmed down and said,"Su Can, you are so shocking and surprising, how much wealth do you still have? Even large pharmaceutical and medical companies like Hengyu Group are owned by you........"

You know, he saw a piece of news after this drug was launched, that is, Hengyu Group is likely to become one of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world within the next ten years by relying on this panacea.

What kind of company is that?

This is definitely not inferior to Apple or Microsoft.

Because, in the biopharmaceutical industry, it is never outdated no matter what time, and the market share is growing day by day.

It's so big that it's unimaginable.

If Hengyu Group really becomes one of the top ten pharmaceutical companies in the world by then, how much wealth will your cousin have?

Are you among the top richest people in the world?

Su Wen thought in shock

"No wonder, even the richest man in the world like Bill can hardly find this medicine. You can just take out a few boxes. It’s so luxurious!"

Su Wen said with a wry smile.


Su Can didn't know how to answer when he heard Su Wen's words.

Because comparing Bill with him, how can this be compared?.......

It is estimated that Bill will be shocked after hearing this. He himself does not dare to compare like this, because how can he compare with Su Can?

That is simply asking for humiliation. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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