Su Can was in the hall, thinking for a while.

After thinking about this recent incident, he found it very interesting and completely aroused his interest.

About half an hour later, Zhong Mingqiang walked in.......

"Third brother! Zhong

Mingqiang looked at Su Can and said respectfully:"It's almost time. I've already got the car ready and can set off at any time.""

Su Can nodded after hearing this.

"Let's go!"

He stood up and walked outside.

After a while, three cars drove out of the villa and headed towards the second ring road of the city.

Now, the road is no longer what it was more than 20 years ago. The roads are very spacious, and there are many cars on the road, including various luxury cars. Some roads are even a bit blocked.

This would have been unimaginable more than 20 years ago, but now this is happening step by step. It's happening.

This also shows that this country is developing and growing step by step.

About half an hour later, the car stopped in an alley.

In the past ten years, many alleys have been demolished in Yanjing City, Su Can Many courtyard houses have also been demolished and replaced with buildings........

In Su Can's memory, this alley will not be demolished, but will be preserved as one of the city's key cultural relics.

The car stopped and Su Can got out of the car.

"Okay, just wait here! I went in alone."Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang who was about to follow him and said with a smile.

This alley can be said to be one of the safest places in the entire Yanjing City. If ordinary people come in, they will be stopped if there is any problem.

"It's the third brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang was still a little worried.

He was afraid that something would happen to his third brother, and he would be bound to die.

Su Can didn't care about that. If something happened here, , it is much harder than winning the jackpot by buying a lottery ticket.

Anyway, even Su Can vaguely remembers several welfare lotteries opened in recent years, but he is not confident that he will win.

Want to win?


Su Can walked in and came to the door of a courtyard. There were two guards guarding the door. When he saw Su Can, he didn't stop him.

After all, they are all familiar.

Su Can walked in and saw a woman in her sixties busy in the courtyard.

"Su Can, here you go!"

That person is Su Can's second aunt. Now she and her second uncle have moved back to Yanjing City from Qian Province, and now live with the old man.

Mainly Su Can's second brother Wang Qiang, with the help of Su Can , that chili sauce factory has now become the largest condiment company in the country.

In addition to chili sauce, there are also soy sauce, cooking oil, etc. Among them, the chili sauce factory has become an independent company.

Now, they are all listed in A.

Although the market value is not High, it's only a billion, but the market value of the head office has reached nearly 7 to 8 billion.

Su Can smiled and said:"Second aunt, is grandpa in the backyard?"

"here I am! Your eldest brother is back, chatting with the old man in the backyard!"The second aunt looked at Su Can and smiled happily.

"Okay, I'll go to the backyard to see the old man first, and I'll talk to you later when I have time........."

Su Can nodded slightly and said

"Go for it! I cleaned up the accumulated leaves in the yard in front of me to prevent it from getting clogged with leaves when it rains later."The second aunt said cheerfully.

She was originally a rural woman and had been accustomed to hard work since she was a child. Even though her family now has assets of over 100 million and has many houses in Yanjing City.

But she still maintains a simple look and never I have changed.

I came back with my second uncle Su Can this time just to fulfill my filial piety to the old man. After all, after so many years, my second uncle was lost for nearly fifty years before he was found.

But there are not many opportunities to fulfill my filial piety.

For this second aunt, Su Can also respected her and did not look down upon her because of her identity.

What's more, it was Su Can's credit that he was able to find his second uncle. It was he who went to Qian Province to find them twenty years ago..

Su Can spoke to the second aunt, and then walked towards the backyard.

After walking for a while, he came to the backyard. Su Can looked over. Although he was in his forties, Su Can's eyes were still very good. He was not short-sighted.

He saw at a glance that the old man was sitting in the backyard, and next to him was a slightly fat middle-aged man sitting next to him.

Su Can looked at it and smiled happily........

He walked forward and reached the threshold of the backyard hall. The two people inside heard Su Can's footsteps and looked over one after another.

"Su Can!"

The old man's face was full of wrinkles, his smile was like a blooming flower, he looked at Su Can and said with a smile

"You came?"

Su Wen was surprised. He was sure that when he came back to see the old man, he didn't tell Su Can. It was a coincidence that Su Can came to meet him this time.

What's more, the main reason why he came back this time was to find Su Can. This rich man, see if you can give him a place to work, and invest some more.

Of course, that's not just a little bit.

It's billions or tens of billions.

"Grandpa, brother!"

Su Can looked at the old man and shouted, and then looked at the slightly fat middle-aged man next to him. This man was his eldest brother Su Wen.

Now, Su Wen can be said to be in a high position.

Today, he is less than fifty years old. , has reached the second level. Not only that, but there is also news that it will be upgraded to a higher level this year.

By then, within five or six years, it will not be difficult to reach the first level........

How old was he then?

This is a very scary thing

"Come, sit down! The old man and I were talking about you just now!"Su Wen looked at Su Can with envy. This cousin was far ahead of him in every aspect.

For example, now, both of them are in their forties. Looking at his figure, they have both gained weight. He looked like a man in his forties.

But his cousin Su Can looked like he was in his early thirties, and his figure was that of a young man in his twenties, which made Su Wen feel extremely envious.

"Ha ha! What did you say about me? You didn’t say anything bad about me!"

Su Can looked at the old man and Su Wen, sat next to the old man, and couldn't help but joked.

"You little monkey, you have grown so big and your children are in college, but you are still so naughty."When the old man heard what Su Can said, he narrowed his eyes with laughter and scolded Su Can with great joy.

Only the old man has the qualification to call Su Can a little monkey.

If it were anyone else, he would never do it. The one with the courage.

Seeing Su Can being scolded, Su Wen showed a rare smile and couldn't help but chuckle.

Only the old man can cure his cousin.

This one, he can't We don’t know how much he is worth, but Su Wen is certain that his cousin is definitely the richest man in China.........

The assets are much greater than those of the apparently richest Chinese man, Li Chaoren. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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