Goodbye, sister-in-law?

What the hell......

Looking at Su Nian'er's leaving figure, Su Zeming remembered that she seemed to have waved behind him just now!

How is this going?


Goodbye sister-in-law?

Su Zeming turned around to look, and saw the tall Tang Xuan walking slowly, with a hint of blush on her delicate and pretty face. She lowered her head and did not dare to look directly at Su Zeming.

Tang Xuan?

Su Zeming wanted to cry but had no tears.

Isn't that girl Su Nian'er the person in charge of Hengyu Group?

The person in charge of a big company was actually so naughty, like a little girl, and actually tricked him at the end......

What kind of goodbye is this, sister-in-law?

Su Zeming really wanted to catch this girl and give her a good beating to show his majesty as an older brother.

Too skinny

"Tang Xuan, why did you come out? You are not inside. Su

Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and asked.

Tang Xuan blushed and said,"I see you haven't gone back since you left for so long. It's a bit boring to be alone in there. I came out to look for you.""

When she just walked out, she saw Su Zeming and a beautiful girl standing together, talking and laughing, as if they were flirting.

Tang Xuan's heart suddenly sank to the bottom, with a sour taste. It spread in his heart.

Because the girl opposite was not only very beautiful, but also had a strong aura, which made Tang Xuan secretly feel inferior in his heart.

He felt that the girl opposite seemed like a bright moon in the sky, and she was just a humble bird. It’s just a firefly.

If the other party is the girl Su Zeming likes, how can he compare with her?......

No matter in terms of appearance or figure, the other party surpasses her, not to mention temperament and aura, how can she compare with him!

She saw the redness in her eyes and almost cried.

But in the end, when she approached, the girl waved to her and called sister-in-law, Tang Xuan was stunned.

How are you, sister-in-law?

Are you calling yourself?

She was calling her sister-in-law. Could it be that this girl was the Su Duoer that Xu Qian mentioned, the school beauty of Peking University and Su Zeming's beautiful sister.

Yes, the two of them are somewhat similar, it's normal for them to be brother and sister.

This made Tang Xuan blush a little shyly. After all, he had been thinking about something just now and mistakenly thought that the other party was Su Zeming's partner. This was a big misunderstanding.

As a result, she is the younger sister.

More importantly, before Su Nian'er left, she called her sister-in-law, which made Tang Xuan's heart beat faster and her heart pounding.

Oops, this is a heart-pounding feeling.......

So at this moment, Tang Xuan looked at Su Zeming, feeling shy, ashamed and many other emotions spreading in his heart.

This variety of tastes made it difficult for her to describe

"That's it!"Su Zeming looked at Tang Xuan and felt a headache. That girl Su Nian'er's last move was so powerful that she tricked him to death.

He smiled and said,"The air is fresher when I come out, so I stayed here for a little longer. I didn't expect that I stayed there for a long time."

"Forehead! It's okay, it's okay, if you like being here, then I'll be here with you."When Tang Xuan heard this, she said with a smile.

At this time, she was docile and obedient, like a weird daughter-in-law who could do whatever she wanted.

Su Zeming shook his head and said,"Forget it, I'm here. After staying for a long time, they are probably looking for someone, so they should go back!"


Tang Xuan nodded in agreement.

Su Zeming looked forward and walked, Tang Xuan followed........

After the two of them had walked a few steps, Tang Xuan suddenly made a weak voice:"Ze Ming, is that girl just now your sister Duo'er? She is so beautiful! She has an outstanding temperament and feels like a fairy. She is so beautiful."

"Forehead? When Su

Zeming heard this, he stopped.

Tang Xuan continued:"I heard from Xu Qian. She said that you have a younger sister who is also the school beauty of Peking University. She is very beautiful. The girl just now is so beautiful, I guess she must be Your sister Su Duoer."

My sister?

" Su Zeming smiled. Su Nian'er was indeed her sister, but she was not Su Duo'er.

He shook his head and said,"No, she is not Duo'er.""


When Tang Xuan heard Su Zeming's words, he was stunned. That girl was not his sister, so why did he call her sister-in-law?

Who was that?

Tang Xuan was confused, and his mind was spinning.

"So she is?"

After a while, Tang Xuan came back to his senses, took a deep breath, looked at Su Zeming and asked weakly.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"She is also my sister, her name is Su Nian'er, not Duo'er."

"Also my sister, Su Nian'er........."

When Tang Xuan heard this, he suddenly realized that this beautiful girl was not Su Duo'er, but Su Nian'er. Judging from the name, she was also from their Su family.

Su Duo'er and Su Nian'er's names are so similar, it's strange that they are not from the same family.

Moreover, this girl is so beautiful, she is almost the same as the Su Duoer Xu Qian said! Not only that, Zeming is also very handsome.

Could it be that the genes of the Su family are particularly good, and these three brothers and sisters are all very good-looking, and their parents also say they are very good-looking?

Tang Xuan's heart was buzzing with thoughts.

"Um! Yes!"

Su Zeming nodded.

Although Su Nian'er has not recognized him as his brother, Su Zeming doesn't mind. He is a member of the Su family, and he is a member of the Su family after all.

This is not because Su Nian'er doesn't call him brother. She is Su Zeming's sister.

In the end, Su Nian'er deceived him by saying"sister-in-law is good". In fact, wasn't it because Su Nian'er subconsciously recognized him as his brother in her heart?

Su Zeming was still very happy in the end........

"Your sister is so beautiful and has such a good temperament."

Tang Xuan praised

"Ha ha!"Su Zeming smiled and said,"If she hears your praise of her, I think she will be very happy."


Tang Xuan smiled mischievously.

"Let's go! Let's go back. Don't keep Li Zhong and the others waiting. If we play for a while, it's almost time to go back."

Su Zeming looked at the time and saw that it was almost twelve o'clock sharp.

Li Zhong, Lu Mingyuan, Li Zhi and the others could play all night and be in high spirits, but Su Zeming didn't want to. It would be too wasteful to play like that.

He will have another session tomorrow afternoon. Where are the elective courses?

Although Aunt Zhao was in the class, and he would not skip the class if he did not attend the class, Su Zeming would not skip this class no matter what.

The two of them walked back to the private room, and returned within a few dozen meters. In front of their private room.

The door was opened and the music inside was playing.

Su Zeming watched Li Zhong and the others playing happily. He led Tang Xuan and they walked back to their original position..........

"Zeming, why did it take you so long to come back? We have been waiting for you for a long time."

Lu Mingyuan drank a little too much and said excitedly.

"Come on, pour it."

Li Zhi cooed.

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