Brothers and sisters?

When Su Zeming heard this, he rolled his eyes helplessly.

What siblings?........

When Tang Xuan heard this, her pretty face suddenly turned red and her heartbeat quickened.

This was the second time today that she heard Su Zeming's friend call her sister-in-law. It felt like flying beside the clouds.

So beautiful.

Even though she knew it was fake, she still couldn't help but get stuck in it, unable to extricate herself, just like Shang Yin did

"Mr. Fu."

Li Zhong looked at Fu Dong and said

"Mr. Li, please give me your instructions."

Fu Dong said respectfully.

Although according to common sense, he and Li Zhong are at the same level, both at the vice president level, but Li Zhong has brought a standing vice president.

In addition to this, Li Zhong is also their world film and television The son of a big boss, all movies and TV shows in the world will belong to their family in the future........

Therefore, facing the young Li Zhong, he did not dare to neglect him at all.

Li Zhong smiled and said:"You ask someone to draft a standard contract for a first-line artist and sign it with my brother and sister. Then she will be an artist of our company.""

"Let me tell you, it is our honor for my brother and sister to join our company. You must handle this matter yourself without making any mistakes. Li

Zhong said in a deep voice:"If something goes wrong, not only you, but also me, I can't afford it.""

"It's Li Zhong."

Fu Dong immediately said seriously.

He never expected that Li Zhong actually valued that Young Master Su so much, even his woman.

Doesn't this just mean that the other party's status is extraordinary?

What is this like? A big shot?

Fu Dong's heart was full of curiosity, but he also knew that such a big shot was definitely not something he could know about his identity and background.

Tang Xuan was surprised when he heard this........

A-list artist's contract? this?

This is a complete step to heaven!

You know, she is just an unknown 18th-tier artist. In front of the public, no one has seen her at all, and she was suddenly given a contract as a first-tier artist.

Especially the contract for a first-line artist from Tianxia Film and Television. That is a contract that many first-line artists in the entertainment industry cannot get!

This contract is too expensive!

Because this contract alone is not just a simple contract, it also includes artist promotion and TV and movie resources.

If you sign this contract, even an ordinary person can become a third-tier artist within a year as long as he is pretty.........

If you work hard enough, it's not difficult to get to the second line.

And within a few years, there might be a glimmer of hope!

You know, some of the movies contracted by Tianxia Film and Television are Hollywood movies. If you can get into one, it will be a step to the sky.

Tang Xuan knew this not because of his own strength, but because Li Zhong mistakenly thought that she was Su Zeming's woman, and it was for Su Zeming's sake.

She really wanted to be with Su Zeming, but her strength didn't allow it!

The other party has such a high status, is she worthy?

Tang Xuan felt in her heart that she was not worthy

"Li Zhong, this contract is too valuable. I am just a simple newcomer. Please give me an ordinary newcomer contract."

Of course Tang Xuan was excited about the contract, but she knew how capable she was, so she didn't dare to sign the contract and refused.

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome. You are Zeming's woman. Not to mention this first-line artist contract, even if you want to come to our world film and television and be the vice president, there is no problem."Li Zhong laughed loudly and said


After hearing Li Zhong's words, Fu Dong, Yu Cheng, and Manager Hu all took a deep breath, extremely shocked.

Fu Dong felt horrified and felt a huge wave in his heart.

Vice president of the company?

That's not something that just anyone can become, but it requires the consent of Mr. Li. And a woman of a later generation can become the vice president of the company casually?

Then there is only one possibility, and that is Mr. Su. Based on his own identity, he is much more powerful than Mr. Li.

Yu Cheng secretly complained in his heart, is this Mr. Su so powerful?

If I had known this, my company would have just let Tang Xuan make the decision, let her be the boss, then Jingwei Entertainment Company would fly to the sky!

Manager Hu was shocked. He knew that Mr. Li was definitely not targeting the target, but was telling the truth.

If so?

Then this Young Master Su is scary enough.........

"Li Zhong, what are you talking about? Don't be ridiculous. The vice president of Tianxia Film and Television needs to be appointed by your father. What does it have to do with me?"Su Zeming looked at Li Zhong and glared at him directly.

The old man in his family hated the interference of his family members in business operations, so in such a large family, no Su family member entered his company.

Only his cousin Li Donghe Cousin Li Xi entered those two companies when the company was founded.

Otherwise, there is no chance to enter now.

If he arranges for someone to become the vice president of his father's company, there will be no problem. , but it depends on whether you have the strength!


Li Zhong smiled when he saw Su Zeming waiting for him.

Su Zeming shook his head helplessly and said,"The contract salary you gave Tang Xuan for a first-tier artist is too high. She is just a newcomer. So, you can change the contract to a third-tier artist.!"

"The third line is too high. Tang

Xuan said hurriedly.

Su Zeming shook his head and said:"Follow the third line!""

"Okay, then I’ll listen to you and decide the contract according to the standards of third-tier artists for my brothers and sisters......"Upon hearing this, Li Zhong nodded deeply and agreed.

However, although it is a contract given to third-tier artists.

However, Li Zhong will definitely give instructions. Tang Xuan's resources are definitely for first-line artists, and he has made Tang Xuan his main target in the past two years.

Needless to say, Su Zeming must also know this.

Su Zeming knew that his status was so high that in many cases, just touching someone could change his life's destiny.

Because people like him don't say what they say, but when it comes to changing a person's destiny, it couldn't be easier.

This is not difficult at all

"Thank you for your understanding."

Tang Xuan looked at Su Zeming and said gratefully.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"Why are you being polite to me? There is no need to be so polite. When the time comes, work hard."


After hearing Su Zeming's words, Tang Xuan nodded his head obediently.

Li Zhong looked at it and joked:"Oh, please stop flirting, let's do this! I'm a guest tonight and I'll treat you two to dinner......."

"Forget it, you helped me a lot today, I'd better treat you!"

Su Zeming smiled and said without any doubt. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading-Collect and recommend

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