
The security guards around were also dumbfounded. They were stunned by the scene in front of them. Their boss actually said this........

"You have all seen it too! Director Gong fell to the ground on his own, causing his face to become swollen."Yu Cheng looked at the security guard behind and said

"Yes, yes, Mr. Yu is right."

"That's right, we didn't see anyone being beaten, we only saw Director Gong fall down"

"Yes, she fell down on her own"

"You can't blame anyone for this"

"We have all seen that this matter cannot be blamed on anyone else. It was all done by Director Gong herself. She fell down on her own."

"we can testify"

"Mr. Yu, we also see it this way........."

When the security guards heard what Yu Cheng said, they originally wanted to take action against Su Zeming, but they immediately turned the tide and turned the tables on the deer, confusing right and wrong.

When Director Gong heard this, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Tang Xuan looked at Su Zeming, stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was definitely the result of the call Zeming made just now.

Their boss was warned and came over immediately. so amazing.

Tang Xuan had never seen a day when Director Gong hit a female artist in the company, and the other party fell out with her and called the police.

However, there was no physical evidence, and the security guards in the company also said that the female artist fell down on her own, and the female artist was immediately at a loss.

He could only suffer a hidden loss.

Now, this kind of thing has happened to her, what a retribution!

Su Zeming narrowed his eyes, glanced at Yu Cheng, raised the corner of his mouth, and saw something different from the others.

This Yu Cheng is a smart man.........

Not only that, the relationship between the person in charge of this building and Yu Cheng must be unusual, and he informed Yu Cheng of the news in advance.

After he found out, he immediately rushed over to solve the problem.

He was a smart man. When Su Zeming looked at Yu Cheng, he didn't feel any disgust. What really disgusted him was the director palace.

Since Yu Cheng is so knowledgeable, Su Zeming is too lazy to deal with him

"Okay, you all should do whatever you want, I will handle this matter."Yu Cheng looked at the security guards and waved his hands to let them leave.

"It's Mr. Yu."

Hearing what the boss said, the security guards immediately left obediently.

"Mr. Yu, why, I am from our company! Why are you treating me like this? He is just an outsider. You are facing outsiders, not me at all. I have made great contributions to the company."Director Gong looked at Yu Cheng, his eyes full of resentment, confusion, disappointment and other emotions.

"I also brought out the only second-tier female star in the company. If Mr. Yu doesn’t give me an explanation and deal with this kid properly, I will definitely leave the company........."

Director Gong threatened


When Yu Cheng heard this, his face became angry.

This woman really doesn't know how to die. She doesn't even know how much trouble she has brought to the company and put the company into crisis. If it is not handled well, the company will basically be finished.

Yu Cheng is afraid She left?

He couldn't help but think of the call he just received from his old friend, who was somewhat famous in Yanjing City.

Later, Zhongheng Real Estate Company came to Yanjing City to develop and built this building. With good luck, my friend was spotted by the Xiangjiang boss of Zhongheng Real Estate and selected to be the person in charge of this building.

Just now, he called and said that the boss of Zhongheng Real Estate thought that the rent of Jingwei Entertainment Company was too low. , not worthy of being in Zhongtian Building.

The big boss even said personally that the rent of Jingwei Entertainment Company should be increased tenfold. If the rent does not increase, get out of Zhongtian Building directly........

When Yu Cheng heard this, he was completely confused.

How is this going?

How did he offend the big boss of Zhongheng Real Estate!

That person's company is in Xiangjiang, and it is one of the top real estate companies with a market value of over tens of billions. How can such a small company like his be offended?

As a result, the old friend reminded him that there was a young man in their company. The young man was very unhappy and called the big boss himself.

Only then did Yu Cheng know what had happened.

If he didn't know about this and came to stop the security guards and let the bitch in front of him do whatever he wanted, then Jingwei Entertainment Company would really be doomed.

"If you are resigning, do it immediately! Our company has no place for a giant like you."Yu Cheng said coldly.


When Director Gong heard this, he was completely confused. She was just threatening Yu Cheng. Why did Yu Cheng not follow the routine and directly agreed?.......


What exactly is going on?

Director Gong panicked. She was just threatening. She was not willing to leave. If she went to another company, she would have to start all over again. How could it be comfortable to be an artist department director here?

In the whole company, except for the big boss Yu Cheng, no one can control her, no matter how comfortable she is, how she comes.

Now, Yu Cheng doesn't play according to the routine, and she doesn't know what to do.

Yu Cheng ignored her at all, but ran to Su Zeming's side and said with a flirtatious look:"Young Master Su, I'm sorry, it was my lack of strict management of my subordinates that caused her to disturb you. It's my fault, and I deserve a lot of punishment." If you die, please forgive me, Mr. Su."

He didn't know what Su Zeming's name was, but he just heard from his old friend that the big boss of Zhongheng Real Estate in Xiangjiang asked him to call him Mr. Su.

Yu Cheng also shouted

"Mr. Su?"

After hearing Yu Cheng's words, Su Zeming looked at Yu Cheng curiously.......

Looking at Su Zeming's eyes, even though he was a young man, at this moment, Yu Cheng felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and it was so cold that he couldn't help but tremble all over.


Yu Cheng lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Su Zeming.

No wonder that old friend said that this man had a great background. If he couldn't handle this matter well, then Jingwei Entertainment Company would be completely destroyed.

Now, Yu Cheng completely believed it..

Can an ordinary person have such a terrifying look?

This kind of look can only be seen by big shots who are often aloof. Moreover, this young man is young and not only has a scary look.

In front of him, Yu Cheng felt as if he was being raped. An invisible aura shrouded him, making him a little nervous, as if he had met those big shots. The aura and temperament alone could highlight his extraordinary quality.

Su Shao?

Director Gong heard Yu Cheng's words to Su Zeming Name, my heart skipped a beat, I was shocked, and looked at Su Zeming with shocked eyes.

This man is really a big shot, with a great background.......

Was the phone call he made to Zhongheng Real Estate real? It's not fake, it's not a fake, a fake, a tiger's power?

It’s over!

Director Gong listened and almost fainted with fear. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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