It is okay to insult yourself, but not to insult Su Zeming

"You old witch, be polite........"

Tang Xuan was directly rude and cursed:"If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart."

Su Zeming looked at the quiet Tang Xuan and suddenly exploded, so fierce that Su Zeming was a little dumbfounded..

This girl has such a fierce side

"What, what did you call me, you rebelled against me! You stinky girl, you bitch dare to call me names, are you looking for death?"Director Gong was completely furious, and his face became extremely ferocious.

Of course she knew that many people in the company called her an old witch, but no one had ever dared to say that in front of her.

Saying this almost made her go crazy. Yes.

Director Gong stood up and came towards Tang Xuan from his desk.

"call! She directly raised her hand and shouted at Tang Xuan's fair face:"I want to teach you a lesson and let you know the consequences of offending me.""

However, her waving hand stopped in mid-air before it fell.

When she looked, she found that Tang Xuan's boyfriend was blocking it.

"Boy, do you know who I am? If a poor guy like you offends me, I will let you know what it means to be regretful........"

Director Gong said:"Let me go now and slap Tang Xuan hard. If you beat this bitch, kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistake, I will spare you and give you another 10,000 yuan."

She said After finishing, she looked at Tang Xuan and Su Zeming proudly. In her opinion, Su Zeming, who was wearing so ordinary clothes, looked like a poor boy at first glance.

It is estimated that a month's work does not cost more than 500 to 600 yuan.

Such a man cannot resist the temptation of money.

As long as she pays 10,000 yuan, she can humiliate him and Tang Xuan. She will humiliate Tang Xuan to death.


When Su Zeming heard this, he raised his other hand, shouted directly, and hit Director Gong's face. With that big slap, Director Gong's face became red and swollen.

"I never hit a woman, but you are such a mean person that I want to beat you up. Also, if you dare to insult Tang Xuan again, I will turn you into a pig head."

Su Zeming said in a cold voice.

Tang Xuan watched Su Zeming block the Palace Director, and for her sake, he slapped the Palace Director so hard that half of his face was swollen........

Her whole heart seemed to melt. Her eyes were full of Su Zeming's figure, which was deeply imprinted in her heart.

She knew that she would never forget this man and would never like another man again.

Because he has already filled his heart.

Even if he doesn't like himself.

Tang Xuan has never felt happy, sweet, and full of security like now.


Director Gong covered his face, completely stunned. He stared at everything in front of him with eyes wide open, completely confused.

This script didn't seem to follow her. Shouldn't it be about beating Tang Xuan? Why was she being beaten

? beated?

"Boy, you are looking for death, you dare to hit me, you are dead, I will have your legs broken."Director Gong roared

"Gong Min, why are you so stupid? Why don't you call security quickly and call everyone in the company? Are everyone dead? Someone broke into the company and beat me, but you were still stunned. Is it irrelevant?"

"Quick, go call my security."

Director Gong went crazy. He looked at the stunned Sister Gong with disheveled hair and cried.

When Sister Gong heard this, she immediately went out to call someone.........

"She went out to call someone. Tang

Xuan looked at it and said worriedly.

"Boy, you and this bitch are dead. I will definitely make your life worse than death."Director Gong shouted threateningly.


When Su Zeming heard Director Gong's words, he raised his hand high again and slapped Director Gong's face again.

This time, Su Zeming's slap was very symmetrical, hitting the other side of Director Gong's face. This way it looks swollen on both sides and looks much more symmetrical.

"I've already said it, but you just don't have a long memory. If you say that again, I will continue to fight."

Su Zeming looked at Director Gong and said lightly.


Seeing Su Zeming so naughty, especially in this situation, Tang Xuan couldn't help but let out a joyful laugh........

Director Gong's face turned a lot darker when he heard this.

But she became smarter and knew better than to say anything nonsense, otherwise this young man would really continue to slap her.........

She kept her mouth shut, but looked at Su Zeming and Tang Xuan, both of them with extremely angry expressions, as if they wanted to kill Su Zeming and Tang Xuan.

"Zeming, what should we do? Tang

Xuan looked at Su Zeming and said with some worry:"Our company has a lot of security guards, about ten of them, and they will be here soon.""

As an entertainment company, there are second-tier stars in the company, so there must be a lot of security personnel. This Beijing-style company has more than a dozen security guards.

These people are all very big. Tang Xuan has seen them all, and is a little worried about Su Zeming.

Su Zeming He said calmly:"It's okay, I'll make a call."

Su Zeming is not afraid of those security guards, let alone a dozen or twice as many, but those people have no grievances with him in the past and have no enmity recently.

If he hurts those security guards, it will be those security guards who are unlucky..

Besides, it’s not easy for them to hold a position. They all come out to make a living. If they are injured, they may not have a job for several months.

Su Zeming doesn’t want this. They are ordinary people with low incomes........

"Call me. No matter what number you call Mr. Tianwang, it will be useless today."Director Palace heard Su Zeming's words and sneered.


Su Zeming looked at Director Gong and smiled faintly. He did not feel angry because of such a person's words, but did not take it seriously.

Such a person is nothing.

To him, just pinch it and it's over.

However, he is mainly now Wanting to help Tang Xuan, Tang Xuan would not be affected by dealing with Director Gong.

Director Gong did not dare to answer, but looked at Su Zeming with cold eyes, thinking about how to deal with Su Zeming later.

Su Zeming took out his mobile phone and looked for I checked the number and dialed it directly.

After a while, the call was quickly connected.

"It’s clear! Have you come to Xiangjiang? Dafei will send someone to pick you up now. Dafei will take you to have some fun tonight. If you don’t feel like it’s fun in Xiangjiang, you can go to Oudao next door."

There was a loud laugh on the other side of the phone, and in that tone, there was a hint of flattery towards Su Zeming.

And this was only when he faced Su Can's family, he would do this.......

Because this man is a famous real estate tycoon and a tycoon in the entertainment industry! ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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