"That is required."

Liang Yi touched her nose and smiled.

Su Zeming smiled slightly, looked at Tang Xuan and said,"Tang Xuan, what about you? When Tang

Xuan heard this, he showed a sweet smile and said,"I live in the company's dormitory now. It's not far from here. I'll take a taxi back later."......."

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what I would have done just now."

Tang Xuan then said gratefully.

Su Zeming smiled lightly and said:"You're welcome, let's hang out together, we are all friends. If you encounter something, we should help you."

"No matter what, thank you. Tang

Xuan shook his head and said,"Can you give me your contact information?" I’ll treat you to dinner another day and thank you very much"

"No need to treat me, but what is your mobile phone number? I will call you now."Su Zeming didn't think much and exchanged phone numbers with Tang Xuan.

After getting Su Zeming's phone number, Tang Xuan was secretly happy.

Su Zeming looked at Xu Qian and said,"Okay, let's come here tonight! Let’s all go back on our own! Xu Qian, do you want to come with us?"

"Um! Xu

Qian nodded in agreement and said,"Our school is next door, so let's go back together on the way!""

Hearing Xu Qian's words, Tang Xuan felt a little envious in his heart.

Su Zeming nodded at this time and said,"Okay, let's call a taxi! The car is here, Tang Xuan Liang Yi, you go first!"

Liang Yi nodded, stepped forward, stopped a car and left.......

Then, Tang Xuan was a little reluctant and stopped a taxi to leave, leaving Su Zeming, Xu Qian and Wang Zhitao alone.

They were about to hail a taxi when suddenly several voices sounded from behind.

"Then it will be clear, then it will be clear!"

Hearing the sound, Su Zeming stopped and looked behind.

He found that it was Lu Mingyuan, Wang Zuo, and Li Zhizhangsuo. They all ran out. They saw them on the side of the road and followed them.

He watched a few people walking quickly. Coming up, Su Zeming, Wang Zhitao and Xu Qian said:"Wait a minute"


Wang Zhitao smiled.

Xu Qian smiled and said,"It's okay. Anyway, it won't be a big deal to go back a few minutes earlier or a few minutes later.""

Indeed, at this point, nothing happened for a few minutes.

Su Zeming saw Lu Mingyuan, Wang Zuo and Li Zhi Zhangsuo approaching and said,"Everyone, come out."

"Um! All come out........."

Wang Zuo let out a long breath and said:"Ze Ming, fortunately you found out early and asked Brother Ming to stop us, otherwise a group of us would have made the headlines if we came out."

"Yes, I didn't expect it to cause such a big reaction."

Li Zhi said with some fear.

Zhang Suo said:"Yes, even reporters came and took pictures of those cars! I don’t know how many people were watching."

These people, each of them is a business owner.

Their net worth is measured in tens of billions.

Moreover, they are also public figures, such as Wang Suo and Lu Mingyuan. Their fans on their blogs all started in the hundreds of thousands.

Some are called For the national husband

, there is no way

, this is very popular. If it is them, it will still have a great impact on the business at home. After all, this is the Internet age.

Wang Zuo continued:"Fortunately, you didn't let us deal with it in the nightclub. Zhao Bin, otherwise, if a large number of reporters outside see it, this matter will be big."

Zhang Suo said:"Although we are not afraid, it would be very disgusting if word spread about it and people with serious intentions added fuel to the flames........"

Lu Mingyuan looked at Su Zeming and said in surprise:"Ze Ming, have you already thought that something like that might happen outside?"

Li Zhi was shocked and said:"Ze Ming, have you guessed it a long time ago?"

When Xu Qian heard this, He also looked at Su Zeming in shock.

Wang Zhitao was slightly startled.

Su Zeming smiled bitterly and said:"Wang Zuo said you were coming, so I guessed that there would be some shock outside! But I didn't expect it to be so big. Besides, there are so many people in the nightclub, and there are so many people who want to do something in public. That's too arrogant, I asked you not to do anything on the spot, so as not to be plotted against."

Upon hearing this, Lu Mingyuan said happily:"Fortunately, I have you."

"hey-hey! Wang

Er said with a smile:"Yes, fortunately I have you, otherwise, if my old man finds out about this tomorrow, he will definitely scold me." Su

Zeming shook his head and said:"There are so many cars in front of the nightclub and it has caused such a big sensation. My dad and Uncle Wang will definitely know about it.""

"Then I'm miserable......."

Zhang Suo said with a bitter face.

Su Zeming smiled and said:"What are you afraid of? We didn't do anything. It's okay. Maybe Uncle Zhang will praise you then!"

Li Zhi smiled and said:"That's right. Anyway, it's obvious. What are we afraid of?""

"That’s right, it’s obviously there!"

Wang Zuo's eyes lit up.

There is no way. In their circle, no matter what they do, if Su Zeming is not there, they will easily get scolded.

But Su Zeming understands that even if they fight, they will be praised by their parents..

This makes them doubt their life. Are they biological?

"okay. When Su

Zeming heard this, he rolled his eyes. He had been acting as a shield for countless times, but the effect was very good every time, which made him dumbfounded.

"It's so late, we're going back first, do you still want to continue playing?"

Su Zeming smiled and said

"Of course, I have to have fun tonight."Li Zhi laughed.

"That's right, that's right......."

Zhang Suo agreed.

Wang Zuo said embarrassedly:"I went to see, not to play."

Su Zeming rolled his eyes at Wang Zuo, stretched out his hand and lowered his shoulders, and said:"Okay, you guys go and play! We are going back"

"Otherwise, I will arrange for someone to send you off. Lu Mingyuan frowned.

Su Zeming smiled and said,"No need to go to so much trouble. With us two grown men here, are you afraid of any danger?" We go back by ourselves."

He said to me, waving to a taxi on the side of the road.

The taxi stopped, Su Zeming and the others got in, and the car slowly left, heading towards Qingdao University.

About twenty minutes later, the car Arriving at the gate of Peking University,

Su Zeming and the others got off the bus.

"I go first."

Xu Qian waved to Su Zeming and the others and said


Su Zeming and Wang Zhitao waved.

After seeing Xu Qian's back leaving, Su Zeming took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was almost twelve o'clock.

And on it, there was a text message........

"I'm here. Thank you Zeming. Good night."

Su Zeming opened it and saw that this text message was a short sentence, and the person who sent it was none other than Tang Xuan. ps Please subscribe

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