If there is a slight mistake, the oil futures will plummet, and the profits obtained now may be reduced by more than half.

But what about success?

Huge profits......

As a manager of a bank's financial department, Huang Manyu has a big heart, and she yearns even more for this kind of thing.

That financial practitioner didn't want to do a peak operation, and now such an opportunity was right in front of him.

To do it or not to do it?.....

Huang Manyu fell into deep thinking.

Su Can watched Huang Manyu not moving. He smiled faintly and did not disturb Huang Manyu. Instead, he picked up a piece of crab leg.


Take a gentle bite.

The crab meat inside is particularly rich, and the taste is full of mellow flavor. When Su Can puts it in his mouth, it tastes extremely delicious.

It's delicious......

But opposite Huang Manyu, it was as if time had really stood still.

"Su Shao....."

After a while, Huang Manyu came back to her senses and looked at Su Can, her eyes, showing a look of incomparable perseverance

"What's wrong....."

Su Can wiped his hands and leaned back on the chair to look at Huang Manyu.

"How certain are you that oil futures will continue to rise in the next month?" She asked curiously.

She admired Su Can's vision very much. The two cooperations have already made HSBC a lot of money.

Both parties have made a lot of money......

There was almost nothing wrong with Su Can's vision. If he said it was going up, it would go up, and if he said it was selling, it would start to fall.......

If she hadn't been an atheist, Huang Manyu would have almost thought that she was a god. This kind of prediction ability is so amazing!!

"hundred percent....."

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu with firm eyes and said


Huang Manyu took a breath and looked at Su Can in shock. She was 100% sure. Oh my God! How can this be so high?


Huang Manyu opened her mouth with difficulty and asked

"certainly!! Su

Can replied without any doubt and smiled:"Otherwise, I would have started selling when the price doubled."

Huang Manyu thought about it and found that it was indeed the case. If the current price is at its peak, it will definitely be a difficult problem to completely sell off the more than 10 billion yuan.

Su Can wants to completely sell it out and obtain the maximum profit. The profits must be sold slowly before doubling.

Only in this way can the selling be successful.

"In this case, HSBC will have three billion in funds, and the remaining more than three billion will wait until the end."

Huang Manyu thought for a moment and said.

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu. This woman was really calm-minded. At this time, even the huge profits could not make her crazy.

On the contrary, with a delicate mind, in the current situation She was able to make a correct analysis under the circumstances. This is a very powerful woman.

Three billion was the principal of the cooperation between HSBC and Su Can. They sold out three billion first, and the rest was almost a few billion. You can make a profit of one billion in it.

Even if you lose money, you won't lose too much......

Even, to put it bluntly, if all losses are completed, HSBC will not lose this time.

HSBC has recovered its capital.....

This kind of operation is indeed very safe.......

"Thank you Mr. Su...."

Huang Manyu raised the cup in her hand and toasted to Su Can. Su Can also raised the cup in her hand and toasted to Huang Manyu.

At this time, Huang Manyu had forgotten how she wanted to launch an attack just now. Now, all that was left in her mind was how to pull chestnuts out of the fire.

It fascinated her.....

If it succeeds, Huang Manyu can help HSBC achieve the maximum profit in this oil futures.


She will become famous in one battle, not only in Hong Kong, but in the entire world and the entire oil futures market.

No one can bear to refuse this kind of thing.

Especially financial professionals like them, if any of them can succeed in this kind of operation, they will be awesome.

Su Can took a sip of wine and looked at Huang Manyu's yearning look. Su Can raised the corner of her mouth and showed a faint smile.

The more Huang Manyu takes advantage of the fire, the greater her chance of success, and the more money Su Can can earn.


The share he signed with HSBC was a gambling agreement. The higher the share he earned, the higher the share he received.

For every one percentage point increase, Su Can's share will increase by 0.2 points.

Now, in the oil futures market, the price has been about 1.5 times higher than the original price. Su Can's current share has increased by three points.

Therefore, his share is now about 60%.

Su Can's share of the money he earned from HSBC has far exceeded that of HSBC.

This is probably the first time that HSBC has cooperated with someone since its birth, and the other party has received such a high share.

This is also something that no one can imagine......

Who would have thought that oil futures would rise so high, and the current increase is more than 200% of the original price.

But Su Can thought of it perfectly

"Here, I wish Manager Huang success."Su Can raised his glass and gave a slight salute to Huang Manyu.


The crisp sound of the wine glass sounded, and Huang Manyu's beautiful big eyes fell on Su Can, looking a little angry. Her eyes were full of coquettishness!!

Looking at Su Can, there was a trace of unclear words in her eyes. Her emotions were spreading, she opened her mouth and took a big sip of the red wine in the glass.

"Thank you Mr. Su for giving me this news."

Huang Manyu exhaled like a orchid, and thanked Su Can.

The gunpowder atmosphere just now disappeared at that moment, and no breath remained at all.

"it's a win win...."

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu and said with a smile

"Then wish us a win-win situation...."

Huang Manyu smiled brightly. What she wanted was the experience of pulling chestnuts from the fire, while Su Can wanted a more generous share.

Both knew what they wanted.

So, this is a win-win opportunity

"No....."Huang Manyu looked at Su Can again, maybe we can have a win-win situation, why don't he invite me to have tea tonight... ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-Collect and recommend

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