"Okay, it’s all up to you."

Lu Mingyuan nodded when he heard Su Zeming's words.

"We'll deal with this later........."

Wang Zuo smiled and said

"Okay, just give him a few days to deal with it."Li Zhi smiled.

Zhang Suo smiled and said:"Okay, let's do it."

No matter what Su Zeming said, they would naturally not object. They all agreed to Su Zeming's plan. They should leave here first and then deal with Zhao Bin slowly later.

They all gathered together. If they wanted to deal with one person, let alone someone like Zhao Bin, they would He is a small person in his eyes.

If he were dozens of times more powerful, there would be nothing he could do.

Besides, Su Zeming is right.

If the respective families they represent are not dealt with properly, it will really affect some of the family's business.

Of course, the problem is not a big one.

But the point is that Su Zeming has taken it into consideration.

No wonder, their parents said that if they were half as capable as Su Zeming, they wouldn't be so worried.........

This sentence seems to be correct now

"Let's go! Let's go down first. There are too many people. If this continues, we won't be able to get out."

Su Zeming looked at Wang Zuo and Lu Mingyuan and said

"It's still early now, let's go somewhere else to play! I know a place that is very interesting."Li Zhi suggested

"That's right, it's only after eleven o'clock and the second half is beginning!"

Zhang Suo looked at the time and said with a smile.

"Zeming, what do you think?"

Lu Mingyuan looked at Su Zeming and said

"Go for it! I'm late, I haven't even started playing yet!"Li Zhi laughed.

Su Zeming smiled bitterly when he heard this and said,"Forget it, I won't play today. I'll ask everyone to come out and get together another day when I have time. At this point, I should go back and rest. Tomorrow morning There are still classes to go!"


Everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Then they understood that Su Zeming was a few years younger than them. Although they had graduated, they were helping the family in charge of some industries or starting a business.

However, Su Zeming was still a student.........

"Okay, let's get together if we get a chance."Lu Mingyuan nodded.

Others had no objections.

Su Zeming smiled, turned to look at Zhang Ming, Xu Qian, Wang Zhitao and others, and asked:"Brother Ming, if you have time tonight and still want to play, just follow Mingyuan. Let them play!"

Zhang Ming shook his head after hearing this and said:"No, the company needs to be established, registered and recruited tomorrow, etc. I have been very busy recently, so I won't go."

"I'm not going either. I have class tomorrow morning."

Xu Qian was a little moved. Each of these people is like this. It is rare to meet one. If you get to know someone and make connections, it would be a very good thing even for someone like her.

But when she thought about Su Zeming not going, she Got it

"I'm not going either.

Liang Yi shook his head and said,"I also have classes tomorrow.""

"I'm not going either."

When Tang Xuan saw that Su Zeming was not going, he also refused.

"I'll go back with you. We have classes tomorrow!"Wang Zhitao also shook his head, looked at Su Zeming and said


Su Zeming heard this, smiled, turned to look at Lu Mingyuan, Wang Zuo and others, and said,"You go and play! We won't go.""


Lu Mingyuan, Wang Zuo, Li Zhi and others nodded.

Wang Zuo thought for a moment and said,"My car is outside, you can drive back!" Su

Zeming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said:"I'm drunk and can't drive. What's the use of giving me a car?" We can take a taxi back"


As he spoke, Su Zeming glanced at Wang Zuo, Lu Mingyuan and others, and said with a serious expression:"You all know that you cannot drive after drinking. If you are found out about driving, you all know very well what the consequences will be, Qian. Don't show off."

Among the younger generation, only Su Zeming has the confidence to say this to the four young men of Yanjing City like Lu Mingyuan, Wang Zuo, and Zhang Suo.

Others dare to say that they can call them away with a slap.

"OK, don’t worry! We all remember it! In our circle, anyone who dares to do this is basically finished........"

Lu Mingyuan smiled and said

"The last time I drank a glass of beer, I didn't even dare to drive, so I just asked someone to take me back."Zhang Suo spread his hands and said

"Not to mention us, our dads dare not not listen to what Uncle Su said!"

Wang Zuo laughed.

"Back in Siam, I did the same thing."

Li Zhi shook his shoulders and said.

Su Can reminded his subordinates about drinking and not driving, and emphasized it repeatedly.

At first, Wang Er was drinking and driving and hit a curb. Although it was okay, the car only broke the front end of the car.

For them, if a car like this is broken, it is broken, and it doesn’t count for a lot of money.

However, when Su Can found out, he slapped Wang Eryi in the face..

It was a real beating, and Wang Er’s mouth was swollen with such intensity. Even Wang Er’s father had never beaten him like this.

However, Su Can beat him........

This matter has directly woken up everyone under my command. Third brother is serious about it, and he doesn't just care about reminding you.

After this incident happened, in the next ten years or so, no one under Su Can would dare to do this.

As for the next generation, that is, the generation after Su Zeming, Lu Mingyuan, and Wang Zuo, Su Can once again warned Lu Guoqiang, Wang Er, Zhang Qiang, and others.

No one dared to take it seriously. After all, the third brother could have slapped someone like Wang Er away.

Who dares not to take it seriously?

As a result, a curse was almost placed on Lu Mingyuan's second generation. Until now, no one dares to do this.

Anyone who commits this crime will almost always have their parents follow Su Can's lead and slap them away.

Which of them dares to offend?

"Uncle Su?"

Hearing Wang Zuo's words, Xu Qian's beautiful eyes blinked, and she instantly remembered that in the afternoon, she saw that man who looked thirty years old and had a super strong aura.

That man, standing with Su Zeming, looked like brothers. Unlike father and son, they look too young.......

Is he the one who puts a tight curse on these super rich second generations?

Xu Qian was shocked.

From this short sentence, Xu Qian once again felt the horror of Uncle Su. You must know that there are so many people here, and the industry in that family is not as powerful as that of the Xu family.

Even if Uncle Su, one of the top ten richest families in the country, speaks, they have to listen. this is too scary?

Xu Qian was once again inadvertently informed of the Su family's strength. She felt extremely shocked and was horrified in her heart.

The Su family is really awesome. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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