The car slowly opened and headed towards the city.

The airport is not too far from the city, and it’s already late in the evening, after ten o’clock........

There isn't much traffic.

If we leave it to get off work during commuting time, the traffic jam here is no less than that of Yanjing City in China in later generations.

Because the infrastructure in this country is not that good, but car prices are low and gas prices are also low. As a result, people in this city, almost all of whom have reached a certain age, have one car.

Think about it, such a large city has a population of nearly ten million, even if it has five million vehicles.

That's also a very scary thing.

Therefore, it is also called a congested city.

But at this point, not many people are willing to go out on the streets, or even drive out. As for the reason, it will be left to future generations, and those things will be known to everyone.

When the car drives down a street, it looks a little old

"Bang bang!"

Suddenly, there was a huge noise outside, which echoed through several streets.

"Third brother, guess what this is?"

Wang Er's eyes lit up and he looked at Su Can with a look on his face like a child showing off his beloved toy.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Li and Wang Rui, please don’t talk about it yet.........."

Wang Er stopped Li Xueer and Zhang Man and Wang Rui and told Su Can what the sound was.

Zhang Man shrugged helplessly.

Li Xueer stopped talking.

Wang Rui widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Su Can curiously. They were all people who had lived here for a long time, so they were no strangers.

Wang Er came to America several times and encountered this kind of thing several times, but he always passed by in a car and never got close.

I was curious at the time, but later I gradually learned about it.

From that moment on, Wang Er realized that there had never been any beacon of freedom in this world.

It turns out that the poor country is the safest and most reliable.

Because there is a group of people who carry the burden for them.

Seeing Wang Er's appearance, Su Can couldn't laugh or cry.

He thought it was his first time in America. Did he know what the sound was, and was it meant to be revealed?

However, most of what Wang Er thinks is right.

Su Can has indeed never come to America in this life, but that doesn't mean that Su Can never came here in his previous life!

In Su Can's previous life, he came here a lot of times..........

Moreover, the Internet was so developed in the past life. If you want to know the things here, it will take almost a minute or a thousand degrees.

"It's full of gunfire for free minions."

Su Can said with a hint of playfulness at the corner of his mouth.


Wang Er was dumbfounded when he heard Su Can's words. He scratched his head and realized that what the third brother said was actually right. Hasn't he never been to America?

How do you know?

The gunfire here?

But, this gun What do the words"free" and"min" in front of the sound mean?


Zhang Man couldn't help but smile when she heard Su Can's words. She looked at Su Can, her beautiful eyes widened, she was so shocked.

"Boss, your description is so right!"

Zhang Man couldn't help laughing and said

"Ha ha!"

Li Xue'er also laughed, feeling that the boss is a talent. How can this description be so appropriate!

Wang Rui couldn't help laughing and laughed.

Only Wang Er looked confused.........

The other three women basically know what Su Can means by this sentence, because they are all highly educated and have a deep understanding of American laws and rights.

Rather than those reports of later generations, which were left in China and read a few times, Tingfeng is the keyboard warrior of Yuyun, and he gets free medical treatment at every turn.

No matter what, the house will always be yours, but you don't know that as long as the house is there, you can pay taxes every year based on the bank's valuation.

Otherwise, how could there be a house for one dollar!

Because, if they don't sell those dilapidated houses, they will have to pay property tax every year, which is about 1% a year.

This tax is not a fixed price of the house.

But it changes over time. For example, if you buy a house in Wall Street now, it is worth one million US dollars.

Thirty years later, it was worth five million dollars.

Then, after those thirty years, you will have to pay the amount of tax you should pay each year based on the market value of five million US dollars.

Su Can looked at Wang Er's confused look and didn't explain much.

"Bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, several more gunshots rang out..........

"Boss, our cars have bulletproof glass, so those stray bullets will be fine!"Li Xue'er looked at Su Can and said with a smile.

From the boss's particularly wise and humorous words just now, Li Xue'er seemed to feel that the boss was not the lazy, lucky person she imagined.

Rather , he Wisdom, hidden deep.

This is a terrible person!

This is Li Xueer's understanding of Su Canxin, and she is secretly shocked. No wonder she can see the potential of SoftBank and Apple.

The boss's own strength is so powerful.

The car is very fast, Driving away from the outer neighborhoods, we arrived at the most prosperous area, and this is the real wealthy area.

The safety is much better than the place where the gunshots were fired just now.


After a few minutes, the car stopped at a splendid hotel. It was a very tall building.

At the door, you could feel the magnificence inside, like a noble palace.

And at the door of this hotel, there were several English subtitles shine in front, and those letters are combined and translated into Chinese.

Hilton Hotel.........

Yes, this magnificent hotel is the Hilton Hotel. It is the world's top hotel. Every branch it opens is five-star or above.

At this time, there was no Shelton in the country, but in later generations, there were such top-notch hotels all over the country.


The car door was opened by the doorman, and Su Can and his party quickly got out of the car.

Li Xueer ordered people to give some tips to the doormen. It is very normal to leave this here.

Su Can didn't think so. strangeness

"Boss, the room I booked is in the Shelton Hotel, which is one of the best hotels in the city."

Li Xueer was afraid that Su Can would think her arrangement was not good, so she quickly explained and told Su Can Hilton's level.

She was afraid that Su Can didn't know Sheldon's level.

Su Can didn't care about this explanation. He nodded slightly satisfied to Li Xueer.

This made the latter let out a long sigh of relief.........

It seems that I did a good job entertaining the boss. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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