"Third brother bought a private jet?"


"Third brother is so awesome!"

Wang Er was shocked and dumbfounded.

Seeing Wang Er slap himself, Su Can couldn't help laughing, shook his head helplessly, and said with a bitter smile:"Come on, get on the plane quickly!"

This private jet is the one purchased from the American real estate company. The agreement was signed years ago.

And it flew back to Xiangjiang early.

"OK! Wang

Er smiled and said,"I never thought that one day I would be able to fly on a private jet. If I go back and tell those turtles, I will probably shock them and leave them dumbfounded.""

Su Can smiled, can you sit down?

As long as you, Wang Er, follow your instructions, it will not be difficult to own your own private jet in the next twenty years.

On the contrary, it is very simple.........

However, seeing Wang Er like this, Su Can didn't tell him.

Su Can walked to the plane. At the plane's boarding gate, there were two beautiful, tall, and wearing beautiful uniforms.

"Huh! There are foreigners too!"

Wang Er was surprised. Of these two stewardesses, one has an Eastern face and the other has a Western face. They are very beautiful and have a very good figure.

Wang Er smiled and said:"Third brother, we are recruiting foreign employees.. Su

Can didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said:"Don't be poor, go up!""


Wang Er smiled, scratched his head a few times, and headed towards the plane.

Su Can looked at Zhang Man, with a helpless look in his eyes. Such a beautiful stewardess was obviously specially chosen by Zhang Man.

"Boss, all private jets in the world are equipped with beautiful flight attendants. Naturally, your private jet must not be of this level. Zhang

Man looked at Su Can and said with a faint smile:"They are all professional flight attendants. Although they have just entered this industry, their professionalism is very good. In addition to being a professional flight attendant, they also have bartending, cooking and gourmet food." Skill"

"The point is, none of them have ever had a boyfriend........."

Zhang Man looked at Su Can and continued:


When Su Can heard Zhang Man's vague hint, he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

This comic?

What is this?

If this sentence was heard by others and spread, they would think it was Su Can himself. , what special hobbies do you have?

Su Can wants to cry but has no tears!

"Let's go! board the plane!"

Su Can didn't pay attention to the burning eyes of the two people next to him. He walked towards the plane and boarded the private jet.

After getting on the plane, there was a tall and beautiful man standing on the plane. The flight attendant looked at Su Can and the others coming up, and bowed slightly to salute.

Su Can walked in, and his vision suddenly changed.

A huge bar appeared in front of Su Can. This was behind the plane. There was also some wine on the table........

Next to the bar, there is a sofa booth that can accommodate four or five people sitting there and discussing some things.

In addition, there are two rows of seats.

There are about twenty people, which can accommodate more than twenty people.

Those seats are extremely exquisite and made of genuine leather. They look extremely luxurious. Coupled with the soft lighting on the plane, they make it even more luxurious and noble.

"Boss, the seats on this private jet are all made of top-quality handmade leather sofas, which are very soft and comfortable."

Zhang Man introduced:"There are more than 20 seats like this, which can accommodate more than 20 people sitting here."

"Behind the sofa is a small bar-like counter with all kinds of wine. Next to it is a sofa booth where you can drink."

"In the back, there is the bathroom and the kitchen"

"In addition to these, there is a large bedroom and a small bedroom in the back. If it is a long-distance flight, or the boss gets sleepy during the flight, he can go to the large bedroom in the back to rest."

"The small bedroom can accommodate one or two people. Inside the large bedroom is a large bed that can accommodate five or six people. You can sleep on it as long as you like, boss........."

Zhang Man smiled slightly, looked at Su Can, and said with bright eyes


He hinted again.

When Su Can heard these words in the book, he couldn't figure out what the hint of this girl Zhang Man meant.

This guy?

Is Su Can that kind of person?

"Um!"Su Can smiled bitterly and responded with a hum.

He walked to the front and sat on the sofa booth.

After a while, the female stewardess with a Western appearance walked up to the bar and looked at Looking at Su Can, he said in fluent Cantonese:"Boss, what kind of drinks do you want to drink?""


Su Can frowned slightly.

Zhang Man smiled and said:"This is Alice. She lived in Xiangjiang since she was a child. Later she applied for a flight attendant training class, so she is proficient in Cantonese and English and is currently learning Chinese.

Su Can smiled slightly and said,"Give me a glass of red wine!""

"Okay boss, wait a moment! Alice said with a sweet smile.

After a while, Alice poured a glass of red wine for Su Can and Zhang Man, then went to ask Wang Er and others, and also poured them some drinks or various wines........

"Boss, Alice did a good job!"

Zhang Man raised the red wine glass in his hand and touched it lightly with Su Can's red wine glass. There was a crisp clang sound.

Zhang Man took a sip of red wine and looked at Su Can with eyes. asked with a smile

"Um! good!"

Su Can nodded slightly and said with a smile.

Indeed, they are indeed professionally trained flight attendants with very good professional qualities.

Not only that, in some aspects, they are much better than those flight attendants on ordinary flights, because this Alice and others , we should specialize in training flight attendants for private jets.

Such training costs more and requires better conditions.

Because, first of all, such flight attendants must be good-looking and tall before they can be selected for training.

Therefore, the conditions are quite harsh.

Zhang Man smiled slightly, drank a few more sips, looked at Su Can with a slightly mesmerized look, and said hintly:"Boss, actually you want a flight attendant like Alice. Whatever they do, they will meet the requirements of their private jet employer."

"So, boss, if you need anything, you can tell me."

Su Can looked at Zhang Man and shook his head helplessly. This girl was a little drunk. At this time, she openly teased him.........

If it wasn't in a public place, Su Can would really want to give this girl a good beating.

How could there be such a bold subordinate! ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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