"This kind of grown-up wild rabbit is very difficult to raise after being caught alive, because it is wild and difficult to tame, and people feeding it will make it not eat or drink, and would rather starve to death."

Su Can shook his head and said

"Is there such a thing?"

Huang Manyu said in shock.

Su Can nodded slightly and said with a smile:"Yes, unless they are caught since childhood and raised from childhood, they will appear tame."

"Like the rabbit in Ming Qiang's hand."

Su Can stretched out his hand, smiled, and said:"It's most suitable for drying pots."


This magical turning point made Huang Manyu stunned.

"Let's go!"

Su Can smiled, raised his watch, looked at the time, and said:"It's almost twelve o'clock. It will take two hours to get back to Yanjing City. We won't go back there to eat. We will go to the village to meet the villagers. Borrow a fire, buy a chicken or something, and we'll have lunch here!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Huang Manyu nodded slightly.

Soon, the group got into the car again and headed towards the village.

About ten minutes later, the car entered the village

"Woof woof!"

As soon as the car entered, there was a sudden sound of barking dogs.

Su Can and the others parked the car on the grain drying field in the center of the village. This kind of grain drying field started to be used more than ten years ago. Villages all over the country have such There are many grain drying grounds.

Some grain drying grounds are in the center of the village, while others are outside the village. This one is in the central area of ​​the village.

Su Can got off the car and saw many people standing in front of a dilapidated house, warming themselves and watching. Looking at them.

Seeing so many people, Su Can guessed that these people were in winter, there was no farm work, and it was snowing, so there was nothing to do.

There were no TV entertainment programs at home.

So, they all ran away When we arrived at the most lively place in the village, everyone would make a fire together and brag about this year's harvest.

This situation was very common in rural areas in China, and even at the beginning of the 21st century, many villages still had this situation.

In later generations, after smartphones became popular, this kind of contradiction became rare.

Many people stayed at home, playing with their mobile phones and watching TV. Such lively scenes in the village became less and less.

Su Can still liked it very much. This kind of scene

"How many are from the city?"

Seeing Su Can, among the crowd, an old man about sixty years old walked out, holding a dry tobacco pole in his hand and asked doubtfully.

"Yes, uncle! Su

Can nodded slightly and said with a smile:"The weather is nice today. Let's go out for fun. It's not even noon. It's too troublesome to go back to the city for lunch. We plan to borrow a stove from the villagers. If we can sell it, Just two chickens"

"Don’t worry, we’ll borrow the oil and salt club."

Su Can said with a smile.

"It doesn’t matter, of course!

The old man had a cheerful personality and said,"Let's do this!" You are all from the city, different from us mud-legged people. I will take you to Teacher Wu’s house in our village. By this time, you are probably back from get out of class."

"Thank you very much!"

Su Can cupped his hands and thanked him.

"You young man, why are you so polite? The old man waved his hand and said with a smile:"Let's go!" Come with us!"

Su Can nodded slightly, looked at Huang Manyu, Zhong Mingqiang and others, and followed the old man, followed by a few curious villagers.

Su Can didn't care.

Following the old man, Su Can said something to the old man. I know that Teacher Wu is not a local, but married into their village from outside.

He is also the only teacher in their village. Because he has gone to junior high school, he is considered a rare educated person in this era.

To teach students, It is more than enough.

After all, many rural teachers these days actually have this level of education, although their level of education is not high.

But it is this group of people who support the work of teaching and educating people in this era in China. They have trained outstanding talents one after another.

They are also the most dedicated and conscientious teachers, far behind many teachers in later generations.

Su Can has special admiration and respect for the teachers of this era.

Even if it is just a moment. In later generations, people only had a junior high school education, which was not used by larger companies when they went out to work.

However, in this era, that is a high degree of education.

After a while, Su Can and the others came to a house.

A group of people gathered outside. Looking inside the wall made of wood, you can see a very dilapidated house, similar to the house next to it.

Under the eaves of the house, there are a lot of corns and dried chili hanging in strings. Look It seems like this family is a very hard-working family.

"Is Teacher Wu at home?"

The old man shouted towards the inside.


After a while, the door opened, and a woman walked out. She was about thirty years old and an ordinary-looking woman.

"ah! It's the old village chief!"

The woman was Teacher Wu. She walked out, saw the old village chief, and said with a hearty smile.

Old village chief?

This old man is the person in charge of the village.

Su Can looked at the old village chief and smiled slightly in his heart.

"Teacher Wu, these are people who came to the city for fun. At noon, it was too far to go back to the city for dinner. They planned to borrow the cooking oil and salt from some people in our village, and the other party would give them money."

The old village chief explained

"Oh! This is a simple thing, it doesn’t cost anything, you are all customers, please come in quickly!"Teacher Wu is also a cheerful person, and he said with a generous smile.

"Big sister Chunmei?"

At this moment, Zhong Mingqiang, who was holding the wild rabbit in his hand, looked at Teacher Wu and suddenly said


When Su Can heard this, he looked at Zhong Mingqiang and found that he seemed to know this Teacher Wu.

"Huh! Do you know Teacher Wu?"

The old village chief also made a sound of surprise.

"ah! It's Brother Zhong!"At this moment, Teacher Wu also recognized Zhong Mingqiang and said with a look of great surprise on his face.

"Sorry, I didn't notice it was you, Brother Zhong."

Teacher Wu apologized quickly.

"What's going on?"

The old village chief asked in confusion.

Su Can also looked at Zhong Mingqiang.

Zhong Mingwei looked at Su Can and quickly explained:"Third brother, this Chunmei eldest sister is a brother and sister from my former class. Later, the brother Those who were killed in the south are the relics of my brothers who returned to their hometown."

"At that time, his sister was the one who hosted us, so I knew her."

When Zhong Mingqiang talked about that comrade-in-arms, there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes. It seemed that his relationship with that man was not superficial. ps Please subscribe

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