Su Can heard the call was connected and immediately spoke without waiting for the person to speak.

"Brother Su Can........"

Chu Yiyi's voice came, with a hint of excitement in her tone. In addition, she was slightly choked with sobs.

Is this girl crying?

Was it because of this phone call that you cried with excitement?


Su Can rejected this idea, but it looked more like this girl was crying just now, so her voice was hoarse and choked.


After hearing that sentence, Su Can sighed inwardly.

"Are you at home now?"

Su Can asked


Chu Yiyi on the other side of the phone was slightly startled. Why did Brother Su Can ask her if she was at home? She felt confused.

Why did Brother Su Can suddenly ask that?

At this time, shouldn't he be with Huang Manyu?

"Okay, you wait at home, I will go over now, and I will go to your place later. I must see you!" Su Can listened to Chu Yiyi's hoarse voice and was afraid that this silly girl would do something bad, so he said in a serious voice

"ah! Brother Su Can, why are you here? Just stay at home with your sister-in-law........"Chu Yiyi felt aggrieved and a little sour, and said


However, before she could finish her sentence, there was a hang-up sound on the other side of the phone.


Chu Yiyi was dumbfounded when she heard the beeping sound on the phone. She had no idea what kind of drama Su Can was going to cause.

Brother Su Can is coming?

Chu Yiyi secretly thought in her heart.

Moreover, she heard what Su Can just said. With that coercive tone, Chu Yiyi felt something was wrong in her heart.

This was the first time that Brother Su Can spoke so domineeringly to her.

However, with this kind of domineeringness, Chu Yiyi found that she really liked this feeling. , Brother Su Can feels so handsome like this......

She thought to herself.

Chu Yiyi sat on the sofa, pondered for a moment, thought for a moment, and said:"Since Brother Su Can is coming, I can't leave now. No matter what, I have to see Brother Su Can before talking.""

"Maybe she has something very important?"

Chu Yiyi originally thought about packing her luggage, leaving Yanjing City immediately, and entering into crazy work.

In this way, she could avoid the heartbreaking pain of losing Su Can.

But she didn't expect that Su Can actually called After coming over, Chu Yiyi naturally couldn't leave casually. She quickly cleaned up the house.

Over at the villa.

Su Can finished the phone call and asked Zhong Mingqiang to prepare the car.

"Third brother, the car is ready!"

After a while, Zhong Mingqiang walked in.

"Let's go! Set off!"Su Can said in a deep voice, something was wrong with Yiyi, and he had to rush over immediately to take a look.

Otherwise, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

After walking out of the hall, Su Can looked up at the second floor in the yard, and did not follow Huang Manyu. Say it, but he knows that Huang Manyu should know what he is going to do.

He really owes Huang Manyu a lot.

With such a wife, what more can a husband ask for!

Su Can quickly got in the car.........


The car started slowly and drove outside.

At the same time, on the second floor of the villa, facing the second-floor living room in the yard, Huang Manyu stood tall and stood at the window of the living room, looking down.

Because After closing the curtains, she could see the scenery in the yard, but the people in the yard couldn't see her at all.

Huang Manyu watched Su Can walk into the yard, raised her head and looked down at the second floor, although she felt a little Slightly complicated emotions.

But when she saw Su Can, she knew what this man was thinking, and she felt that it was worth it just because of that look.

It was enough!

"Su Can, being able to be with you is the happiest thing in my life! Huang Manyu gently rubbed her belly and said softly:"I feel very lucky to be able to have children for you, and I am happier than being the head of HSBC Hong Kong.""

Time passed slowly.

Su Can's car drove for almost an hour and had arrived at the community where Chu Yiyi lived. However, at this time, the sky was slightly dark. Moreover, in the evening, the sky changed and the cold wind howled. , a little cold, and there seems to be some faint traces of snow..........

Su Can got out of the car and ordered:"Mingqiang, I'm not going back today. You can drive home! Spend time with your family today and come back tomorrow.""

"Besides, it looks like it’s going to snow, so hurry up!"

Su Can ordered

"yes! Third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully after hearing this.

Su Can nodded slightly and walked towards the community. He only knew that Chu Yiyi had said that he lived in that building, about the same room.

However, this was the first time he came here.

When After Su Can stepped into the community, the sky suddenly started to fall, and pieces of sporadic snow foam fell down.

"It's going to snow again!"

Su Can looked at the weather and thought to himself.

He quickened his pace, and after seeing the building where Chu Yiyi lived, he headed up.

These days, most of these houses do not have elevators, and Chu Yiyi lives in The fifth floor, luckily it's not on the top floor!

Su Can climbed up to the fifth floor and looked at the house

"Bang bang!"

Su Can immediately knocked on the door and said,"Yiyi!"


In the house, Chu Yiyi packed her things and sat on the sofa. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door outside, followed by Su Can's voice.........

Chu Yiyi's expression became excited. Except for her eyes being a little red, she was as excited as a child.


Chu Yiyi quickly ran to the door and opened the door for Su Can.

When she saw Su Can's tall figure appearing at the door, Chu Yiyi forgot her sadness and shouted excitedly:"Brother Su Can!"


Su Can smiled slightly and walked into the room.

Chu Yiyi looked at it and was slightly surprised, and asked doubtfully:"Brother Su Can, why are you alone? Where is my sister-in-law?"

Huang Manyu didn't come?

Brother Su Can came alone?

Su Can smiled slightly and said,"Yeah! Manyu didn't come, I was the only one here, and it was my first time here."

As he said that, Su Can glanced around.

This house is considered a high-end house in this era, but the furniture here is not too precious.

Su Can glanced slightly, and suddenly focused on the corner of the living room. on a suitcase


When Su Can saw it, his heart skipped a beat, and he turned to look at Chu Yiyi.

"Brother Su Can......"

Chu Yiyi was stared at by Su Can and said a little nervously

"Are you leaving Yanjing City?"

Su Can's eyes were sharp, as if he could see through his heart, and he said in a deep voice. ps Please subscribe

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