"However, how do you deal with the relationship between Yiyi and Manyu?"

The old man looked at Su Can and finally returned to the topic and asked


Su Can paused and looked at the old man.

Now, this is a difficult problem, not to mention that Huang Manyu is pregnant now!

The old man looked at the thoughtful Su Can and said,"I think Manyu has feelings for you. Deep meaning, unwavering affection, and based on your decision"

"I'm so lucky to have such a virtuous wife"

"In addition, Manyu doesn't seem to have a big opinion against you and other women, and didn't she say last year that she could marry you without getting a certificate?"

"How about this! The old man said directly:"Simply, after you and Manyu received the certificates, you should also accept Yiyi!" Otherwise, Yiyi, you will feel sorry for me............"


Su Can was stunned when he heard this.

He really didn't expect that the old man would actually help him come up with such an idea, which made Su Can want to cry.

What is this idea?

But it seems good.

Yes. For him, both Chu Yiyi and Huang Manyu are indispensable. What if he really accepts them?

That is not impossible.

Moreover, Huang Manyu has told herself many times that she is not a sissy. A narrow-minded person wants to monopolize Su Can.

She knows that for a person as outstanding as Su Can, she cannot be his only woman no matter what.

In addition, Huang Manyu is in the entire upper class society in Xiangjiang. She has seen too many rich people, and there are several women around her.

When she wanted to be Su Can's woman, she had already been mentally prepared

"This girl wanted to bring me and Zhang Man together!"

Su Can thought of Huang Manyu deliberately leaving under the manor under Taiping Mountain to give space and opportunities to Su Can and Zhang Man.

However, nothing happened at that time.

At that time, Huang Manyu still looked at Su with a half-smile. Can, Su Can had to admit that this girl really thought about her too much.

Su Can was normal about this...........

But I was surprised by the old man’s thoughts.

Unexpectedly, the old man was so open-minded and actually persuaded Su Can to do that, which was beyond Su Can's expectation.

What a surprise.

Su Can even couldn't figure it out!

"Don’t you understand why I think so?"

The old man's face turned red. He had such a bad idea for his grandson. His old face was still a bit uneasy!

But fortunately, this was a grandson and not a granddaughter.

Su Can did not speak, but looked at the old man.

The old man said :"Because you are my grandson, not my granddaughter. How many women do you have? This is a great thing for our Su family. I hope you can open up more branches for Su Sanduo?""

"If it is a granddaughter, such as a king, if her future men dare to do this, I will break his legs with a stick."

Thinking of this, the old man became fierce.

This is obvious. Only the state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps.

The old man is just a protector.........

Su Can didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw the old man like this. This was the first time he saw the old man like this.

"It's up to you to decide how to do it, I'm just talking nonsense!"The old man continued without waiting for Su Can to speak.

"In the future, if you do this, don't say it was me who said it. If this word gets out of this room, nothing will happen to me."

"This is all what you think about."

The old man can't keep his old face. How old is he to come up with such a blind idea for his grandson? If he told it to anyone, where would he put his old face!

When he gets next to that old man, doesn't he want to lose face?

So, , these few words spoken here have reached Su Can’s ears, but when he went out, the old man didn’t recognize them at all.

This was obviously a lie.

Su Can couldn’t help laughing when he saw the old man doing this. If it weren't for the old man's eyes that stared threateningly at Su Can after he finished speaking, he would have really couldn't help it and became happy.

The old man was simply possessed by an old naughty boy.

However, the old man was also saying that Su Can was in love in the past. I worry a little too much because I am too good.

I always worry about others, such as Huang Manyu who is pregnant. At this time, Huang Manyu doesn't care and creates opportunities for him.........

So, Su Can?

What else do you need to worry about.

If your family is full of celebrities and encourages you to flutter colorful flags, even if you have such a confidante, it doesn’t matter!

Su Can thought of this, and his thoughts suddenly became clear.

He couldn't help but feel a little relaxed. Before, the heavy shackles fell on him, and the feeling of weighing as much as a thousand pounds was gone.

Now, I just feel as light as a swallow

"Grandpa, I understand, I will handle it well."

Su Can nodded slightly, smiled and said

"This is more or less the same. If a man dares to take action, there is nothing to be afraid of."The old man laughed. He could feel the change in Su Can.

And this change is for the better.

This kid has figured it out.

"I hope he can have a good future with them."The old man very much hopes that Su Can's choice will bring more and more people to Su Can and open up more branches for the Su family, he said secretly in his heart.


Su Can nodded slightly.

Now that he has figured it out, Su Can doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Just do what you have to do, but at least you have to respect Huang Manyu.........

After all, people support Su Can, and Su Can can't disrespect others.

"well! Su

Can secretly thought: It’s time to have a frank talk with Manyu.

"Let's go! The two of them are outside and have probably been chatting for a long time. Let's go out and take a look."After untying the knot in his grandson Su Can's heart, the old man felt extremely happy.

"OK, let's go out!"

Su Can smiled.

The two of them got up and walked outside.

In this study, Su Can and the old man actually talked for a long time, from talking about the last assassination incident to the story of Chu Yiyi and Huang Manyu later. Things.

This adds up to a lot of time.

The two left the study and walked into the hall

"Grandpa, Su Can, are you done talking?"

Huang Manyu was sitting in the hall. When she saw Su Can and the old man coming out, her eyebrows lit up and she quickly greeted her.


The old man nodded slightly.

Su Can smiled, but glanced slightly at the hall. At this time, Chu Yiyi's figure had disappeared, and Huang Manyu was the only one left in the hall.

Where is she?

"Um! Yiyi said something was wrong and she didn't have time to wait for you to come out. She had already left and went back. Let me say sorry to you and grandpa........."

Huang Manyu opened her mouth slightly and slowly explained. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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