"When did I say that in front of you?"

Su Can was slightly startled by Huang Manyu's words, and thought to himself.

He remembered that he had never told Huang Manyu about Chu Yiyi, let alone the attack.........

And Chu Yiyi even blocked the gun for her.

What is this girl doing?

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu and knew what Huang Manyu wanted to do.

Is this to comfort Chu Yiyi?


Chu Yiyi was slightly surprised, looked at Huang Manyu in disbelief, and said,"Brother Su Can, did you really tell me?"

"Um! Of course!"

Huang Manyu said with a smile.

Huang Manyu still has a good impression of Chu Yiyi. She is beautiful and young, with a good figure. In terms of appearance, she is naturally worthy of her man.

And seeing her simple character, Huang Manyu nodded secretly in her heart.

"Come sit here and let's chat for a while!"

Huang Manyu pointed to the seat next to her and invited Chu Yiyi to sit down.

Upon hearing this, Chu Yiyi walked to Huang Manyu and sat down.

The old man was stunned when he saw it.

What is going on?

What the old man was thinking in his heart may appear. A certain scene seemed different, and nothing like this happened.

On the contrary, Huang Manyu and Chu Yiyi got along very well.

This is.........

The old man was confused. Could it be that Huang Manyu was so generous and didn't care about her man and there were other women around her?

The old man has lived for most of his life, and this is the first time he has seen such a strange scene. The old man is a little confused.

But what if that's the case?

The old man's eyes lit up slightly and he looked at Su Can


The old man coughed a few times.

"Manyu, Yiyi."

The old man glanced at Huang Manyu and Chu Yiyi

"Grandpa, if you have anything to do, just ask me!"Huang Manyu heard the old man's words, raised her head and looked at the old man.

"Grandpa Su, please tell me!"

Chu Yiyi also asked curiously.

The old man looked at these two beautiful girls. No one of them is low in ability. She is more than enough to be his granddaughter-in-law.

But now, this situation?


The old man sighed deeply in his heart, smiled slightly and said:"I have something to tell Su Can, take him to the study at the back to have a few words!"

"The study in the back?"

Su Can was slightly stunned. What did the old man say when he took him to the room?

Can't he say it here?

But seeing the old man glaring at him, Su Can estimated that he knew what the old man was thinking.

Su Can Can spoke slowly and said:"You two will chat here for a while, and the old man and I will go to the study behind to chat for a few words!"

"OK, go ahead!"

Huang Manyu smiled sweetly and gave Su Can a look of reassurance. She would never do anything excessive to Chu Yiyi.

Su Can gave Huang Manyu a trusting look.

He knew Huang Manyu's personality, otherwise, It’s not like she secretly matched up with Zhang Man some time ago.

This girl?

Su Can also felt sorry for her.

"Take it away!"Seeing that Huang Manyu had no objection, the old man took Su Can and headed towards the back. The study was next to the backyard hall..........

The old man stood up and walked towards the back.

Su Can followed immediately.

Chu Yiyi's eyes kept falling on Su Can, and she was still reluctant to leave him until Su Can's figure disappeared.

It seemed that Chu Yiyi couldn't get enough of Su Can's figure.

I am addicted to Su Can and can't extricate myself.

Perhaps, this sentence is used to describe Chu Yiyi's state. She is really addicted to Su Can's prosperous appearance and cannot extricate herself.

Huang Manyu looked at Chu Yiyi's eyes and smiled slightly.

On the other side, Su Can and the old man walked through the hall and came to the study room next door.

It's not as warm as the hall here, it just has a heater, but wearing such clothes, it doesn't look cold.

It's just a little refreshing.

This is also because the old man hurriedly asked Su Can to come here. Otherwise, he would arrange for someone to prepare here in advance. The warmth here will definitely be as warm as the backyard hall.

The old man arrived at the study and sat down

"Take a seat first!"

The old man pointed to the seat next to him and asked Su Can to sit down.

"Thank you grandpa........."

Su Can nodded slightly.

Su Can could almost guess that the old man suddenly pulled him into the study.

Moreover, this matter is definitely related to Huang Manyu and Chu Yiyi

"Su Can!"

The old man finally spoke and said straight to the point:"How do you plan to deal with Manyu and Yiyi's affairs?"

"Although you and Manyu are already together, Yiyi's affection for you is so deep that even ordinary people can see it."

"Although this girl is not old, her feelings for you are extremely sincere. If you miss her, it will be a very big blow to her. The old man sighed and said,"

However, you already have Manyu.""

This is a deadlock.

Su Can already has Huang Manyu, but Chu Yiyi has loved Su Can from the beginning and has never changed his mind.

Who would have thought that this girl is still a little girl with pigtails? When I was young, I told Su Can that I must marry Su Can when I grow up.

Adults like them thought that the child was joking.

But, this girl took it seriously........

For more than ten years, I have been sticking to this matter. Such great perseverance even the old man is extremely moved.

"grandfather! Su

Can smiled bitterly, sighed, and said:"I know, I am indeed very sorry for Yiyi. It is my fault.""

Sometimes, being too good is not good.

Too many women like him, but it is a kind of pain. Su Can is facing such pain now. Many women around him like to love him very much.

Even, they are willing to He gave his life for it.

This made Su Can very distressed. Especially these women, all of them are so outstanding. If they were told, they would be extremely enviable.

This is even more embarrassing.

But Su Can I am also very helpless and have no choice!

When I come back again, I am destined to shine for a lifetime.

"What's more, Yiyi once saved my life in Xiangjiang and personally took a bullet for me."Su Can smiled bitterly and said slowly.

He told what happened in Xiangjiang several years ago but no one in the entire Su family knew about it.........

"What, help? Stop a bullet? what happened?"

When the old man heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and his eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and he said. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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