Now, when he asked, he didn't expect Su Can to be more direct and admit that the company was his?

This made the old man slightly stunned.........

It seems that some can't believe it

"Is Vientiane Group really yours?"

The old man confirmed again.

Su Can smiled slightly and said:"Yes, grandpa, Wanxiang Group is my industry and was founded by me."


After hearing this, the old man looked at Su Can. Although he had been prepared in his heart, his eyes showed shock.

"You really surprised grandpa!"

The old man said:"It was revealed from Xiangjiang that Mr. Su is the big boss behind this company. In addition, I asked people to check it out. Wanxiang Group was founded in 1979, and at that time, you were the first Went to Xiangjiang once........"

"Yes grandpa! Su

Can had nothing to hide at this time and said with a smile:"Wanxiang Group was indeed founded when I first went to Xiangjiang."

Huang Manyu smiled and said,"Grandpa, I was also there at that time!""

"What, you were there too?"

The old man was slightly shocked and looked at Huang Manyu.

Huang Manyu smiled sweetly and said:"Yes, grandpa, when Su Can came to Xiangjiang to develop, in fact, many of his development processes were related to me."

"I see! The old man suddenly understood and said,"No wonder you two can be together!" It turns out that we met at that time"


Huang Manyu smiled and said:"Grandpa, Su Can's capital of more than 10 million at that time has gradually grown and developed, and all the connections are clearly visible. I can prove this, so you don't have to worry.""

Su Can's heart warmed up after hearing Huang Manyu's words.

This girl?

She was afraid that the old man wouldn't believe her and thought she had done something shameful by establishing such a big company there.........

Is this an endorsement for yourself?

When Su Can heard this, he was particularly moved.

"I believe this kid Su Can! The old man smiled slightly and said:"He is a kid who doesn't know how to make money by any other means. He only does things that are fair and aboveboard.""

Su Can smiled and thought to himself: The old man knows me well.

"It is your strength that makes you so big. If you have made it so big naturally, just keep on doing it and strive to make this foundation bigger and bigger. The old man sighed, and then said:"Unfortunately, in terms of business, Grandpa can't help you with anything. You can only rely on yourself for everything.""

As he said this, the old man began to blame himself.

The road that this grandson took was unprecedented in the entire Su family. Even his ancestors had not walked on it for generations.

Therefore, he could not be of much help to Su Can.

The old man felt particularly guilty about this.

Because he couldn't help Su Can much, but he helped a lot, so the old man felt that he owed Su Can more.

This made the old man feel like there was a wall in his heart.


Su Can smiled and said:"As you said, having an elder in the family is like having a treasure. Your usual teachings are the greatest help to me.""

"Yes grandpa!"Huang Manyu heard what the old man and Su Can said, her beautiful big eyes flashed slyly, and said:"Su Can often told me about grandpa's teachings, saying that listening to grandpa's teachings since he was a child has benefited him a lot."

"Today, I am able to achieve such results, thanks to my grandfather’s many years of teaching. Huang

Manyu showed a sincere smile and said

"Ha ha!

The old man laughed and said,"Really?""

Having lived for decades, the old man is a human spirit. How could he not know that Su Can and Huang Manyu said this just to make him, an old man, happy! Therefore

, he did not expose it, otherwise he would have wasted himself. A plate of kindness from the grandson and grandson’s wife

"of course it's true!"

Su Can said with a smile.

The few of them chatted for a while, feeling very happy.

"Grandpa Su!"

At this moment, a pretty voice suddenly sounded outside the yard. Su Can heard the voice and felt it was very familiar........

That is?

Chu Yiyi’s voice?

Thinking of that girl Chu Yiyi, Su Can glanced at Huang Manyu from the corner of his eye, and suddenly felt a little bitter in his heart.

Chu Yiyi is back?

Su Can remembered that since she took the bullet for herself two years ago, she returned to Yanjing City. Later, because the group wanted to expand its business, she continued to expand its business abroad.

In the past two years, I have hardly seen Su Can.

However, from Yang Daqian, Su Can knew how well the current Chu Group was developing under the hands of Chu Yiyi.

The market value has gone from a mere few hundred million to several billion.

In just a few years, the Chu Group has developed even better than before in foreign countries. Chu Yiyi has even earned the title of"Desperate Sanniang" in the industry.

And how old was she at this time?

Only about twenty years old?

This girl, at the age of twenty, had achieved such results and worked so hard. How could Su Can not know why this girl did this?

After all, is it for yourself?

After she knew the horror of the industry under Su Can's hands, this girl always felt a little inferior when facing Su Can........

So, in the past two years, Chu Yiyi, like Desperate Sanniang, kept trying her best, for what reason?

The purpose is to be worthy of Su Can

"Is it Yiyi?"

Su Can looked at the old man and asked


The old man's face was slightly solemn.


Huang Manyu, who was next to her, quickly caught a name, and this name coincided with the name of the girl who was shot in the Maria Hospital in Hong Kong.

A past event floated in Huang Manyu's mind, She knew about it at the time, but she only knew a little bit about it. She didn't know much.

She just knew that Su Can once turned into a beauty out of anger, and the whole of Xiangjiang was shaken.

"Could it be this Yiyi?"

Huang Manyu's beautiful eyes rolled around and she secretly thought in her heart. At this time, her emotions were a little complicated. She didn't know what to say. She just pricked up her ears and listened carefully.

The old man glared at Su Can, sighed and said:"Yes, it's Yiyi. She has been back for almost half a month. She comes to see me when she has time. This girl is also a hard-working girl!"

How come the old man doesn't know about Chu Yiyi's affection for his grandson?

However, the most difficult thing in the world is nothing more than a word of love. This kind of thing is difficult for anyone to do........

And now, because his grandson is so outstanding, he is involved in such a thing, and the old man doesn’t know what to do.


At this moment, the oilcloth in front of the door was lifted by a small white hand. ps Please subscribe Please subscribe_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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