I haven't felt this way for many years.

Lei Daming remembered that the last time, ten years ago, when he just took over the Lei Group, there seemed to be a few robbers trying to kidnap him........

At that time, Lei Daming felt this way.

While in the underground parking lot, I suddenly had a premonition and struggled to escape.

Since then, Lei Daming has never felt like this again, but now, this feeling has appeared in him again.

Moreover, it is stronger than the previous time

"Could it be?"

Lei Daming was shocked and felt a little scared in his heart:"Is something more serious than last time really going to happen?"

"How can it be?"

Lei Daming was shocked.

He had a narrow escape last time, but this time the feeling was even stronger. Could this thing be more terrifying?

He was scared........

Lei Daming thought for a moment and picked up a mobile phone.

This is called Xiaomi mobile phone. It was invented by a technology company in Xiangjiang. It appeared in the Siam market last month.

Although this mobile phone is not cheap, equivalent to more than five Hong Kong dollars, it is nothing to Lei Daming.

After all, he is also the man in charge of a company with a market capitalization of hundreds of millions.

Therefore, as soon as this mobile phone entered the Siam market, he became the first batch of customers to use it in this country.

This phone is really convenient

"I have to call a few more security guards. During this period, you must protect me!"Lei Daming made a phone call.

He felt that the danger was probably robbers or the like.

Seeing that he was worth over 100 million, those people wanted to kidnap him. It was not impossible, so they wanted to increase the number of people. Security.

However, he did not know that it was of no use. The real crisis came within the company, and the entire company would face collapse or even death. However, Lei Daming did not know all this.

Time passed by slowly.

The day passed like this, and soon the next day came..........

Today is Sunday, and the stock markets in Xiangjiang or Siam are not open, but are closed. If Su Can wants to deal with the Lei Group, he has to wait until tomorrow and suddenly short the Lei Group.

For a company with a market capitalization of several hundred million, it won't take long, probably within a month or two, for Ray's Group's stock to reach its lowest point.

After all, the market value is too low.

On the contrary, yesterday, Huang Manyu checked and found that Mr. Lei, whose hair was dyed white, was rescued, returned to Xiangjiang, and called the police.

Then, the police checked it and found that there were no traces, so they finally left it alone.

Su Can was not surprised at this point.

In the vast sea, there were not many people around for such a thing. Besides, Su Can's yacht was not parked at Xiangjiang Pier.

How can I find out?

Moreover, even if it is found, it will be of no use. Su Can's energy is far beyond the imagination of that young master.


After a while, there was a sound of footsteps in the hall.

Su Can raised his head and looked up, and it was Zhong Mingqiang who walked in.

"Third brother, Mr. Zhang called just now and he has arrived at the manor down the mountain."Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can and said

"Um! Su

Can nodded slightly, looked at Huang Manyu next to him, and said with a smile:"Well Manyu, let's go!" Go see what Sun Zhengyi does......"


Huang Manyu smiled brightly.

The two got up and walked out of the hall.

The car was ready. Su Can and Huang Manyu got in the car. The car started slowly and headed towards the manor down the mountain. The reason why they were there this time Bian, it was because Sun Zhengyi was here.

When Zhang Man asked someone from Wanxiang Group to call Sun Zhengyi, Sun Zhengyi was so frightened that he booked the fastest flight that day and flew to Xiangjiang.

And today was the day he took control of Cangtian Yingluo and brought him here to plead guilty to Su Can and Zhang Man.

Zhang Man had been at the manor down the mountain for a long time, and now Sun Zhengyi had brought people there. Can and Huang Manyu got off slowly.

The car drove neither fast nor slowly. After about five minutes, the car got down to Shangxia and quickly arrived in front of the manor.

The car drove in.

As expected, there were a lot of cars parked inside the manor. car, and there were several security guards next to it


The car door opened, and Su Can and Huang Manyu got out.

"Third brother, everyone is taking the trestle by the river according to your instructions. Du Guofei, who had been waiting here for a long time, came up to greet him and said respectfully:"Mr. Zhang is also over there."........."


Su Can nodded slightly.

The reason why he was taken to the trestle by the river was because Su Can specially selected it. When he made the gambling agreement with Sun Zhengyi, it was there.

Choosing that place has a special meaning. It was profound.

I guess, needless to say, Su Can and Sun Zhengyi were pounding in their hearts and sweating after being brought there!

"Then let's go there!"

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu and smiled.

"good! Huang

Manyu smiled sweetly, and together with Su Can, they headed towards the plank road by the river. Within a few minutes, they were almost there.

After passing a bend, the sight in front of them suddenly became clear.

Su Can saw over there, Zhang Man sat on a small chair, with Sun Zhengyi standing next to him, and Cangtian Yingluo, whom he had met several times before, was tied up next to him.

As for Lu Qianshan, he didn't come.

This was Su Can's purpose. It was arranged. Nowadays, many people don’t know that Yongan Bank is also an industry owned by Su Can...........

Therefore, if we come now, Sun Zhengyi and Cangtian Yingluo will know about it.

As for bringing Huang Manyu, Su Can knew that within half a year, he would basically know that Huang Manyu was his woman.

Needless to say, everyone knows this.


Su Can and Huang Manyu stepped on the plank road and made a sound, which suddenly attracted Zhang Man, Sun Zhengyi and Cangtian Yingluo.

They all looked over.


Seeing Su Can approaching, Zhang Man immediately stood up and said respectfully to Su Can.

"Mr. Su?"

Seeing Su Can, Sun Zhengyi said in somewhat fluent Chinese.

When he first came to look for investment with Su Can, Sun Zhengyi's Chinese was still very poor, extremely lame, but now he is fluent.

Although he has a bit of an accent, he still speaks Chinese. Able to communicate normally.

He looked at Su Can and said hello quickly, but after scanning the woman next to Su Can, Sun Zhengyi's eyes suddenly widened.


Sun Zhengyi gasped, feeling extremely horrified.

It was as if a tsunami had set off, and he was completely frightened. He was stunned and in disbelief.


He was dumbfounded........

Isn't the woman next to Mr. Su the head of Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Huang Manyu?

Why is she so close to Mr. Su?

Thinking of this, a terrible idea was born in Sun Zhengyi's mind. ps please subscribe please subscribe

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