Huang Manyu and Lu Qianshan both focused on Zhang Man and looked at her curiously.

They don't know who this person is........

Zhang Man opened her mouth lightly and said,"The cherry blossoms in Cangtian are falling.""

"What, Cangtian cherry blossoms? Huang

Manyu frowned and said doubtfully.

"Who is this?"

Lu Qianshan was also stunned.

It was obvious that she had no idea who the Cangtian Yingluo Zhang Man was talking about was, and she had never even heard of her name.

When did such a person appear?

"An islander?"

Huang Manyu asked.

Listening to the name, you don't need to guess. Only island people in the world can choose names like this. Ordinary people simply can't.

"That’s right, they are from the island country!

Zhang Man nodded slightly and said:"She is the person sent by SoftBank Group to Xiangjiang. She is responsible for SoftBank Xiangjiang and even Huaxia's business.""

"In addition, this person is also responsible for contacting our Vientiane Group and wanting to seek opportunities for our Vientiane Group to invest in SoftBank Group.........."

Hearing Zhang Man's words, Lu Qianshan said with a murderous look on his face:"What? Is it Sun Zhengyi's SoftBank? Did he deliberately instigate Cangtian Yingluo to do this? If so, I will destroy the SoftBank Group in an instant Bankruptcy."

Although SoftBank's market value is now hundreds of millions of dollars, to Yong'an Bank headed by Lu Qianshan, it is just a younger brother.

If you want to deal with SoftBank, the price of SoftBank being acquired every minute

"Su Zhengyi probably doesn’t know about this! Su Can thought for a moment and said.

Huang Manyu, Zhang Man and Lu Qianshan looked at Su Can curiously.

Su Can smiled and said:"Now SoftBank Group is suffering from internal and external troubles. It cannot find investment funds from the outside and lacks internal funds." Money, the companies he invested in have collapsed one after another. Now SoftBank Group is unable to protect itself. Where does Sun Zhengyi have the time to do such a thing?"

"He is in dire straits now and is looking for investment everywhere! Zhang

Man frowned slightly and said,"Boss, could it be that Cangtian Yingluo made the decision without authorization?""

"Um! Also a possibility."

Su Can nodded.

Zhang Man nodded secretly after hearing Su Can's words. This person has been in Xiangjiang for a long time. In order to find investment, he might have done this deliberately, and he might not have deceived his boss.

"This woman is truly crazy."

Zhang Man said depressedly:"After we separated from Ship King yesterday night, she came out to see us, and she actually did this that night."

"That's pretty much it!"

Su Can nodded slightly.

As for why Cangtian Yingluo did this, Su Can didn't have a big clue.

However, he knew that it was definitely not to force him out, because the reason why Cangtian Yingluo did this was probably It's revenge......... revenge?

He, Su Can, had never had any contact with Cangtian?


Having said this, Su Can smiled and said: Of course it's just an inference. If you want to be sure, the person who revealed that I am the big boss behind the Wanxiang Group is Cangtian Yingluo. We need to verify it."

"Boss, what to do? Zhang

Man asked curiously.

Lu Qianshan said:"Boss, just give me your orders?"

Huang Manyu looked at Su Can with admiration:"How can I help?" Su

Can smiled, looked at Zhang Man, and asked:"It's very simple. During this period, Cangtian Yingluo will visit Wanxiang Group every once in a while, and I want to ask to see you!" When Zhang

Man heard this, he frowned slightly and said,"I didn't pay attention to her during this period, but when she came to Xiangjiang, she often asked to see me and visit me, but I didn't even see her."

"That’s it! When Su

Can heard this, he felt confident and said with a smile:"Ask people from the Wanxiang Group to check whether Cangtian Yingluo has gone to the Wanxiang Group to see you recently. In order to see you, I must have left the appointment contact information.""

"In the past two months, Xiaomi mobile phones have just been launched. Since she has a mobile phone, she must have left her mobile phone number there."

"If you can't find it, just call Sun Zhengyi and ask him to give you Cangtian Yingluo's mobile phone number.........."

After Su Can finished speaking, he picked up a cup of tea and took a slow sip.

"yes! If the mobile phone numbers match, it proves that this person is the mastermind behind the scenes."When Zhang Man heard this, he clapped his hands and exclaimed.

"Boss, you are really awesome."

Lu Qianshan showed the madness of a fangirl.

Huang Manyu looked at Su Can with a proud look in her eyes. This is her man. He is as smart as a monster.

Sitting on the sofa, sipping tea, he is strategizing. , the decisive victory thousands of miles away, this kind of courage and ability, no one can match it.

It’s amazing

"Boss, I'm going to call back now and talk to the people in the company and ask them to look for this appointment form."

Zhang Man excitedly took out his mobile phone.


Su Can nodded slightly.

Big companies have their own rules and regulations. Many people have to make an appointment in advance if they want to meet the leaders of big companies.

Like Cangtian Yingluo, if she went to Wanxiang Group, she would stay. Mobile phone number.

She prided herself on being smart, but she would never have thought that in some places, the clues had already been revealed and it was easy to find.

Soon, Zhang Man made a call.

"Okay, now I'm just waiting for the news over there."

Su Can looked at it, stood up, raised his hand, and looked at the time on the watch. Unconsciously, it was almost twelve o'clock..........

Huang Manyu and the others have been analyzing and reasoning for so long.

"Let’s eat first! After dinner, the news will probably be sent back there."Su Can said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll ask the kitchen to bring the food! Huang

Manyu nodded and said with a smile.


Huang Manyu and Lu Qianshan also agreed.

After a while, Huang Manyu asked the servants to serve the food. The food on the big table was very rich, about eight dishes and one soup.

The food was all home-cooked. Of course, compared to Home-cooked food is very rich compared to ordinary people.

Even ordinary people in Xiangjiang would not be able to eat such rich food during the Chinese New Year.

The six of them, including Wang Qiang and Wang Su, had these eight dishes. The soup was actually just right, and it tasted just right.

Not long after I was full, Zhang Man's phone rang.


Zhang Man looked at it and said with joy,"It's news from the company.""

Su Can nodded slightly.

Zhang Man answered immediately.

After a while, after hanging up the phone, Zhang Man looked at Su Can, nodded, and said:"Boss, it's pretty much what you thought. Cangtian Yingluo's contact information is , the previous phone number has been changed to a mobile phone number in the past month or so, and that number is exactly the phone number used to call those newspapers."

"Now that I have found the mastermind behind the scenes, I sent people to control her........"

Lu Qianshan said murderously.

Su Can shook his head:"It's different!"


Huang Manyu was startled. ps Please subscribe

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