Like later generations, one of the world's three major ore companies later went bankrupt due to the low price of iron ore and was acquired by a chaebol in an island country.

But now, Su Can wants to be one step ahead.

In the future, the world's top mineral companies must have their place........

And this determines the importance of iron ore pricing in the future. You must know how powerless the country was in iron ore negotiations in the previous life.

Because, without the right to speak, the pricing is determined by the three major iron ore companies.

That price is too high.

It is even regrettable that hundreds of billions of dollars were lost in a few years due to some industrial espionage.

In this life, Su Can stepped in and planned the situation more than ten or twenty years in advance. By then, the Chinese people would have their own power in pricing the iron ore industry.

Then, when setting the price, this price will save domestic companies more than hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

This is a matter of immeasurable merit.

As for Su Can, the reason why he did not start this industry on his own and had to get involved with the shipping king was because of the importance of Wharf shipping.

More importantly, Wharf is still a company in which Vientiane Group has a stake.

Their interests are the same, and they have joined the Ship King. After all, his business connections have been honed for most of his life.

Therefore, the network is richer.

By then, as long as they capture a world-class rich iron ore, this will undoubtedly give them a lot more confidence.

At that time, as long as there is some crisis in the three major ore companies, we will sell a lot of shorts and acquire one of the companies.

All this is perfect

"Mr. Su, are you so confident in the mainland market?"

The Ship King couldn't calm down for a long time after hearing Su Can's words. Although he felt that what Su Can said was correct, the Ship King still wanted to confirm something.

Compared with these market analysis data, it was obvious that the Ship King believed Su Can more. A word of affirmation from Chan

"Yes, I have firm confidence in the mainland market. Even the U.S. market is not as confident as the domestic market........."

Su Can spoke loudly and forcefully, one sentence at a time.

"OK, I believe you!"

Hearing Su Can's words, the Ship King also said with certainty:"Young Master Su, just tell me what you want me to do with my old bones!"

Seeing that the Ship King agreed, Zhang Man looked at his boss. I'm afraid he is the only one who can make the Ship King believe like this.

I have to say that his charisma is really too high.

Su Can Looking at the Ship King, he said:"Ship King, we plan to let Wanxiang Group invest, and Wharf will provide some funds and also participate in the establishment of a new company."

"Then, enter the iron ore industry.

The ship king nodded and said,"That's no problem!" Just tell Wharf how much money you want Wharf to pay. When Zhang

Man heard this, he felt happy. As expected, the boss said that this new industry would only be left to Wanxiang Group.

Su Can smiled and said:"In this case, let me tell you that the rules between us have been established." of subscribed funds"


The shipping king looked at Su with anticipation.

Su Can smiled and said:"I plan to have Vientiane Group invest 20 billion Xiangjiang Bi to establish this iron ore company within the next two years."

"What, 20 billion?"

Hearing Su Can's words, the Ship King was dumbfounded and looked at Su Can with his mouth open:"Young Master Su, you......sure? two hundred......100 million?"

The ship king was shocked. As soon as Su Can opened his mouth, the number made him dumbfounded..........

That’s 20 billion?

This amount of money is much higher than the market value of Wharf, plus the assets of other family industries under the Ship King.

But now, Su Can took out the money so easily.

This frightened the ship king and left him dumbfounded.

"Exactly 20 billion!"

Su Can nodded and said affirmatively.


The ship king took a breath of cold air and said in horror:"Master Su, invest 20 billion in capital into this company. This is almost the same as the market value of the world's three largest mining companies.""

"That's right!"

Su Can nodded seriously, his voice suddenly full of majesty, and said domineeringly:"In the iron ore industry, if you don't do it, it's okay. If you do, you must be the world's first-class iron ore company and control the entire industry. not only that, if possible, there is a chance to acquire one of the three major mining companies"


The Ship King was shocked when he looked at Su Can who exuded a domineering aura.

He found that his evaluation of Su Can was a complete underestimate of Su Can. Su Can's ambition far exceeded his imagination. Outside.

This man is so courageous.

Even if he is compared with Su Can, he is simply weak.

Could it be that this young man is motivated?

"Acquire one of the world's three largest mining companies?"When Zhang Man heard these words, he felt that his blood was flowing crazily.

Are you going crazy?

Are you crazy with excitement ?.........

She never expected that her boss Su Can would give her such a big surprise. This thing led by Wanxiang Group would actually be so big?

That's a certain industry, the best in the world!

As long as it acquires one of the world's three largest mining groups, Wanxiang Group will have one-third of the say in this industry.

This is equivalent to saying that a subsidiary of Wanxiang Group is that awesome? terrible!

However, Zhang Man felt his blood boiling and an excitement filled his whole body.

I almost couldn't help it and screamed with joy

"Mr. Su, compared with you, I really feel that I am old. Even when I was young, I was not one ten thousandth as courageous as you!"

Ship King said modestly.

Su Can smiled and said:"Ship King, your acquisition of Wharf shocked the whole world back then!"


Hearing Su Can's compliment, the ship king smiled modestly and said:"Where is it? Of course, Mr. Su, you have such courage, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you and enter the iron ore industry with you."

"But Mr. Su, I have a request, and I ask you to agree to it."

The Ship King took a deep breath and said

"What request?"

Su Can looked at the Ship King and was a little curious about the Ship King's request.........

The shipping king said in a deep voice:"I hope Mr. Su can allow Wharf to invest in the shares, and also allow me to invest in this newly cooperated mining company in my own name. I also hope that Mr. Su can forgive my selfishness and allow me to invest in the shares."."

With that said, the Ship King stood up and bowed deeply to Su Can. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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