The winter night falls quickly even in the south. escape garden.......

Su Can, Huang Manyu, Wang Qiang and Wang Su finished their dinner and rested for a while. He and Huang Manyu were the only ones left in the living room.

His eldest brother and Wang Su had already gone to the swimming pool in the yard.

Today, they were very curious about that. After entering the water, they had a lot of fun and had a lot of fun.

In this season, even though the temperature is as high as 20 degrees during the day, at night, it suddenly drops to 17 or 18 degrees.

Moreover, ordinary water temperatures are lower.

In addition, when the cold wind blows at night, it will definitely make people shiver even after coming out of the cold water.

However, there is no such problem in Dunyiyuan's swimming pool.

Because the swimming pool in Dunyiyuan has a swimming pool heating system. Anyone who wants to swim has to turn on this system.

The water temperature can reach temperatures in the 30s and 40s, which is similar to swimming in the summer.

So, they both got curious and went swimming.

Now, only Su Can and Huang Manyu are left in the hall.

"I have asked Zhang Man to make preparations to set up an outlying island company in the next few days, and then set up a new company in Xiangjiang to be responsible for operating private islands........."

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu sitting next to him, smiled and said

"Um! This matter is not urgent. I have already told the people in the bank that within the next month, this island will not be sold to anyone except the Wanxiang Group. Huang

Manyu said with a smile.

"hey-hey! When Su

Can heard this, he smiled faintly.

What could a couple ask for when they get a wife like this?

The two chatted for a while, and then there was a sound of a car engine outside the hall, and the bright light of the car lights illuminated the yard.

After a while, The car is parked in the garage


Zhong Mingqiang walked in from outside and saw Su Can and Huang Manyu、

"Third brother!"

Su Can came to Su Can's side, with his body half bowed, and said

"Is everything done?"Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and said lightly.

Huang Manyu next to her saw it and stood up quickly. She knew that Su Can wanted to talk to Zhong Mingqiang and left deliberately to leave them space.

Su Can looked at it, stopped Huang Manyu, and said :"Manyu, it's okay, you don't have to avoid this little thing."

When Huang Manyu heard this, her heart felt warm and sweet.

Now Su Can does many things and will not avoid her. This feeling of trust makes Huang Manyu extremely happy.........

"Instead of avoiding it, I will go upstairs and put hot water on you so that you can take a bath after you finish talking!"Huang Manyu was very smart and said tactfully.

Su Can looked at Huang Manyu and smiled, wondering what else a wife could ask for.

After saying that, Huang Manyu left the sofa and walked up to the roof.

"Third brother!"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Su Can, things went smoothly!"

"How to solve it."

Su Can was a little interested in knowing the result.

How did they deal with that gangster?

"I leave the decision of handling it to Lao Kong. This is his revenge. How to deal with it depends on what he does!"

Zhong Mingqiang said:"Lao Kong did not disappoint. He did not kill the gangster Big Jinya, but broke his limbs and made this man useless. He will live with regrets for the rest of his life."

"In addition, several small bosses under the gangster Jinya also broke one hand and one foot respectively."

"Um! good!"

Su Can really appreciates this treatment. It

's easy to let a person die, especially in this era of Xiangjiang, where societies are chaotic and various clans are fighting for each other's territory. I lived well that day, and I still have cars and beauties, but the next day If Tian Heng died on the streets, it would not be a surprise to anyone.........

As for the big gold tooth, Lao Kong's treatment was both a relief from anger and hatred.

His hands and feet were disabled, and the people he bullied in the past would definitely come to find him because of this. From now on, Golden Tooth's nightmare has come.

Hearing the praise from his third brother, Zhong Mingqiang breathed a sigh of relief.

I was really scared. The third brother blamed them for being soft-hearted, but the third brother said that it was true, that is, the third brother was particularly satisfied with this kind of treatment.

"Ming Qiang."

Su Can looked at Zhong Mingqiang and said in a serious tone:"You are a bit presumptuous now!"

"ah! Third brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang was suddenly startled. The hairs all over his body stood up. He felt like he was being stared at by a giant beast.

His waist was bent even more.

Su Can said lightly:"In the future, in If you encounter something like this, if your friend is worth doing, you can use your connections to do it. You don’t need to care about my opinion, as long as you don’t do anything that makes me dissatisfied."

"You don't have to, be careful, cautious, and take action when it's time to take action!"

Zhong Mingqiang is just too cautious. He is afraid that he will do something wrong. He does not need such a large network of contacts around him.

However, if Zhong Mingqiang is not like this, Su Can does not trust him so much.

This is true, there must be a cause.........

"Thank you, Third Brother!"

Hearing Su Can's words, Zhong Mingqiang quickly said respectfully

"Okay, you just came back, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten yet, go and ask the servants to make you something to eat."Su Can waved his hand and said.

Zhong Mingqiang said respectfully:"Third brother, I ate them all, together with Lao Kong, Lao Zheng and Da Fei."

"Okay, just eat it!"

Su Can nodded slightly.

However, seeing that Zhong Mingqiang did not leave, but stood in the same position, he said:"What's wrong? Is there anything else?"

Zhong Mingqiang raised his head, looked at Su Can and said,"Third brother, it's like this. We helped Lao Kong get revenge, and he wants to thank you personally."

"Come on, what does this have to do with me? It was you who helped. Don't take the credit on me. I don't need him to thank you. If you want to thank me, just thank you."

Su Can waved his hand and signaled Zhong Mingqiang to go down.

Zhong Mingqiang saw that he had not withdrawn and could only leave the hall.

Su Can watched Zhong Mingqiang's back disappear, raised the corner of his mouth, and showed a faint smile.

What can I say thank you for? For

Su Can, it was just a matter of effort, or something that could be solved with just one sentence.

And thank you?

He didn't need it.

However, he also knew that when he reached his status, his net worth was countless. Tens of billions, countless resources, and the people under his command are all top-notch people..........

And as long as he speaks casually to someone, it can change someone's destiny.

Even, the sky is skyrocketing. ps please subscribe please subscribe_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect and recommend

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