However, Zhong Mingqiang saw the hatred of Da Jinya. For this kind of person, he would be beaten to death instead of being killed, or he would be beaten to death with a stick.

Or, let him no longer have the ability to take revenge.

"Mingqiang, what to do! Da

Fei looked at Zhong Mingqiang, smiled and said:"As long as you ask, no matter how you do it, you can do it, even if you pour him into a cement bucket and throw him into the sea to reclaim the sea!""

Zhong Mingqiang is the person in charge of Mr. Su's security. It's hard to ask him for help. Da Fei finally got this opportunity.

Doing this will naturally satisfy Zhong Mingqiang..........

"Boss, please forgive me! Boss, please let me go! We know we were wrong."

When Da Jinya heard this, he was immediately frightened out of his mind. He kept kowtowing and admitting his mistake:"Boss, I have an eighty-year-old mother and a three-year-old child. Please spare me!"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Da Jinya without feeling pity.

He remembered what his third brother said, a man must be decisive in killing. If he says to kill you, he will kill you. If he says to break your legs, then he will break your legs.

"Lao Kong, what do you want to do?"

Zhong Mingqiang looked at Lao Kong and asked.

This is to avenge Lao Kong. This idea naturally came from Lao Kong. Zhong Mingqiang did not directly deal with the big golden tooth.

Instead, he left the decision-making power to Lao Kong. Kong.

When Lao Kong heard this, he was slightly moved. He looked at the big golden tooth, his eyes showing a trace of murderous intent. Lao Kong was also a decisive person in killing. After all, he was a man who had been on the battlefield. Moreover

, it was not that he had no weapons on his hands. human life


Seeing Zhong Mingqiang hand over the decision-making power of his life to Lao Kong, Da Jinya was so frightened that his pants were wet.

He knew very well how he dealt with the Lao Kong brothers.

If His life was entrusted to Lao Kong, and it was almost certain that he would die. This old life had no chance to survive.

Big Jinya was also cruel enough. He knelt down and hit himself hard in the face with his hand.

A slap in the face. , a crisp slap sounded, and his plump face was swollen, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

After this slap, he continued to slap him one after another.

This man is a cruel person.

"hey-hey! Big Jinya, you never imagined that you would still be here today!"Looking at the big golden tooth, Lao Kong said in a deep voice, feeling indescribable joy in his heart.

This scene is so satisfying.........

He once thought that there would be such an opportunity to take revenge, but he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

Lao Kong felt particularly comfortable. He was grateful to his brother Zhong Mingqiang.

Of course, Lao Kong also knew that the more important thing was to be grateful to the third brother. Without him, he would not be able to take revenge.

After thinking about it, Lao Kong looked at Da Jinya and said with a smile:"It would be too easy to kill such a person who does all kinds of evil."

"Forehead! What are you going to do!"

Zhong Mingqiang asked curiously.

He didn't expect that Lao Kong didn't intend to kill Da Jinya.

Da Fei was also slightly curious.

"Thank you, thank you, as long as you don’t kill me, you can do whatever you want!"Big Jinya suddenly became overjoyed and said with a smile.

He felt that he had escaped.

Lao Kong smiled and said:"It's very simple, bring me a steel rod!"

Zhong Mingqiang took a look, nodded slightly, and saw a man with a hand next to Xia Dafei. The man immediately handed over a steel rod.

After Lao Kong received it


The next second, he swung the steel rod and hit Big Jinya's arm hard. He swung it several times in a row. For a moment, the sky was full of stick shadows and hit Big Jinya hard. on the arm


There was a loud sound, and the sticks hit Da Jinya on the shoulders several times in a row, and the arm was completely disabled..........

"Ah! my hand!"

One of Da Jinya's arms was shattered, and severe pain shot through his hand. The pain was heartbreaking. He knew that his hand was useless, and he let out a cry like a slaughtering pig.


However, this is not over yet. Lao Kong did not intend to let Da Jinya go just like this. Instead, he hit his other good arm hard. The steel rod was deformed by the smash, and his The shoulders and bones were completely shattered, and the arms were completely useless.

Even if you go to the world's top orthopedic experts, it will be of no avail. They can't help the big gold tooth to be put back together.

His hands are useless. Lost


The severe pain caused Da Jinya to cry out in pain, and the cry made people shudder.

"If I kill him, it will be over. He will never feel any pain in his life. But I will destroy his hands and feet. From now on, he will not be able to lift his hands or walk his legs. I will let him live for the rest of his life. of regret."

Lao Kong said viciously:"Give me another steel rod."

The steel rod just now was completely deformed when Lao Kong destroyed Da Jinya's hands.

So, another steel rod is needed.


Seeing how cruel Lao Kong was, Da Fei couldn't help but take a few breaths of cold air.

This kind of revenge is the most terrifying thing.........

If a person's hands and feet are useless, then he is a waste, especially for people in this industry. What use can a useless person be?

And once his enemies find out, endless trouble will come.

When the time comes, it will bring endless nightmares to the big golden tooth. This is definitely a more terrifying thing than killing the big golden tooth.

The people next to him shuddered when they heard what Lao Kong said.

This man is really ruthless!

Zhong Mingqiang smiled slightly and felt that Lao Kong was right. He took another steel rod and handed it to Lao Kong, letting Lao Kong completely release the anger in his heart.

"Bang! Bang!"

Lao Kong took the steel rod, hit the big gold tooth rolling on the ground, howling in pain, and hit his kneecap hard.

This hit was aimed at the bone.

Click With a loud sound, the bones were completely shattered. Even if the Great Luo Immortal came down to earth, he would not be able to completely pick up the bones.

Anyway, the person is basically useless, with both hands and feet gone. He is afraid that his wife and children will have to run away. His wife was scattered and his family was broken up.

Lao Kong didn't show any politeness to Big Jinya's remaining leg. Following the previous steps, he hit it hard several times until the steel rod deformed, and then he stopped. Come down.

Looking at the big gold tooth rolling on the ground, everyone at the scene couldn't help but shudder, a little afraid of Zhong Mingqiang and the others.

These people are really ruthless.........

Those so-called community members who fight with others with knives would never think of doing this.

Everyone was slightly dazed. ps please subscribe please subscribe_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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